
  1. abash

    I might have been abashed by their authority.

  2. abbreviate to

    September is usually abbreviated to Sep.

  3. abuse

    If your child was sexually abused in a daycare, it's extremely important to get help as soon as possible.

  4. accoutre

    He was accoutred in a riding dress.

  5. actuate

    The pursuit of knowledge is, I think, mainly actuated by love of power.

  6. adapt as

    Many of Shakespearean plays have been adapted as films.

  7. adapt from

    This film was adapted from a novel.

  8. addict

    She is addicted to music.

  9. addict to

    Sady is addicted to collecting stamps.

  10. affect (passive only)

    One of the domestics was affected to his special service.

  11. affiance

    He is affianced to her.

  12. aggrieve

    She was aggrieved at the insult.

  13. ally

    France developed a nuclear force de frappe and left the NATO command structure while continuing to be allied with the other Western countries.
    The English language is allied to the German language.
    The two companies are closely allied with each other.

  14. appoint

    The House of Commons, as it was never intended for the support of peace and subordination, is miserably appointed for that service.

  15. articulate

    It is articulated to the spine.

  16. associate

    Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer.

  17. attach

    I then was attached to another unit and we were deployed to the Philippines as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.

  18. attend

    This is evident from the consideration that the growth of the cells is attended by the growth in surface of the cell wall, and as the latter is a secretion from the protoplasm, such a decomposition cannot readily take place unless oxygen is admitted to it.

  19. avenge

    Hamlet was avenged on his uncle.

  20. avenge of

    She was avenged of her mother’s murder.

  21. bar

    And often they are barred with stripes, usually black but can be other colours.

  22. batter

    The old hat was battered beyond recognition.

  23. bear

    The traffic accident was born almost accidentally.

  24. bear away

    He was borne away with joy when his lost ring was given back to him.

  25. bear in on/upon

    The serious condition was borne in on them.

  26. beat out

    I was beaten out by the work.

  27. beat up

    Let me take a rest, I'm all beat up.

  28. becalm

    My stomach got worse when the schooner was becalmed.

  29. bedew with

    Her eyes were bedewed with tears.

  30. bedraggle

    She was bedraggled when she came in out of the rain.

  31. bemuse

    She was bemused by all the questions.

  32. bend

    He was bent on success.

  33. betroth

    The young couple was betrothed with the approval of both families.

  34. bind

    But he is bound to secrecy with regard to those sins, since they are told to him as to God.

  35. bind down

    While setting up an NICU in a developing country, one has to face a number of problems and is bound down by many constraints.

  36. bind up in

    They are completely bound up in the dictionary they are compiling.

  37. bind up with

    Economic progress is closely bound up with educational development.

  38. binge(passive only)
  39. birthmark
  40. bite

    Paine is bitten by lust.
    I got bitten in a mail-order swindle.

  41. bless

    I'm blessed with good health.

  42. bless with

    I'm blessed with good health.

  43. blood

    She's just being blooded.

  44. blow on

    His name has been blown on.

  45. blow upon

    The character has been blown upon.

  46. board

    I am to be boarded today, and am waiting to be called in at any moment.

  47. bog

    The tanks were bogged down in the mud.
    They were bogged down by overwork.

  48. bomb out

    Our city was bombed out.
    We were bombed out during the Anti-Japanese War.

  49. book out

    The Capital Theatre is booked out.

  50. book up

    The plane is booked up to its full capacity.
    I'm afraid I can't come. I'm booked up all next week.

  51. bound

    The village is bounded on one side by a river.

  52. box

    The favourite was boxed in against the rails by other cars.

  53. box in

    His car was boxed in by two other cars on the final lap.

  54. box up
  55. brass off

    I'm brassed off with the story.

  56. bruit

    The news was bruited through the town.

  57. call away

    The teacher was called away by the headmaster.

  58. cast away

    The ship was cast away on the coast of Europe.
    They were cast away on a desert island without food or water.

  59. cast down

    He was much cast down when he heard of his failure at the examination.

  60. cast over

    His eyes were cast over with sorrow.

  61. cast up

    Three bodies were cast up yesterday.

