Chapter2 Happiness is a Problem

Part1 Q&R

1. Why "happiness is a problem"?

Life itself is a form of suffering. Dissatisifaction and unease are inherent parts of human nature, and necessary components to creating consistent happiness. Therefore, the only viable path to gain happiness comes from solving problems.

2. Why the author invented "Disappointed Panda"? What is it for?

Because the greatest truths in life are usually the most unpleasant to hear. "Disappointed Panda" can tell people harsh truths about themselves that they needed to hear but didn't want to accept.

3. What is the role that emotions play in our life? Why they are overrated?

Negative emotions are a call to action while positive emotions are rewards for taking the proper action. Emotions are part of the equation of our lives, but not the entire equation. Therefore, we should make a habit of questioning them.

4. Why you don't have chiseled abs? (If you do have, how did you make it?)

Because I never struggle for it. I cannot stand the pain that needed to suffer.

Part 2 Expressions's every whim

He spoiled the child, lavishing him with food and gifts, surrounding him with servants who catered to his every whim.

one's every whim=on a whim, means sudden desire or idea, esp an unusual or unreasonable one 突发奇想,心血来潮。前两天刚背过一个句子I did it on a whim.正好联系上

dic: His father had always indulged her every whim.

my: I didn't speak in a whim.

2. salivate at

You may salivate at the thought of a problem of a problem-free life full of everlasting happiness and eternal compassion, but back here on earth th problems never cease.

salivate at/over=crave for/ thirst for/ hunger for

dic: The media are salivating over the story.

my: The children are salivating over the toy.

3. peddle to

Much of the self-help world is predicated on peddling highs to people rather than solving legitimate problems.

peddle sth to sb,peddle本身是兜售的意思,所以peddle sth to sb可以延伸为“宣扬,散播”

dic: They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.

my: They peddle superstitious beliefs to villager.

4. pump sb up

Many self-help gurus teach you new forms of denial and pump you up with exercises that feel good in the short term, while ignoring the underlying issue.

pump up, pump本身是充气筒,在这里相当于encourage/psych up,自我鼓励

dic: They find it difficult to pump themselves up for the games.

my: She is an optimistic girl and always pump herself up.

Part3 Thoughts

作者在Chapter2中谈不到了关于happiness的问题,这就像大人们常说的:人这一辈子早晚都要吃苦受累的。看你是选择先吃苦后享福还是先享福后吃苦。这很像之前在读村上的书时看到的一句话:Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.

The happiness occurs only when you find problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.

幸福是什么?幸福是需要自己去创造的。就像小时候人们总说“助人为乐”,快乐哪里来?帮助别人,获得快乐。当你帮助别人实现一个小目标或者买过一个小难关时,你是真的能够获得快乐的,因为你的存在有了价值,你的价值得到了利用。如果一个人没有任何价值,那这是很可怕的事。在这里作者还谈到两点常见的逃避状态:一是denial,二是victim mentality。这两种在生活中确实也很常见,就denial而言,几乎每个人都多多少少出现过denial的情况,没有哪个女孩儿愿意真的承认自己长得丑,没有哪儿男生愿意真的承认自己是个废物,面对恋人的离弃,没有哪个愿意承认是自己真的没有魅力,而总会说他不懂得珍惜,他是个人渣之类的话。可事实上呢?你确实是魅力不够,无论你多么喜欢眼前这个人,无论你们是怎么走到一起的,他最后离开了你,只是因为你对他没有足够的吸引力。类似的情况还有很多,而越是真实,我们往往越不愿意去面对,越会去逃避,我曾也有很多时候有过denail的状态,可是这就像“掩耳盗铃”,你以为没有,其实它一直存在,只是你刻意选择遗忘或逃避。我觉得最好的办法是写日记,一旦养成写日记的习惯,在日记里是真的可以面对最最真实的自己,也会更愿意去反思自己的问题所在,去想办法如何不失风度的在别人不经意间改掉自己不好的地方。至于victim mentality这个情况应该比上一种少一些,这可以看作是消极的状态,也许身边很少能看到消极到认为自己什么都做不到的人,但是如果你想知道积极的态度能有多大的力量,去看看《爸爸去哪儿》第五季里的小山竹吧,我的乐观能力超乎常人,有一集印象很深刻的是,她和邓伦分到了一间极其破烂的羊棚房,如果是别的小朋友估计很难接受,大人估计也会很难以忍受吧,可是她却说:我喜欢小羊,只有咱们家有小羊,别人家都没有,真好。这就是从enjoy having and enjoy solving中获得的happiness.

Who you are is defined by what you're willing to struggle for.


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