Ax settle payment with invoice

  1. create a payment journal
  2. mark journal with invoice
static void settledPaymentwithinoice(Args _args)
    CustVendOpenTransManager manager;
    LedgerJournalTrans journaltrans;
    VendTransOpen      vendtransopen;
//the payment journal 
    select firstOnly journaltrans where journaltrans.RecId == 5637195041;
    manager = CustVendOpenTransManager::construct(journaltrans);
//select a vendor invoice that open
    select firstOnly VendTransOpen;
    manager.updateTransMarked(VendTransOpen, true);

    // manager.updateAmounts(vendTransOpen, amountToSettle, amountToSettle, 0, false);


  1. update the payment journal “ settle voucher” filed type
  2. when post. this payment will be settled with that vendor invoice you select.

Also there is a reference link. which mention the SpecTrans. this is a table that record the ready to mark invoice. once it is post , the data will be delete .

  1. after post , check it in vendtrans table

    Ax settle payment with invoice_第1张图片
  2. There is also tips for unsettled payment and invocie

static void unSettlement(Args _args)
    VendTrans        vendtrans;
    VendTable        vendtable;
    VendSettlement   vendSettlement;
    Amount           remianingAmt;
    SpecTransManager specTransManager;
    //select the trans that you want to unsettlement
    select firstOnly vendtrans where vendtrans.Voucher == 'APD-18040001';
    remianingAmt = vendtrans.remainAmountCur();
    if(remianingAmt == 0)
        vendtable = VendTable::find(vendtrans.AccountNum);
        select firstOnly vendSettlement 
        where vendSettlement.TransCompany == vendtrans.dataAreaId 
        && vendSettlement.TransRecId == vendtrans.RecId 
        && vendSettlement.AccountNum == vendtrans.AccountNum; 
        specTransManager = SpecTransManager::newRefTableId(VendTable, tablenum(vendSettlement), true);  
        vendSettlement.TableId, vendSettlement.RecId, 
        vendSettlement.SettleAmountCur, vendtrans.CurrencyCode);  
         vendSettlement.CustVendSettlement::markOffsets(specTransManager,  vendtrans.CurrencyCode, true);  
         if (vendtrans::reverseTransact(vendTable, null, settleDatePrinc::DateOfPayment, 
  1. after unsettlement ,check it again in vends table
Ax settle payment with invoice_第2张图片

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