  62. catch

    When I left Shanghai she had been caught.

  63. catch up in

    She was caught up in the political scandal that broke in 1999.

  64. chargin

    He was chagrined at his failure.

  65. chuck away on

    Your advice is chucked away on that student.

  66. conceive

    For, when the nation was conceived in liberty, it was not the liberty of all.

  67. concern

    More than two students have been concerned in this affair.

  68. consternate

    When he saw the mountain torrents rushing down with a devastating force, he was consternated.

  69. couch
  70. cramp

    But I was cold, and my limbs were cramped and aching.

  71. cross wires
  72. cut out of the whole cloth

    But they were all cut out of the whole cloth, and their connection to economic reality was tenuous at best.

  73. cut out of whole cloth

    That story was cut out of whole cloth.

  74. damn

    The action was damned from the start.

  75. deck with

    The Christmas tree was decked with gifts.

  76. declare on

    The rally has been declared on.

  77. deluge with

    The brook was deluged with water.

  78. design

    This fund is designed to help worthy students.

  79. destine

    Their attempt is destined to failure.

  80. devour

    She was devoured by jealousy.

  81. devour by

    The children were devoured by curiosity.
    He was devoured by cancer.

  82. devour with

    She was devoured with anxiety.

  83. dight
  84. dilapidate

    The building had been dilapidated by neglect.

  85. disaffect

    Her stand-up excels at capturing the mood of those disaffected by today's politics without mentioning the president.

  86. disbar

    The lawyer was disbarred from practicing again.

  87. discombobulate

    He was discombobulated.

  88. disenamour

    They were disenamoured of working in America.

  89. distemper
  90. distort

    Her face was distorted by pain.

  91. distract

    He was distracted with fear.

  92. distribute

    The students were distributed into four ranks.
    Those plants are distributed into 15 classes.

  93. distribute into

    The process was distributed into four stages.
    These animals are distributed into five genera.

  94. disturb

    She was disturbed by his strange behaviour.

  95. disuse

    The entire line was disused by 1871 as were the collieries it served.

  96. dittograph

    I suspect that some of them are dittographed.

  97. divorce from

    He was divorced from his wife.

  98. do into

    The Chinese poems were done into English.

  99. doom

    She was doomed to die.

  100. doom to

    She was doomed to oblivion.

  101. do up

    I can't move any farther; I'm done up.

  102. drown out

    Many families were drowned out by the recent flood.

  103. duffer
  104. dump

    She was dumped from the company after making a big blunder.

  105. dump on

    She has been dumped on too often.

  106. eat up

    She was eaten up with pride.

  107. ecstasy

    The crowd was again ecstasied.

  108. elbow aside

    Jack's remarks set off rumours that he had been elbowed aside.

  109. elect

    Particular persons, without any regard whatever to their merits or demerits, are elected, or rejected for ever.

  110. embay

    He was still ignorant of the way in which his fleet was embayed in this marvelous water, and he ran across to the opposite shore.
    Some cytoplasmic patches become embayed in the nucleus at these sites.

  111. enact

    This murder was enacted on Saturday night December 8th, 1877, just forty years ago.

  112. enamour

    The dancer was enamoured of the princess.

  113. encamp

    They were encamped in the tents.
    The soldiers are encamped on the edge of the forest.

  114. engage

    Jack is engaged to Ann.

  115. engulf

    The entire time, she'd been writing her own material, and played it at coffee houses around Edmonton when she wasn't engulfed in her studies.

  116. enmesh in

    Detective Crowley was enmeshed in a mystery which he could not solve just then.

  117. enroot

    All humans have to deal with death; it is enrooted in our existence and every one of us will come to the reflection about it.

  118. entrench

    Ageism is entrenched in our society.

  119. enwomb

    The babe after birth is, however, nothing else than the continuation of the babe that was enwombed and fed from the mother's blood.
    I was enwombed in my car while the windshield wipers swiped at the ubiquitous rain.

  120. equip

    Every man was ready equipped at all times with the arms which corresponded to his rank.

  121. etch

    Our last conversation is etched in my memory.

  122. exalt

    The covenanters were very reasonably exalted with this success.

