Day 7- P 71-81


1. The driver slammed on the brakes and he turned his truck around.

slam on the brakes: to make a car stop very suddenly by pressing the BRAKE very hard.


My sentence:

He slammed on the brakes when the cat popped up.

2.  I tried to trick them into leaving, but they wouldn't budge.

budge: to move or to make someone or something move

She leaned on the door, but it wouldn't budge.

My sentence:

The car is too heavy for me. I can't budge it.

3. I called Mom to tell her we were going to crash at Gramma's for the night.

crash: to stay at someone's house for the night

Can I crash at your place on Saturday night?

My sentence:

Crashing at my Jane's house every Saturday in high school was one of my most precious memory.

4.  Snake Road is scary enough on its own without having a truckload of teenagers hunting you down.

truckload: the amount that fills a truck

hunt somebody/ something down: to search for a person or animal until you catch them, especially in order to punish or kill them

The government agency was created to hunt down war criminals.

My sentence:

They made the dogs to hunt down the lost chicks.

5. I think next Halloween I‘ll just stay home and mooch some Butterfingers from the bowl Mom keeps on top of the refrigerator.

mooch: to get something by asking someone to give you it, instead of paying for it

[SYN] scrounge  ; mooch something off somebody

He tried to mooch a drink off me.

The Duke mooched the pearls off the poor to satisfy his lover.



Well, at least I was making monkey noises. Rowley was kind of making owl noises, but I guess it was the same general idea.

重点表达,模拟某种叫声 make + 事物 + noises

My sentence:

The children in the kindergarten  are all excited at the game which requires every kid act as a kind of animal. So they will make pig noises, make dog noises and even make snake noises.


So we snuck out the back door, hopped over Gramma's fence, and ran all the way to Snake Road.

逃跑的必备词:sneak out...hop to...

My sentence:

The theft looked out of the window to see if there were any passengers. Making sure safe, he quickly snuck out the window in the first floor. Hopping over the fence unsuccessfully, he made noises so that he ran all the way to his car in a hurry.


Today, I read an article written by Xiao Mai. The article stated four level in study. I can't translate them well in English, I'd like to write down my thoughts after reading it.

For example, I am interested in writing articles. But other people judged me to have no talent in writing. My article lacks logic and wonderful words. I believe that gift holds everything. But now I believe that I can improve my skills with more reading and practices. Although I may never be a master in writing, I can at least practice to do better than most others with my own efforts.

That is to say, I have no need to give up my own interest. If I want to do well in one skill, such as writing, gardening, cook, etc, I can learn it from books, teachers and other skilled people. Instead of worrying about the gift, I should firstly focus my attention on how to improve it steadily. As long as I can do it better and better, I will be closer to the higher level. Maybe I will never become the best one in the field, I can still have fun in doing it thanks to interest and love.  

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