
Wake Up, Feel Great: A HIIT Workout forHome



I find that the Morning HIIT Workout is thebest way to wake up, get the blood flowing and the muscles firing. It instantlyboosts your mood and leaves you feeling energized for the rest of the day. Plusyou can do in the comfort of your own home. No equipment necessary! Thisbutt-kicking workout is all about intensity. It is short but effective, sodon’t be afraid to go all out. Start your day right and give it a try. All youneed is a spare 10 minutes and your badass self. Here is the rundown: performeach move for 45 seconds on and 15 seconds rest. Complete 3-5 rounds.



1 Squat Kicks

This move is great for toning the legs andworking the outer glutes. Sit down into a squat position with the weight in theback of the heels. Kick out to the side as you come up. With any squat movementit is important to keep your chest lifted and be wary that your knees don’t go

past your toes.(该姿势对于强健大腿,发展臀部和大腿外侧肌群帮助巨大,开始姿势就是你深蹲时候的姿势,但是要求你胸部移动过程中保持提胸。)

2 Cross Jacks

This squat jack variation targets the innerthighs whilst elevating that heart rate. Begin in a squat position with yourchest up and weight in the back of the heels. Use the power from your glutesand legs to pop up on to the toes, crossing the legs over one another. Try tokeep your movements quick whilst maintaining control.(该动作特点之一就是可以对大腿内侧肌群产生足够刺激,同样起始姿势是深蹲,重心与两脚之间,发力顺序分别是臀部、膝关节和脚踝,直到所有下半身的力量传到脚趾,使得整个身体弹跳起来,接着就是交叉双腿,该过程尽量快速而又控制力量。)

3 Squat Punches

We’re working the whole body in this move,elevating the heart rate and promoting stability through the core. Starstanding with the weight in the heels and the core locked in tight. Keep yourspine neutral and chest lifted as you alternate punches, moving up and down

into a squat.(这个姿势使得身体主要关节都在运动,不但提高心率,而且会对核心肌群稳定和控制能力都有帮助,一定用双脚趾和双手掌作为开始姿势,而且要卡紧动作,身体贴地后,躯干受力,使得双手和双脚同时举起)

4、4Inchworm Push-ups

Inchworms are great for the whole body, butspecifically target upper body and the core. Engage the core as you walk yourhands from standing to push-up position. Your aim is to keep your legs straighas you crawl out. Lower down into a push-up, then walk your hands back up.

Modify the push-up by lowering to your knees.(该姿势死磕猪在前面也介绍过,但是由于它使用性很强,在这里还是想推荐给死磕友们,注意动作要领;首先需要清楚改动发展的肌群主要集中在身体上部,同时你做的过程中需要时刻保持双腿笔直,不能屈曲,时间依据你自己体力,但最好不要低于一分钟。)


参考文献This 20-Minute Workout Will Change the Way You Think About Resistance Bands


