#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #《The Orange Outlaw》

A to Z Mysteries 系列导读

     A to Z Mysteries是Ron Roy的系列侦探类童书。是恶魔奶爸学英语推荐的第二系列的阅读书单。他推行的学习方法是兴趣引导学习。从感兴趣的书籍入手更容易坚持。关于系列的详细介绍及阅读小贴士可在我的介绍篇中找到:#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #介绍篇 -


The Story Outline of "The Orange Outlaw" :

"The Orange Outlaw" is about a valuable painting missing. The painting is belong to a friend of Dink's Uncle, Forest Evan, who sent back from France and also bought an insurance for it. The stolen happened during their block party. The kids wanted to help but didn't know how until they discovered an orange hair in the room, then they tried to match the hair with different person. Later, they found the same orange hair and the snapshot of the painting in the alley, and a flyer which Dink picked up accidentally in the party helped them figure out the name of the thief. The mystery was solved, they told the police that the owner of the orangutan in the block party was the thief. The funniest part in this story, I think, is that Ruth Rose and the detectives acted a play at the end of the story in order to get the ape's hair, so that they had proofs to arrest the thief. Ruth Rose was a clever girl, she often came up with brilliant ideas. 

     我的阅读方法是:故事主线法。即抓住主线几个要素:who, what, how (几个人物?什么事或什么东西?怎么破案?)这个故事的主线就是如何找到偷走画的人。故事开始出现了几个人物,这些是作者惯用手法,埋下伏笔,我在阅读时会记下几个名字。老外的名字不好记,人物多了容易混,可以找张纸写下来,画个人物关系图也可以。这些人物都可能和故事主线有关。于是阅读的重点就是跟随三个孩子找出最可疑的那个人。抓住重点后,孩子们的日常对话一些生活小细节巴拉都可以用快进速度阅读啦。书中有个故事背景是block party, 就是欧美国家人们以街区(类同我们的小区)为单位组织的各种聚会,大多是庆祝某些节日或是娱乐性质,聚会时会做街区交通管制。




block party 街区聚会,社区派对

be crammed with 被塞满  cram 填满塞满,死记硬背

draw a lot of people 吸引很多人 (我们常用的是 draw someone's attention)

juggle 玩杂耍 juggler 杂耍人

cantaloupe 哈密瓜

orangutan 猩猩

leap 跳跃

gallope 骑马跳跃

flyer 传单

dumpster 垃圾桶

trapeze 吊架

alley 小巷

trailer 拖车

prowler 潜伏者  prowl 徘徊潜行

drape 窗帘

crook 坏蛋 骗子

in a jiffy 一会儿

glum 阴沉沉的 不开心的

curator 馆长, 管理者

primates 灵长类

Adam's apple 喉结

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