
#include "misc.h"
#include "data.h"

using namespace std;

class Order {
    int _pid;
    int _quantity;
    int _expected_days;
    Region _region;
    double _date;
    Order (int pid_, int quantity_, int expected_days_, Region region_, double date_) :
    _pid (pid_),
    _quantity (quantity_),
    _expected_days (expected_days_),
    _region (region_),
    _date (date_) {};
    Order (const Order &other_) {
        _pid = other_._pid;
        _quantity = other_._quantity;
        _expected_days = other_._expected_days;
        _region = other_._region;
        _date = other_._date;
    const int getPid () const { return _pid; }
    const int getQuantity () const { return _quantity; }
    const Region getDestination () const { return _region; }

class ProductInventory {
    int _pid;
    int _quantity;
    Region _region;
    ProductInventory (int pid_, int quantity_, Region region_) :
    _pid (pid_),
    _quantity (quantity_),
    _region (region_) {};
    ProductInventory (const ProductInventory &other_) {
        _pid = other_._pid;
        _quantity = other_._quantity;
        _region = other_._region;
    const int getPid () const { return _pid; }
    const int getQuantity () const { return _quantity; }
    void reduceQuantity (int val) { _quantity -= val; }
    const Region getRegion () const { return _region; }

class ShippingCost {
    Region _ship_from;
    Region _ship_to;
    Method _method;
    int _cost_per_item;
    int _days;
    ShippingCost (Region ship_from_, Region ship_to_, Method method_, int cost_per_item_, int days_) :
    _ship_from (ship_from_),
    _ship_to (ship_to_),
    _method (method_),
    _cost_per_item (cost_per_item_),
    _days (days_) {};
    ShippingCost (const ShippingCost &_other) {
        _ship_from = _other._ship_from;
        _ship_to = _other._ship_to;
        _method = _other._method;
        _cost_per_item = _other._cost_per_item;
        _days = _other._days;
    const Region getShipFrom () const { return _ship_from; }
    const Region getShipTo () const { return _ship_to; }
    const int getDays () const { return _days; }
    const int getCost () const { return _cost_per_item; }

const static vector orders {
    Order (1, 6, 4, center, 0.3),
    Order (1, 3, 2, west, 0.0),
    Order (1, 4, 0, east, 0.2),
    Order (3, 100, 0, center, 0.1),
    Order (2, 6, 4, center, 0.3)

static vector productInventoryList {
    ProductInventory (1, 7, north),
    ProductInventory (3, 70, north),
    ProductInventory (3, 20, north),
    ProductInventory (3, 40, east),
    ProductInventory (3, 30, north),

const static vector shippingCostList {
    ShippingCost (north, west, express, 3, 10),
    ShippingCost (north, west, ground, 1, 15),
    ShippingCost (north, east, ground, 2, 20),
    ShippingCost (north, center, express, 2, 5)


class ProductShippingCost{
    ProductInventory productInventory;
    vector shippingCostList;
    ProductShippingCost(ProductInventory productInventory, vector shippingCostList): productInventory(productInventory), shippingCostList(shippingCostList){}

//milestone 1
vector Solution1(int pid, Region toRegin) {
    vector result;
    for(ProductInventory& currentInventory : productInventoryList) {
        //if currentInventory contains the product we want
        if (pid == currentInventory.getPid()) {
            ProductShippingCost temp(currentInventory,{});
            for (ShippingCost currentShippingCost : shippingCostList) {
                if (currentShippingCost.getShipFrom() == currentInventory.getRegion() &&
                    currentShippingCost.getShipTo() == toRegin) {
            }//for shippingCostList
            //if there exist a way that the product can be shipped to the destination
            if(!temp.shippingCostList.empty()) result.push_back(temp);
    }//for productInventoryList
    return result;

struct OrderQuantityComparator {
    bool operator () (const Order &order1, const Order &order2) {
        return order1.getQuantity() < order2.getQuantity();
} orderQuantityComparator;

struct ShippingCostTimeComparator {
    bool operator () (ShippingCost shippingCost1, ShippingCost shippingCost2) {
        return shippingCost1.getDays() < shippingCost2.getDays();

//void Solution2() {
//    vector orderList = orders;
//    sort(orderList.begin(),orderList.end(),orderQuantityComparator);
//    for(Order& order : orderList) {
//        vector orderShippingCostList = Solution1(order.getPid(), order.getDestination());
//        //orderShippingCostList -> { productInventory, vector }
//        unordered_map productInventoryToMinTime;
//        int inventoryQuantitySum = 0;
//        //for one specific inventory
//        for(ProductShippingCost& orderShippingCost : orderShippingCostList) {
//            inventoryQuantitySum += orderShippingCost.productInventory.getQuantity();
//            int minShppingTime = 99999;
//            ShippingCost minTimeShipping = orderShippingCost.shippingCostList[0];
//            //get current inventory's shippingCost with least shipping time
//            for (ShippingCost& shippingCost : orderShippingCost.shippingCostList) {
//                if (shippingCost.getDays() < minShppingTime) {
//                    minShppingTime = shippingCost.getDays();
//                    minTimeShipping = shippingCost;
//                }
//            }
//            //productInventoryToMinTime[minTimeShipping] = orderShippingCost.productInventory;
//            //Now we have productInventoryToMinTime ordered by shippingTime
//        }
////        if(inventoryQuantitySum < order.getQuantity()) continue;
////        int unfinishedQuantity = order.getQuantity();
////        while(unfinishedQuantity > 0)
////        {
////            ProductInventory currentInventory = productInventoryToMinTime.begin()->first;
////            currentInventory.reduceQuantity(min(currentInventory.getQuantity(), unfinishedQuantity));
////            unfinishedQuantity -= min(currentInventory.getQuantity(), unfinishedQuantity);
////            cout << "from Inventory " << currentInventory.getRegion() << " ship " << min(currentInventory.getQuantity(), unfinishedQuantity) << endl;
////            if(currentInventory.getQuantity() == 0) productInventoryToMinTime.erase(currentInventory);
////        }
//    }

