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美国应该提交 ATM 区块链专利申请书
美国银行已向美国专利及商标局(USPTO)申请一项关于提供区块链 ATM 服务的专利。该行欲使用区块链技术来提高 ATM 交易的速度,以及提供其他服务,如礼品登记交易等。此外,客户也可以通过这项技术办理其它银行所属 ATM 提供的银行业务。美国银行称其为一个兼具强大的加密能力和安全性的数据传输层。目前,美国银行已申请超过50个区块链相关专利。
Bank of America Files Blockchain Patent For ATMs
The Bank of America has filed a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to offer ATM as a service using Blockchain. BoA intends to use blockchain to accelerate transaction speed in ATMs, and enable other services such as gift registry transactions. Also, it could enable customers to access banking services in ATMs owned by other banks. Bank of America describes it as a robust data transfer layer with strong encryption and security. BoA has filed more than 50 blockchain-related patents.
早在2018年9月,意大利经济发展部(MISE)曾向区块链和人工智能专家发出呼吁,希望他们成为引领意大利区块链发展的先锋团队的一员。今日,MISE公布所选专家名单,其中包括GNVGL的全球数字化转型负责人 Renato Grottola,他也是唯链(VeChain VET)官方指导委员会的成员。
Italian Ministry of Economic Development Releases List of its 30 Blockchain Experts
Back in September of 2018, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) put out a call for blockchain and artificial intelligence experts that wished to be part of the team that would spearhead blockchain development in Italy. Today, MISE released the list of the chosen experts, which includes Renato Grottola, the Global Digital transformation Director at DNVGL and a member of the official VeChain (VET) steering committee.
FOTA 正式上线欧式比特币和以太坊的ATM期权
FOTA.com是一家数字货币衍生品交易平台,该平台于本月早些时候上线。本日,该公司上线了欧式 BTC 和 ETH 的 ATM 期权(At-the-Money Option,也即平值期权)。平值期权是指期权的行权价格等于标的币的市场价格。该公司还表示,将陆续上线 OTM 期权和GAMMA期权等新类型数字货币期权产品,为用户提供越来越多的对冲风险套期保值和增加更多收益的产品选择。此外,FOTA也于今日发布了其安卓和 iOS 客户端。
FOTA Releases European ATM Options for BTC and ETH
FOTA.com is a digital currency derivative trading platform that went live earlier this month. Today, the organization launched markets in European ATM (at the money) options towards BTC and ETH. The ATM option’s strike price is equal to the spot market price of the underlying coin. The firm also announced that it would roll out an OTM option, GAMMA option, and other cryptocurrency options soon to provide more risk hedging and profit gaining options. Additionally, FOTA released both Android and iOS versions of its platform today.
National Bank of Kuwait Launches Ripple-Based Cross-Border Payments Product
The National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) has launched a cross-border remittance product based on RippleNet’s blockchain technology, according to an announcement published Dec. 27. It is the first financial establishment in Kuwait to implement a remittance product, for international live payments based on RippleNet’s blockchain technology.The service will also be available in Jordan .
荷兰加密货币公司 Libereum 收购西班牙足球俱乐部 Elche CF
据荷兰加密货币公司 Libereum 官网 26日 发布的新闻稿称,该公司以 490 万美元的价格收购了西班牙足球俱乐部 Elche CF。这家加密公司有着收购一系列国际足球俱乐部并将其 ERC 20 代币,也即 Liber,设定为这些俱乐部场馆的强制性付款方式 的雄伟大目标。此次收购标志着该公司迈出了实现目标的第一步。
Dutch Crypto Firm Libereum Acquires Spanish Soccer Club Elche CF
Dutch crypto firm Libereum has acquired Spanish soccer club Elche CF for $4.9 million, according to a press release published to the Libereum website Dec. 26. The acquisition marks the first step in the crypto company’s ambitions to purchase a set of international soccer clubs and make its ERC20 token, Liber, a mandatory form of payment in the stadiums of those clubs it owns.
Chris Burniske
One of the biggest scams in crypto is the number of people that call non-scams, scams.
“Scam” is so overused in crypto that it’s lost all meaning & confuses the broader public, to the detriment of all cryptoassets.
Scam = a dishonest scheme. Just because something appears naive or foolish in retrospect, does not mean the original intent was dishonest.
Most new things turn out in retrospect to have had foolish components, teaching lessons to the entity that attempted the “new thing.”
Every child goes through this process, but that doesn’t mean every child is a scam artist.
Use the word scam where dishonest intent actually applies, and it will protect crypto more. Same with Ponzi, per that word’s technical definition.
Don’t use the words because you have a vested interest or are too lazy to expand your vocabulary.
谢谢 Paul Vigna 在我说出“全世界都是庞氏骗子”的时候把我点醒。他说从该词的实际意思来讲,这样用是不准确的,会误导别人使用这个词,从而引发了我的反思。
Thanks to @paulvigna for calling me out once when I said, “The whole world’s a Ponzi.” He pointed out it was inaccurate wrt the actual meaning of the word, and therefore misleading to use, provoking the above reflection^
Eric Conner
It’s amazing how many crypto projects have false narratives to justify their existence.
LTC...not a faster Bitcoin
EOS...not decentralized
ETC...not immutable
BCH...not scalable
TRX...copy and paste here
XRP...not a cryptocurrency
Mihailo Bjelic
Fiat is a scam.
Ethereum is a scam.
Altcoins are a scam.
Life is a scam.
Scams are a scam.
What scam did I miss?
Peter McCormack
加密博客What Bitcoin Did制作人
7.不要太计较 Tottenham 那些蠢货
New year resolution planning:
1. No more shitcoins
2. Accumulate Bitcoin
3. Launch side gig
4. Get girlfriend
5. Don’t annoy new girlfriend
6. Keep girlfriend
7. Go easy on Tottenham morons
8. Destroy Ripplecoin
9. Get cooler than son
10. Learn to play guitar
Tuur Demeester
Adamant 资本创始人
I've been working on an Ethereum tweet storm, explaining why I'm so passionate about airing my criticisms, and what they are exactly.
Analysts / developers who want to see the draft, please send me a PM. (Forgive me for ignoring comments from people I don't know.)
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