





关于本书的来源,乃是baby myself在某日白天的睡梦中梦到的。尽管我睡了将近13小时,但我只能大概还原原书的序和主要内容,只有不时穿插于章节中的erotic成分使我excited such that I can hardly forget ever。原序大致如下:

“Going down may oftentime be regard as a topic of personal issue on books of success(nowadays here and there), sometimes discussed in social science, even seen in a philosophical book. It is a wide range issue such that people can easily neglect the mathematical principles which it based on.

Oftentime economists take the laziness of labor into consideration when it involves the analysis of productivity and the execution of social responsibilities. They reveal the the humanity occasionally with blurry words which they feel shamed even to mention it, while I have to show my sympathy for their view of it as something bad, or property of individuals. Hence hardly ever have we heard the research about this unspeakable laziness issue in other field. Is this the collective laziness of the all academics?

This book will not discuss how we blame and cure the the laziness of people, but the measures and the mathematical principles it based on.

by auther Eno Emas Izal”


绪论 相关数学规定

力学符号F=force, 原动力motivation or here is "original force"

功P=power, 能量E=energy



第一章 懒惰是科学发展的原动力

F=aL, a为懒惰系数(可以为数值或矩阵),F为懒惰力,根据牛顿相互作用力,F=-F,我们can explain this as "懒惰力越强,对社会的推动力越大"

第二章 只有睡觉和吃饭的人生才叫极简主义

第三章 地球和熊猫都是roll啊roll的

第四章 堕落带来的巨大商业价值

第五章 堕落是“把面包喂入他人嘴中”

第六章 堕落的量化分析

第七章 堕落几个重要性质

第八章 二元一次堕落

第九章 堕落的解析几何表达式

第十章 堕落的矩阵计算

第十一章 堕落的统计模型

第十二章 堕落的微分积分运算

第十三章 堕落的生命科学研究