typedef pair InventoryMinTimePair;

struct InventoryMinTimePairComparator {
    bool operator()(const InventoryMinTimePair & InventoryMinTimePair1,const InventoryMinTimePair & InventoryMinTimePair2) {
        return InventoryMinTimePair1.second < InventoryMinTimePair2.second;


void Solution22(vector orderList) {
    for(Order& order : orderList) {
        cout << "Order " << order.getPid() << endl;

//Order shipping plan selection part:
        vector productShippingCostList = Solution1(order.getPid(), order.getDestination());
        priority_queue, InventoryMinTimePairComparator> productInventoryPQ;
        //iterator in this loop has form { productInventory, vector }
        for(ProductShippingCost & productShippingCost : productShippingCostList) {
            //there is no way the product can be shipped
            if(productShippingCost.shippingCostList.empty()) continue;
            int inventoryQuantitySum = 0;
            //GOAL: select the least time shippingCost from vector
            //      and save it to a pq of pair 
            int minTime = productShippingCost.shippingCostList[0].getDays();
            InventoryMinTimePair productInventoryWithMinTimeShipping;
            //O(N), N = size of shippingCostList, Linear search
            for(ShippingCost &shippingCost : productShippingCost.shippingCostList) {
                minTime = min(minTime,shippingCost.getDays());
            } //for shippingCost
            productInventoryWithMinTimeShipping.first = &productShippingCost.productInventory;
            productInventoryWithMinTimeShipping.second = minTime;
            //O(logN), N = #inventories contains current product, PQ push in C++
            //Now we get a pq contains all the inventorys sorted by the shipping time
            inventoryQuantitySum += productShippingCost.productInventory.getQuantity();
            //Order can NOT be fulfilled
            if(inventoryQuantitySum < order.getQuantity()) continue;
            //Inventory shipping part:
            int unShippedCount = order.getQuantity();
            while(unShippedCount > 0 ) {
                //inventory can at most ship all its products
                int shipQuaitity = min(>getQuantity(),unShippedCount);
                cout << "Ship " << shipQuaitity << " from inventory " <<>getRegion() << endl;
                productInventoryPQ.pop();//O(logN), N = size of PQ
                unShippedCount -= shipQuaitity;
        } //for productShippingCost


struct InventoryMinCostPairComparator {
    bool operator()(const InventoryMinTimePair & InventoryMinCostPair1,const InventoryMinTimePair & InventoryMinCostPair2) {
        return InventoryMinCostPair1.second < InventoryMinCostPair2.second;

void Solution3(vector orderList) {
    for(Order& order : orderList) {
        cout << "Order " << order.getPid() << endl;
        //Order shipping plan selection part:
        vector productShippingCostList = Solution1(order.getPid(), order.getDestination());
        priority_queue, InventoryMinTimePairComparator> productInventoryPQ;
        //iterator in this loop has form { productInventory, vector }
        for(ProductShippingCost & productShippingCost : productShippingCostList) {
            //there is no way the product can be shipped
            if(productShippingCost.shippingCostList.empty()) continue;
            int inventoryQuantitySum = 0;
            //GOAL: select the least time shippingCost from vector
            //      and save it to a pq of pair 
            int minCost = productShippingCost.shippingCostList[0].getCost();
            InventoryMinTimePair productInventoryWithMinTimeShipping;
            //O(N), N = size of shippingCostList, Linear search
            for(ShippingCost &shippingCost : productShippingCost.shippingCostList) {
                minCost = min(minCost,shippingCost.getDays());
            } //for shippingCost
            productInventoryWithMinTimeShipping.first = &productShippingCost.productInventory;
            productInventoryWithMinTimeShipping.second = minCost;
            //O(logN), N = #inventories contains current product, PQ push in C++
            //Now we get a pq contains all the inventorys sorted by the shipping time
            inventoryQuantitySum += productShippingCost.productInventory.getQuantity();
            //Order can NOT be fulfilled
            if(inventoryQuantitySum < order.getQuantity()) continue;
            //Inventory shipping part:
            int unShippedCount = order.getQuantity();
            while(unShippedCount > 0 ) {
                //inventory can at most ship all its products
                int shipQuaitity = min(>getQuantity(),unShippedCount);
                cout << "Ship " << shipQuaitity << " from inventory " <<>getRegion() << endl;
                productInventoryPQ.pop();//O(logN), N = size of PQ
                unShippedCount -= shipQuaitity;
        } //for productShippingCost

struct testComp {
    bool operator()(const string &a ,const string &b) const {
        return a < b;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    vector result = Solution1(3, west);
    //cout << result.size() << endl;
//    map test;
//    test["hjq"] = 3;
//    test["12"] = 4;
//    test["kkk"] = 2;
//    test["asdf"] = 1;
//    test["34234"] = 5;
//    test["asdfg"] = 9;
//    for(auto it : test) {
//        cout << it.second << endl;
//    }
    return 0;
