

Suspension bridge 吊桥

Stand sb. Up  放某人的鸽子

Silver lining 一线生机

Got ripped off 被欺诈;被杀猪了

Taken aback= be startled=be shocked=be surprised  惊讶

The other day 前几天(中的某一天)

I was/am more than prepared. 我已成竹在胸。

fair-weather friends 酒肉朋友;可共安乐而不能共患难的朋友

be ostracized by sb. 被。。。排除;孤立

by and large  总体上;总的来说

silver lining 一线生机

hit the road 上路;

hit the ceiling 勃然大怒

be immersed in 陷于,沉浸于=be addicted to sth. 沉浸于=be buried in sth.

=be devoted to sth.奉献于

apply for 申请

beat around the bush 绕弯子

cut the crap 少扯淡

get to the point 直奔主题

roll up one's sleeves 准备战斗;准备大干

fit in with the society  适应社会

by virtue of 凭借;由于

commuter train 市郊往返列车

vending machine 自动贩卖机,自动售货机

heed the advice of someone 听取某人的建议; 听从某人的建议;

heed one’s advice听取某人的建议; 听从某人的建议;=take one’s advice

travel light 轻装上阵

shack up with sb. 与。。。。同居

contact lens 隐形眼镜=wear contact lens戴隐形眼镜

endeavor to do sth. = in an endeavor to do sth. 努力去做某事

follow up 跟踪;坚持完成

be detrimental to sth. 某事对。。。是有害的

hold a grudge against sb. 对。。怀恨在心;对。。。怨恨

have a blast=have a really good time 玩得很开心

Stop beating around the bush. 别绕弯子了。

Specialty shop专卖店;特色商店

That’s a drag. 那真糟糕。=That’s terrible.

He always blows hot and cold.他经常摇摆不定,喜怒无常;

Blow one’s own trumpet 自吹自擂

He is just blowing his own trumpet. 他只是在自吹自擂而已。

Be all ears 全神贯注地听 He is all ears.他听地很认真。

Walking dictionary 活字典

Put up with=come to terms with 忍受;

When it comes to…涉及到。。。

Red-letter day重要的或值得纪念的日子

We were all packed like sardines. 拥挤得象沙丁鱼罐头一样;装得极满的;过于拥挤的

Dear John letter 绝交信

Easy come, easy go. 来得快,去得也快。

Face the music勇敢地面对困难;接受应得的惩罚

Drop sb. a line 写信给某人

Break the ice 打破沉默

Born with a silver in one’s mouth 出生在富贵人家

Silver lining 一线生机

Be around the corner 即将来临

Account for说明….的原因;占…比例

Be diagnosed with sth. 被。。诊断出得了。。。

Get things off one’s chest 倾述某事;

If there is anything that you want to get off your chest, I’ll be there.


hold your horses 别急;耐心点;

under the rose 秘密地;私下地   I just wanna be/go underthe rose.

go public 公开  I don’t wanna go public. 我不想公开。

specialty shop专卖店

third wheel电灯泡 Idon’t want to be a third wheel.我不想当电灯泡。

hit the books 复习功课;看书 You‘d better hit the books.你最好开始复习了。

from A to Z 从头到尾; I know that from A to Z. 我很了解那件事情。

set one’s mind onsth./doing sth.决心想要做某事;一心想做某事

embarrassing situation:overpromising,underdeliverinig 过多承诺;无法兑现

honest mistake  无心之过

a lost cause 注定要失败的努力(或行动)

a short notice 临时通知

an honest mistake 无心之过

stand sb. up 放某人鸽子

user-friendly 容易使用的

around the corner在拐角处;即将来临

cram for exams 临时抱佛脚;填鸭式地学习;死记硬背

long face 闷闷不乐;不悦的脸色

for the time being 暂时;现在

so to speak 打个譬喻说;可以说

white lie 善意的谎言

an easy mark 易受骗的人

hit the books 应该看书;认真学习

slack off 偷懒;放松

cut me some slack 放我一马

hold your horses=be patient耐心点

step on it =hurry up快点

do aerobics 做有氧运动

OCD=obsessive compulsive disorder 强迫症

Convenience shop便利店

Housewarming present/giftn.乔迁庆宴;乔迁之喜的礼物;

