Day2, Page11-21



But I guess I must have made a pretty bigracketbecause the next thing I knew, Dad was downstairs,......

make a racket 出乱子、闹事

造句:If you left me go,I have make a big racket.


......I'm sure Dad thinks I've got ascrewloose or something.

have a screw loose有点疯癫,头脑不正常

造句:He had a screw loose when he was a young boy.

3、practically's to set people's expectations real low so you end up surprising them bypracticallydoing nothing at all.


区分:almost 属于最普通用词,practically 多用于口语,而 virtually 则相对较正式。如:

①To save money now ispracticallyimpossible. 现在要存钱几乎不可能。

②With so muchloud music, conversation wasalmostimpossible. 音乐声那么大,几乎没法交谈。

③It is difficultto find work these days, but for blind people it isvirtuallyimpossible. 现在找工作很难,而对盲人来说则几乎不可能。

造句:It's practically impossible to predict what will happen.


Rowley istechnicallymy best friend,......

adv. 严格根据法律地、严格意义上来说

造句:What you have done is technically illegal.


Rowley is technically my best friend, but that isdefinitelysubject to change.

But having Rowley around isdefinitelynot helping.


短语:definitely not 完全不会

造句:The beef in this restaurant is definitely worth eat.


1、The only reason I get out of bed at all on weekends is because eventually, I can't stand the taste of my own breath anymore.

句型:the only because......唯一的原因是......

仿写:The only reason I am doing this job is becauseprofessional correspondence.

2、I guess I kind of felt sorry for Rowley, and I decided totake him under my wing.

句型:......take sb. under my wing.是某人在我的保护下

仿写:My little sister is not in good health, so I decide totake her under my wing.


Yesterday, when I finished my English homework, I'm felt pretty good because I attended the English reading club for the first time.

Subtraction in life is what I learned from Eric. In the past, I wanted to do too much, but nothing was gained. Now I concentrate on two things: reading English book and economic exams. Although my homework will take me almost a whole afternoon, maybe it's because my foundation is too bad, But this is the second day, Who knows what will happen in future a month?


1、yell 喊叫。yell at

2、Cheerios 麦圈、脆谷乐。延伸:cheerio ①英国口语②再见、再会③祝酒词,(为你的健康)干杯

3、noogie 敲脑门

4、head up 走在前头、领头

5、gimmick 引人注意的花招、噱头

6、self-portrait 半身肖像画

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