漂流世界 | 哥本哈根——童话里的城市



漂流世界 | 哥本哈根——童话里的城市_第1张图片

Are you too old forfairy tales? If you think so,Copenhagenis sure to change your mind. Fora number ofyears, Copenhagen has ranked high in international surveys for its quality of life. Copenhagen is the capital and mostpopulouscity ofDenmark. It is one of the world's mostliveablecites.

fairy tales:童话故事

a number of:一些,许多的




来到这座童话之城,首先要看的当然是她标志性的雕像——小美人鱼 Little Mermaid

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See the city first from the water. In theharborsits Denmark'sbest-known landmark: theLittle Mermaid. Remember her? She left the world of theSea People in search ofa human soul in one ofHans Christian Andersen'sbeloved fantasies. From the harbor you can get afeelfor the attractive "city of green spires."Attwilightorin cloudy weather, the copper-covered spires of old castles and churches lend the city a dream-like atmosphere. You'll think you'’ve stepped into awatercolorpainting.

sea people:海里的人

in search of:寻找,寻求




At twilight:黄昏时分,类似的表现时间的还有in the morning早上,at noon中午,in the afternoon下午,at sunset日落时分等。

in cloudy weather:多云天气,sunny阳光晴朗,overcast阴天,rainy多雨的。


Hans Christian Andersen


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Hans ChristianAndersen(1805-1875), a Danishfairy talewriter in the 19th century, is called the sun of world children'sliterature. He graduated from the University of Copenhagen, and wrote lots of Fairy Tales which were beautiful and moving. Hisrepresentative worksincludeThe little mermaid,Thumbelina,The little match girland so on.


走过港口,会见到一座美丽的皇家宫殿——阿美琳堡王宫 Amalienborg Palace

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Stroll away from the harbor along theriverbanks, you'll see the modestAmalienborg Palacefirst. Completed in the mid-18th century, it still houses the royal family.


The Danish Royal Guardis on duty. At noon, you ll watch the changing of the guard. The guards are not just for show, however. Danes will always remember their heroism on April 9, 1940. When theNazisinvaded Denmark, the guards aimed their guns and fired. Soldiers fell on both sides. The guards would all have been killed if the king hadn't ordered them to surrender.


Churches and castles are almost all that remain of theoriginal city. Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark in 1445. During the late 16th century, trade grew, and so did the city. But fires in 1728 and 1795 destroyed the old wooden structures. Much of what we see today dates from the 19th and early 20th centuries.



Christiansborg Palace

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Keep going, to theChristiansborg Palace. The town of Copenhagen began here. Stop and visit themedievalcastle.


Christiansborg Palace is where the queen welcomes official guests, hosts royalbanquetsand the magnificent venue forlushevents. The palace is also home to theDanish Parliamentand it holds unique stories from Copenhagen’s establishment andup until today.

Christiansborg Palace is where the queen welcomes official guests, hosts royal banquets and the magnificent venue for lush events:where引导表语从句,where强调地点,不在从句中做成分。从句到“royal banquets 皇家宴会”为止,and后的内容与从句并列。所以本句主干为Christiansborg Palace is where……and the magnificent venue。


除了壮丽的皇室建筑,哥本哈根的自然风光也会令你惊叹。比如这个静谧的港口——尼哈芬 Nyhavn

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Then continue toNyhavn, a narrowwaterwaydug by soldiers in 1673. You'll understand why Hans Christian Andersen made this charming waterway his home. A specially-built mirror outside his apartment window allowed him topeek unseenat the world outside.


Nyhavn is peaceful, an ideal place forlingeringand people-watching. You'’ll usually see them dressedcasually, though they are among Europe's richest people.Danesare taught not tostand outin a crowd.



Open sandwich 开放式三明治

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Anopen sandwichis a slice of fresh bread, with differentspreads, butter, vegetables andcold cuts. There are hundreds of combinations and people can develop imagination freely. One can easily find this popular dish in restaurants on the street.


Danish pastry 丹麦酥

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Danish pastrycan be bought from any of numerous bakeries found in the city. Danish pastries have different shapes and names. Some are topped with chocolate andpearl sugar. They may be stuffed with a variety ofingredientssuch as jam orpreserves. Danish pastry is popular around the world.






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