Hands-on experiences 亲身经历的;亲身实践的    based on hands-onexperience

Put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读

Needless to say 不用说;无可厚非

late-lying snow 经久不化的雪;

take sth. Into account=take sth.into consideration  考虑某事; 顾及到某事

get weary of sth. 厌倦某事   I am get weary of working.  我快厌倦工作了。

be particular about 对….挑剔

be wary of =be careful about =watch out for 对….小心

do a lot of listening 听得很多(形容人懂得聆听)

do a lot of talking 说得很多(形容人很碎烦)

make something good out of something bad 想法设法把坏的事情变成好的事情

have a knack for learning English 对学习英语有技巧;

take a detour 绕道而行;

try out for 竞争;参加选拔

eye-opening ['ai,əupəniŋ] adj. 令人瞠目的;使人开眼界的;有启发性的

make sense of sth. =understand 理解;弄懂;

familiarize sb. with sth. 使某人熟悉某物

sth. is familiar to sb. 对某人来说熟悉;

to look for a scapegoat  寻找替罪羊/背黑锅

to make a scapegoat out of sb. 使某人成为替罪羊

make sense 说得通;能够理解;有道理

lip service 表面文章;空口的应酬话

make a  big fuss 大惊小怪;

hands-on experiences 亲身经历

when it comes to 说到;提及;=as regards sth. 涉及;关于某事

find a sugar daddy 傍大款

for the purpose of sth. 考虑到某事;处于对某事的考虑

on purpose 故意地;I came here on purpose to see u. 我是特地来看你的。

stand little chance of doing 没有成功做某事的希望;

got ripped off  被杀猪了;

date someone on the other side 脚踏两只船

for the benefit of both of us 为了彼此的好;

sleep-deprived  缺少睡眠的;

sleep in 睡过头;睡懒觉;

sleep inertia  睡后迟钝; inertia [ɪ'nɜːʃə] n. [力] 惯性;惰性,迟钝;不活动

supporting materials/complementary materials  辅助材料

There is nothing to brag about. 没什么可炫耀的。

I have been back and forth. 我很纠结。

Maternity leave 产假 take a maternity leave  请产假

user-friendly=convenient to use 容易使用;

eat like a bird 形容吃得很少;

a lost cause 注定会失败的努力(或行动)

I can eat a horse.我可以吃下一头马;形容很饿。

On the go= very active or busy 很忙;

He has been on the go recently. 他最近很忙。

You get the sense that…你会觉得…..

Sell sb. out=betray sb. 出卖某人

Get grounded 被禁足=notallowed to go out

Luck out 踩狗屎运了

Every now and then 时不时地

Once in a while  偶尔;有时;

A lost cause 注定要失败的努力(或行动)

Realize one’s goal/dream 实现目标/梦想

Regardless of sth.不管;不顾

Pet phrase  口头禅  pet 宠物;喜爱的

Pep talk 鼓舞士气(人心)的话

Form(have) the habit of doing sth. 养成(有)…..的习惯

Jump at the opportunity 抓住了机会;

Jump to the opportunity 冲向了这个机会(不知道得没得到)

The city has bred a particular type of people-smart,…..这个城市滋生了。。这么一批特殊的人。

In one’s early/latethirties  在某人三十出头/接近40的时候

如:He is in his late fifties. 他快60了。

scratch the surface of sth. 对。。。略懂皮毛

just a scratch of the surface 仅仅是略懂皮毛而已

in denial 否认;拒绝接受现实;拒绝承认出了问题

如:Many females want to have a sugar daddy, but most of them are indenial.

