读书笔记0222《光荣与梦想-The glory and the dream》

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On the other hand, she was expected to defer to her husband; at the altar she had sworn “to love, honor, and obey him.” Her activities in public were circumscribed by convention. A middle-class lady could neither smoke on the street nor appear with hair curlers.

这里的defer:yield to another's wish or opinion,不是延期,而是遵从。


In the winter of 1932–33 a young middle-class boy wore, almost as a uniform, a sheepskin-lined tan cloth coat, a knitted hat, corduroy knickers, and high-cut lace-up boots with a small pocket on the side of one of them for a jackknife. (In summer time he wore short pants and Keds.) If he was lucky, he owned a Ranger 28-inch-wheel bike with a coaster brake and cushion tires, the tires protected by Neverleak and the whole locked, when not in use, by a $1.50 slip-shackle padlock.


The times being what they were, he was very much aware of money and what it bought. A nickel would bring a three-flavored cake of brick ice cream, a Horton’s Dixie Cup, a candy bar, a loaf of bread, a local telephone call, a cup of coffee, or a copy of the Saturday Evening Post, Collier’s, or Liberty.For a penny you could get candy, a pencil, a postcard, a pad of paper, a glass marble, or your best friend’s thoughts.


FDR’s genial, vague, not-my-problem attitude seemed irresponsible.

not-my-problem attitude 是不是很熟悉?事不关己

America’s patience was running out.

running out 耐心耗尽

Now that Michigan’s banks had fallen, the daily outflow of gold from the rest of the country’s banks abruptly jumped to 37 million; currency withdrawals to 122 million. Banks everywhere were swarming with breathless depositors taking out cash—in the Bronx a young mother rented her baby, at twenty-five cents a trip, to women who used it to claim preference at the head of withdrawal lines. During the week of February 20, while both houses of Congress were whooping through Prohibition repeal, the Baltimore Trust Company paid out 13 million dollars, nearly half of it on Friday. Late Friday night Governor Albert C. Ritchie declared a holiday for Maryland’s two hundred banks. The second state had gone under.

outflow黄金外流严重。swarming 蜂拥 breathless 来形容。whoop 大喊 

Michigan’s plight had been especially aggravated by plunging real estate values, but the problem was nationwide.

plight a situation from which extrication is difficult especially 苦难,困境。被房地产暴跌拖累,然而全国都是这个问题。

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