浅析 thinkjs 实时编译实现方式

得不到总是最好 ----

在开发的thinkjs的过程中,会发现thinkjs 在开发过程中总是能够实时编译文件进入app目录,不用开发者重新reload .可以让node web开发可以和php一样方便调试.相对于纯express 或者koa来说 thinkjs 提供了更佳的开发环境.(当然express和koa本身意图也不在次).对于thinkjs 的实时编译 ,也引起我的一点兴趣.

1.think-watcher 通过setTimeout 循环检查文件,返回文件改动列表

通过查看think-watcher 源码可以得知 think-watcher 只是一个方法集


const helper = require('think-helper');
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
const debug = require('debug')('think-watcher');
const path = require('path');

 * default options
 * @type {Object}
const defaultOptions = {
  allowExts: ['js', 'es', 'ts'],
  filter: (fileInfo, options) => {
    const seps = fileInfo.file.split(path.sep);
    // filter hidden file
    const flag = seps.some(item => {
      return item[0] === '.';
    if (flag) {
      return false;
    const ext = path.extname(fileInfo.file).slice(1);
    return options.allowExts.indexOf(ext) !== -1;

 * watcher class
class Watcher {
   * constructor
   * @param {Object} options  watch options
   * @param {Function} cb callback when files changed
  constructor(options, cb) {
    assert(helper.isFunction(cb), 'callback must be a function');
    options = this.buildOptions(options);

    debug(`srcPath: ${options.srcPath}`);
    debug(`diffPath: ${options.diffPath}`);

    this.options = options;
    this.cb = cb;
    this.lastMtime = {};
   * build Options
   * @param {Object} options 
  buildOptions(options = {}) {
    if (helper.isString(options)) {
      options = {srcPath: options};
    let srcPath = options.srcPath;
    assert(srcPath, 'srcPath can not be blank');
    if (!helper.isArray(srcPath)) {
      srcPath = [srcPath];
    let diffPath = options.diffPath || [];
    if (!helper.isArray(diffPath)) {
      diffPath = [diffPath];
    options.srcPath = srcPath;
    options.diffPath = diffPath;
    if (!options.filter) {
      options.filter = defaultOptions.filter;
    if (!options.allowExts) {
      options.allowExts = defaultOptions.allowExts;
    return options;
   * get changed files
  getChangedFiles() {
    const changedFiles = [];
    const options = this.options;
    options.srcPath.forEach((srcPath, index) => {
      assert(path.isAbsolute(srcPath), 'srcPath must be an absolute path');
      const diffPath = options.diffPath[index];
      const srcFiles = helper.getdirFiles(srcPath).filter(file => {
        return options.filter({path: srcPath, file}, options);
      let diffFiles = [];
      if (diffPath) {
        diffFiles = helper.getdirFiles(diffPath).filter(file => {
          return options.filter({path: diffPath, file}, options);
        this.removeDeletedFiles(srcFiles, diffFiles, diffPath);
      srcFiles.forEach(file => {
        const mtime = fs.statSync(path.join(srcPath, file)).mtime.getTime();
        if (diffPath) {
          let diffFile = '';
          diffFiles.some(dfile => {
            if (this.removeFileExtName(dfile) === this.removeFileExtName(file)) {
              diffFile = dfile;
              return true;
          const diffFilePath = path.join(diffPath, diffFile);
          // compiled file exist
          if (diffFile && helper.isFile(diffFilePath)) {
            const diffmtime = fs.statSync(diffFilePath).mtime.getTime();
            // if compiled file mtime is after than source file, return
            if (diffmtime > mtime) {
        if (!this.lastMtime[file] || mtime > this.lastMtime[file]) {
          this.lastMtime[file] = mtime;
          changedFiles.push({path: srcPath, file});
    return changedFiles;
   * remove files in diffPath when is deleted in srcPath
   * @param {Array} srcFiles
   * @param {Array} diffFiles
   * @param {String} diffPath
  removeDeletedFiles(srcFiles, diffFiles, diffPath) {
    const srcFilesWithoutExt = srcFiles.map(file => {
      return this.removeFileExtName(file);
    diffFiles.forEach(file => {
      const fileWithoutExt = this.removeFileExtName(file);
      if (srcFilesWithoutExt.indexOf(fileWithoutExt) === -1) {
        const filepath = path.join(diffPath, file);
        if (helper.isFile(filepath)) {
   * remove file extname
   * @param {String} file
  removeFileExtName(file) {
    return file.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
   * watch files change
  watch() {
    const detectFiles = () => {
      const changedFiles = this.getChangedFiles();
      if (changedFiles.length) {
        changedFiles.forEach(item => {
          debug(`file changed: path=${item.path}, file=${item.file}`);
      setTimeout(detectFiles, this.options.interval || 100);

我们可以看到 watch方法中 汇总了各类文件变化情况 在1毫秒之类不断扫描并把执行回调函数


   * start watcher
  startWatcher() {
    const Watcher = this.options.watcher;
    if (!Watcher) return;
    const instance = new Watcher({
      srcPath: path.join(this.options.ROOT_PATH, 'src'),
      diffPath: this.options.APP_PATH
    }, fileInfo => this._watcherCallBack(fileInfo));

实例化时 传入 开发路径和编译路径 还有回调函数
执行watch方法 开始定时扫描


_watcherCallBack(fileInfo) {
    let transpiler = this.options.transpiler;
    if (transpiler) {
      if (!helper.isArray(transpiler)) {
        transpiler = [transpiler];
      const ret = transpiler[0]({
        srcPath: fileInfo.path,
        outPath: this.options.APP_PATH,
        file: fileInfo.file,
        options: transpiler[1]
      if (helper.isError(ret)) {
        return false;
      if (think.logger) {
        think.logger.info(`transpile file ${fileInfo.file} success`);
    // reload all workers
    if (this.masterInstance) {

其实thinkjs 处理方式还是比较低级.
..前面传入了所有的文件改变的列表 其实最终还是重新启动了所有work进程....

扩展:希望明后两天可以整合一下think-watcher和express... thinkjs 不错 只是文档太栏,也不如express轻便,如果express能够提供一个更加舒适的开发环境 是不是会更好呢?


你可能感兴趣的:(浅析 thinkjs 实时编译实现方式)