A side issue 次要问题     反义词:priority

Aim at sth./doing sth. 旨在

Self-drive trip 自驾游

Take turns to do sth.轮流去做某事

Take turns doing sth. 正在轮流做某事

a lost cause 注定会失败的事

vending machine 自动贩卖机

place a rush order online 紧急订单;

be reluctant to do sth. 不情愿做某事

hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事

do sth. without hesitation 毫不犹豫决定了

nerve-racking 伤脑筋的

it was  a total bust. 完全的失败。

staycation 居家旅行(待在同一个城市,但是住在宾馆)

Over promise, under deliver.言而无信

You bet!当然

Pull over 路边停一下。

Lose the integrity of emotions 失去了情感(的完整性)

Have a blast 玩的尽兴。

Bittersweet memories 苦乐参半的记忆

Honey-lipped 擅长甜言蜜语

Perish the thought =drop the idea 打消了念头

I am not quite myself today. 我今天不在状态。

A Checking account 活期账户

A savings account 储蓄账户

Share happiness and sorrow with sb.同甘共苦

Mild laundry detergent 温和洗涤剂

Strong detergent 强效洗涤剂

Social networking sites 社交网站

Lose the integrity of emotions 失去了情感的完整性

Misery loves company. 同病相怜。

Unlearn what you have learned 放弃你所学的

Center on 以。。。为中心

Start empty-handed 白手起家

Start from scratch 白手起家

From Rags to riches 白手起家

Short notice [uc] 仓促通知=at the last minute 在最后一刻

They  tailgate you, rubberneckand cause accidents. 他们开车紧跟着你,东张西望,造成交通事故。

a burning desire to do sth. 燃烧的欲望做某事

a side business 副业

make/have a breakthrough 有了新突破

Days and weekends blurred together. 工作日和周末已经分辨不清。

Sleep-deprived 缺乏睡眠的

Hands-on experiences亲身经历;

Nurses provide hands-on care to patients.


the must-know cons of sth.必须知道的某物的坏处/不足

take a detour绕道而行


you are short-staffed.人手短缺的;人员不足的short-handed

a 9-5 job一个朝九晚五的工作

24/7=24 hours a day, 7 days a week全天候提供服务的意思

around the clock日以继夜地,连续一整天


a person with all-around abilities全面型人才;

hands-on experiences实战经验

carry a lot of things all the way to thedestination把东西一直带到终点;

cut sb. some slack放某人一马

Stop slacking off. Start hitting the books.


Free riders搭便车者;搭便车;免费搭车者;搭便车(可以是引申意:自己不努力,靠别人的人)

Take a rain check下次吧以后再说

Be particular about sth.对。。。很挑剔

Be picky about sth.对。。很挑剔

Fair-weather friends酒肉朋友;

Take a shortcut走捷径

Take a detour绕道而行

an amateur photographer业余摄影师

with a clear conscience问心无愧

We are (all) packed like sardines.拥挤不堪;挤挤插插;拥挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼,挤得满满的

Never take a detour从来不会绕道;

Take a shortcut走捷径

Hail a car叫车

Car-hailing apps叫车软件;

Save the trouble of wrestling with others tohail a taxi省掉麻烦努力去打车

The alarm clock goes off.闹钟响起来了。

In the middle of sth.正在做。。。某事。正在。。的时候;

Join the battle against sb.参与对抗。。。的战斗

He is probably up to something.他肯定在密谋某事。

No offense.没有冒犯的意思;Non taken.没有在意;

Scuba diving戴呼吸器潜水

High-end products高档产品

High-end products such as jewelry, bags andaccessories类似于珠宝,包包,装饰品的高档产品

A big feast for the eyes一场视觉盛宴;

Design one’s life设计某人的生活

How to chart a path to financial self-sufficiency如何制定一条通往财务自足的道路

My smartphone is chirping all the time.我的手机一直啾啾在叫。

My smart phone is buzzing almost nonstop.我的手机嗡嗡叫不停。

You will feel anxious, at loose ends.你会焦虑,无所适从。

at loose ends无所适从;处于杂乱的状态;没有事做;

Finders keepers.谁捡到,归谁所有;

Constant connection= being constantly connected一直处于与外界联系着的

I am not a big fan of constant connection.我不喜欢(通过手机登)一直与外界联系

Nonstop= all the time一直;持续不断;

when i was doing my homework, my phone was chirping/buzzing non-stop.

You never know what life has in store for you.


