






5、更深入地挖掘多样性和包容性:组织逐渐意识到,必须加强对各层面的关注,以创建一个持续输送包括女性、有色人种、残疾人和LGBTQ员工在内的各种人才管道。为了衡量进展,许多组织已经开始使用申请人跟踪系统来找出少数族裔申请人被雇佣的比例。此外,各组织还更加关注保留多元化员工群体。许多公司使用“D&I诊断”(Diversity & Inclusion,多元化和包容性)来帮助解决员工离职的根本问题,以及如何扭转这种趋势。


7、这真的是一个头衔?许多行业都出现了新的角色和头衔,以满足不断变化的组织战略。从高管的角度来看,包括医疗保健、金融和零售在内的许多行业正在创建首席体验官角色。另一个新兴的高管职位是首席转型官,通常在兼并和收购期间负责变革管理计划。其他越来越流行的头衔包括“首席幸福官”(chief happiness officer)、“首席人才官”(chiefpeople officer)、“数据牧人”(data wrangler)、“法律忍者”(legal ninja)和“客户关系倡导者”(customer relations advocate)。





(Dec.19,2018,/staffingindustry.com/)Several factors — including an incredibly tight labor market and the massiveinflux of data — are affecting the way HR professionals and talent acquisitionleaders do their jobs, according to executive search firm Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY). The company identified 10 key emerging trends in the HR and talent spacein its Emerging Global Talent Trends for 2019 report. The list is based oninput from talent acquisition, development and compensation experts worldwide.

The trends, in no particular order,include:

(Don’t) Mind the Gap! : The stigma oftaking time off between jobs is fading. Tactics to reach professionals who havebeen out of the workforce include targeted proactive sourcing, talentcommunities, workshops, customized landing pages and microsites, alumninetworks for those who have left the company and may consider returning, and“buddy” systems for effective onboarding.

Making artificial intelligence more“intelligent”: Left unchecked, artificial intelligence could undermine recentefforts to boost diversity. In the beginning of the recruiting process, careshould be taken when drafting job descriptions to ensure that they are gender-,race- and age-neutral. And even when résumés are anonymized, AI can still oftenembed gender biases. AI needs to be trained to look more for the skills neededfor a specific role, such as the ability to program specific computer codes,instead of focusing on subjective modifiers (e.g., “collaborative” or “toughtask master”) that may have gender bias.

Personalized pay: Go ahead, we’relistening: In order to understand the differences in what might incentivize onegroup, such as millennials, from another group, such as baby boomers,organizations are beginning to listen to employees. They are able to tailorrewards packages, offering different mixes of pay, flex time, paid time off,international assignments, student loan repayment, etc. This turns the pay andrewards discussion from a company communicating with the entire employeepopulation to a one-to-one discussion with employees.

Rethinking the annual performance review:Even if the employee does not have a long tenure, ongoing feedback will helpthem learn, stay engaged and create an employer value proposition to helpattract future employees.

Digging deeper into the diversity andinclusion pipeline: Organizations are more readily seeing that there has to bean increased focus across all levels of an organization to create an ongoingpipeline of diverse talent, including women, people of color, disabled personsand LGBTQ employees. To measure their progress, many organizations have begunusing applicant tracking systems to find out what percentage of minorityapplicants were hired. In addition, organizations are having an added focus onthe retention of a diverse employee base. Many are using a “D&I diagnostic”that helps get to the root problem of why employees are leaving and what can bedone to reverse the trend.

How are we doing? Technology is allowingfor real-time feedback from candidates about their experiences during therecruiting cycle. With the data, they can amend recruiting practices, includingspecific job requirements and interactions with candidates, to successfullyhire the best people.

That’s really a title? : New roles andtitles are emerging across many industries to meet the changing strategies oforganizations. From an executive perspective, many industries, includinghealthcare, finance and retail, are creating chief experience officer roles.Another emerging C-suite title is chief transformation officer, who is usuallytasked with change management initiatives, often during times of mergers andacquisitions. Other titles becoming more prevalent include chief happinessofficer, chief people officer, data wrangler, legal ninja and customerrelations advocate.

Talent analytics becoming just as importantas business analytics: Increasingly, analytics that look at the talentlandscape in specific markets, including competition for and availability ofqualified talent in one city or region, as well as compensation norms, arecoming into play in tandem with business analytics to create the mosteffective, sustainable approach.

Talking talent holistically, from hire toretire: There is a trend toward a more foundational, data-centric approach thatcreates actionable insights from an organizational, team and individualperspective. This foundation is informed by data from talent acquisition,assessment, development, organizational structure and compensation functions.This enables a calibrated approach to talent that is tightly linked to businessoutcomes.

Balancing act: Managing short-term hiringneeds with long-term business goals: Many organizations are outsourcing theirhiring efforts to providers that often have two teams working on their behalf:a day-to-day operations team and an account management team that analyzesongoing business and technology trends to plan for the future.