  123. example

    Burke devoted himself to this duty with a fervid assiduity that has not often been exampled, and has never been surpassed.

  124. exemplify in

    The use of the word is exemplified in the text.

  125. exercise

    She was exercised in virtue.
    I am very much exercised about the education of my daughter.

  126. exercise in

    She was exercised in virtue.

  127. express

    A dominant gene may be defined as one that is expressed when present in a single copy.

  128. expropriate from

    The land for the recreation area was expropriated from local farmers.

  129. famish

    Some cheerfully presented their heads to be struck off, some expired under the torture, and some were famished to death.

  130. fate

    It was fated that they should fail.

  131. feed up (with)

    I'm fed up with this wet weather.

  132. fling together

    Jim and Mary were flung together by the war.

  133. flush

    The team was flushed with its first victory.

  134. flush with

    He was flushed with success.

  135. fluster up

    She was all flustered up just before the wedding.

  136. form into

    The new train will be formed into the regular timetable from next Monday.

  137. glass over

    The archway between the two buildings had been glassed over.

  138. goof

    He was pretty goofed up that night.

  139. goof up

    He was pretty goofed up that night.

  140. goose

    If I've guessed wrong and Jason has found out right, then we're goosed.

  141. gorge

    When fish are gorged with their morning meal of green drakes.
    The kidneys are gorged and swollen.

  142. grammaticalize

    The position of the word within the sentence context is grammaticalized to a much higher degree in analytical than in synthetic languages.

  143. grammaticise

    I am still undecided as to what degree tense is grammaticised in Hebrew, but I think the evidence is that it is.

  144. grow

    The lawn was grown with weeds.

  145. gunge
  146. habit

    She was habited in a pink dress.

  147. hang up

    The plan has been hung up.
    He is hung up about stepping out.

  148. headquarter

    The secret store is headquartered abroad.

  149. hitch

    They will be hitched next month.

  150. hook

    The chances are that he is hooked on opium, morphine or heroin.

  151. implicate

    Your feelings have no doubt been much implicated by it.

  152. jam in

    The drill is jammed in the wall and is subjected to the torque and force shown.

  153. lade

    He was laden with misery after the death of his wife.

  154. lade with

    The ship was laden with war materials.
    He was laden with misery after the death of his wife.

  155. lay alongside

    The lifeboats were laid alongside the wreck to the sailors.

  156. lay away

    His body was laid away in the grave, where our bodies shall decay.

  157. lay up

    The old man was laid up with a severe stroke.

  158. lead astray

    The teenage viewers are easily led astray by these commercials.

  159. leave over

    The question of Hong Kong is left over by history.

  160. litter

    The floor is littered with scraps of paper.

  161. load down

    The truck was loaded down with bricks.

  162. load with

    The tractor was loaded with strawberries.

  163. locate

    The school is located next to the church.

  164. lock

    Our village is locked with hills.

  165. lord

    She refused to be lorded over.

  166. lose

    Two ships were lost in the storm.
    Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise.

  167. made
  168. make out of the whole cloth

    The defendant had made arrangements to kill hogs that morning; in all probability, his story about squirrel hunting is made out of the whole cloth, and not a word of truth in it.

  169. make out of whole cloth

    That the lie is made out of whole cloth is evident by the fact, that while this alleged banquet was being.

  170. manufacture out of the whole cloth
  171. manufacture out of whole cloth

    These incidents were manufactured out of whole cloth; they never occurred.

  172. maraud

    It was marauded by merciless bands of savages, led, in some instances, by Frenchmen.

  173. mark

    The leopard's skin is marked with black spots.

  174. mark out

    One of the graduate entry has been marked out as “likely to succeed”.

  175. mark out for

    The general practitioner who can do the same to his patients is marked out for success, and generally achieves it.

  176. marry

    They are going to be married next month.

  177. miscast

    The film is miscast.

  178. moider
  179. neap

    Our boat was neaped.

  180. nescessitate

    He was necessitated to leave Europe for America.

  181. niche
  182. number

    The sick old man's days are numbered.

  183. nurse

    He was nursed in London.

