
  1. 可用的英文表达有哪些?
    I swear! I do love you.
    I promise! I love you so much.
    Trust me! I love you.
  • 在字典和语料库中寻找解释和例句。
    把 swear 和 promise 看成 及物动词 (transitive verbs) 或 及物的动词组 (transitive phrasal verbs),更容易理解它们的意思。

If you say that you swear that something is true or that you can swear to it, you are saying very firmly that it is true. 发誓「声称这是真的」

If you promise that you will do something, you say to someone that you will definitely do it. 承诺「你一定会做的」

  • 给个理解英文的情境吧!
    有一天,你得了绝症,还有一年寿命。为了不让父母担心,你决定先把自己的事情安排好、再借机告诉父母。但是你难以接受这个事实,你压力很大。从小到大,你和发小亲密无间,你们无话不谈,你希望她可以为你分担。于是你找到闺蜜,对她说:“Are you sure that you’ll keep the secret?” 闺蜜想了想,哭着答应了你:“I swear! Trust me.”
