Fundamental of Digital logic

  1. Analog vs Digital

Digital computation has the advantage of being precise.
Digital computers are designed for failure rates of much less one in a billion.

  1. Transistor
    The mechanism used to control flow of electrical current is a semiconductor device known as a transistor. At the lowest level, all digital systems are composed of transistors. In particular, digital circuits use a form of transistor known as a Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), abbreviated FET.
    The two forms are known as complementary, and the overall chip technology is known as CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor).

Propagation delay:
Propagation delay, is a delay occurs between the time an input changes and the output changes.

  1. Register
    A register, one of the key components in a processor, is a hardware mechanism that uses a set of latches to store a digital value.

  2. Flip-Flops
    A flip-flop is another circuit in which the output depends on previous inputs as well as the current input.
    A flip-flop changes output each time it encounters a one bit. In the example, the transition diagram shows that the flip-flop is only triggered when the input rises. Engineers say that the output transition occurs on the rising edge of the input change; circuits that transition when the input changes from one to zero are said to occur on the falling edge.

  3. Binary counter
    A single flip-flop only offers two possible output values: 0 or 1. However, a set of flip-flops can be connected in series to form a binary counter that accumulates a numeric total. Like a flipflop, a counter has a single input. Unlike a flip-flop, however, a counter has multiple outputs. The outputs count how many input pulses have been detected by giving a numerical total in binary.

Fundamental of Digital logic_第1张图片
  1. Clock

Although a clock can be created from an inverter, most clock circuits use a quartz crystal, which oscillates naturally, to provide a signal
at a precise frequency.
The speed of a clock is measured in Hertz (Hz), the number of times per second the clock cycles through a 1 followed by a 0. Most clocks in high-speed digital computers operate at speeds ranging from one hundred megahertz (100 MHz) to several gigahertz (GHz).
For example, at present, the clock used by a typical processor operates at approximately 3 GHz.

  1. Decoder/demultiplexor
    The last component, a decoder/demultiplexor, is a single integrated circuit that uses a binary value to map an input to a set of outputs.

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