  184. obligate

    Sir, I am obligated to leave you.

  185. oppose
  186. overcome

    He has been overcome with sympathy.

  187. overdo

    If you don't stop the boiling at the right tick the eggs are overdone or underdone.

  188. overspend

    He has been overspent with the work.

  189. oversubscribe

    Generally, when a stock is oversubscribed, you would expect to see it trade up at least for the first few hours.

  190. perfume

    The air is perfumed with the rose flowers.

  191. perish

    We were all perished with cold.

  192. peter

    After a long desert journey the oxen became much petered.

  193. petrify

    The eight caryatides were supposed to have been petrified by magic.

  194. poise

    Masses of ice are poised at one moment and the next come crashing down.

  195. post

    She is well posted on law.

  196. promise

    She has been promised to Bill.

  197. quit of

    She was very glad to be quit of her present job.

  198. rafter
  199. rain off

    The football game was rained off yesterday and will be played on the following Saturday.

  200. rain out

    The athletic meeting was rained out.

  201. raise one's eyebrows (at something)
  202. ramify

    Highways were ramified all over the country.

  203. rap
  204. rate at

    This building was rated at £2,000 a year.

  205. rate up

    His insurance payments were rated up due to his poor health.

  206. ravish

    Julius Caesar was ravished by Cleopatra's beauty.

  207. read out

    The new salesgirl was read out of the shop.

  208. reduce

    They were reduced to begging on the streets.

  209. reincarnate

    He believed he might be reincarnated as a woman.

  210. repute

    He was reputed to be a millionaire.

  211. rumour

    She is rumoured to have been married in England.

  212. sacrament

    If there He was a risen Christ, here He is sacramented; and while others are enjoying the fruits of peace, you remain in the war of the spirit.

  213. salary

    He's salaried every week.

  214. seize

    He was seized by panic and could not go where it was dangerous.

  215. sell

    Come to think of it. I'm not too sold on this thing, anyway.
    We are sold again!

  216. set on

    He's set on going to the college.

  217. set up

    I'm well set up with reading matter.

  218. shag

    He was shagged out.

  219. shock

    I am currently 10 weeks, and got shocked by 440 volts at 5 weeks.

  220. situate

    Holland is situated in the west of the Netherlands.

  221. slash

    The dress was slashed to the waist.

  222. smite

    Hath one of you a girl with whom he's smitten?

  223. snooker
  224. snow under

    I was snowed under with my work.

  225. sock in

    The airport was socked in.

  226. source

    At the same time, Rover had trouble cutting costs through cheap imports, as many of its car components are sourced in the UK.

  227. space
  228. stick

    My car was stuck in the mud.

  229. straiten

    It's straitened in time.

  230. strand

    He was stranded in the middle of nowhere.

  231. suppose

    The motorbike is supposed to make annoying noise.

  232. surmount

    The tower is surmounted with a spire.

  233. surplus

    When was that old tank surplused out?

  234. sward

    The playground of football has been swarded.

  235. taint with

    His mind was tainted with evil thoughts.
    The lake water is tainted with chemicals from the factory.

  236. take

    The old man was taken with a fit.

  237. take aback

    I was taken aback by the news of his death.

  238. tank up

    Frank got tanked up again last night.

  239. tear

    Soon China was torn by a civil war between the remaining Communists and Jiang's forces.

  240. tee off

    The boss was teed off when an employer was late.

  241. tell off

    Twelve students were told off to do the cleaning.

  242. tenant

    The house is tenanted by two Chinese students.

  243. throw back

    Thus, as I hinted before, we are thrown back upon government support, and let us see the line the government is likely to take in the event of such a demand.

  244. thunderstrike

    She was thunderstruck to hear the news.

  245. tie up

    Martin and Jane got tied up in June.

  246. transport

    The workers were transported with joy.

  247. traumatize

    She was traumatized by an unfortunate experience in her childhood.

  248. vein

    The countryside is veined by new broad highways.

  249. wash up

    I feel washed up.

  250. whack
  251. whitewash
  252. wind up

    The boy was all wound up before the game.

  253. wont
  254. work out

    That old mine was worked out long ago.
