Oiling the machine 美德应对难民问题之异同


Germany’s efforts to deport more unauthorised immigrants are sensible. Not so America’s


To immigrants who live in the shadows, or in the interminable half-light of the asylum system, the signals in two large countries are ominous. Germany’s government is seeking to make it easier and quicker to deport failed asylum-seekers. America promises to “take the shackles off” its immigration officers and boost their numbers. In a speech to Congress on February 28th, Donald Trump mentioned two illegal immigrants—both of them murderers. In both countries, politics is lubricating the deportation machine. Mr Trump is delivering the crackdown he promised on the campaign trail; Germany is gearing up for elections in September, in which the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany party threatens to do well.

对于居住在阴影里或在容留机构中熬过无尽的暗夜的移民来说,两个大国发出的信号都是不祥之兆。德国政府正在努力使将不合格的庇护者驱逐出境变得更容易,更快捷。美国承诺给移民官员“取消枷锁”,并增加他们的人数。在2月28日的国会演讲中,唐纳德·特朗普提到了两个非法移民 - 称两个人都是谋杀犯。在这两个国家,政治因素正在使得负责驱逐工作的国家机器运转地更顺畅。特朗普正在履行他在竞选活动中打击非法移民的承诺;德国也在为9月的选举加紧工作,其中,反对移民的替代德国党威胁也要这么干。

In both countries, civil-rights groups call deportation brutal and unfair. In both, the federal government has clashed with local officials. But the differences are instructive, too. Germany’s actions are proportionate and sensible. America’s are not.


Pick your targets carefully


In principle, deporting people who fall foul of immigration rules is wise, even liberal. It is the corollary of a generous immigration system—proof that rules can be upheld and that a country can open its doors without losing control. In practice, deportation is tricky and choices must be made. It can be done humanely and efficiently. Or it can be callous and sloppy, so that it tears social bonds and makes a country less safe.

原则上,驱逐违反移民规定的人是明智的,甚至已是宽宏大量了。这是一个慷慨的移民体系的必然结果 - 是规则值得遵守的证据,也是一个国家可以敞开大门而不失控的明证。在实践中,驱逐行动相当棘手,必须被迫作出选择。它可以人道而有效地施行,也可以无情和草率的实施,以至于它会撕裂社会纽带,使一个国家更不安全。

Since January 2015 almost1.2m people have sought asylum in Germany—more than in any other European country. Of the cases it has heard, Germany has accepted 39% as refugees and offered protection to others. That still leaves a lot of rejects, many of whom are clinging on. Soon there could be half a million foreigners in Germany who have been told to leave.

自2015年1月以来,有近120万人在德国寻求避难 - 比任何其他欧洲国家都要多。 在审核完的申请中,德国以难民身份接受了39%的申请,并向其他人提供保护。 还剩下不少人被拒绝,其中许多坚持滞留不去。 很快,可能会有50万外国人留在德国,这些人已经被要求离开。

Although deporting them all would be impossible—many are not acknowledged by the countries they fled—Germany wants to push more out of the door. So it plans to ban failed asylum-seekers from moving around the country and to offer money to hopeless cases if they depart of their own accord. It will crack down on serious criminals. The federal government is also prodding states to be more vigorous. They are in charge of deportations, and at the moment they do not all agree that it is safe to return people to Afghanistan.

虽然驱逐他们是不可能的 - 许多人不被他们逃离的国家所承认 - 德国还是希望尽可能多地把他们请出国门。 为此,德国打算禁止不合格的寻求庇护者在全国各地迁移;如果他们自愿离开,德国将向这些无望之人提供资金帮助。 德国也将开展打击严重犯罪行为的行动。 联邦政府同时在敦促州政府更加积极配合。他们负责具体的驱逐事宜;目前他们并不完全同意将难民遣返回阿富汗是安全的说法。

As Germany tries to deter recent arrivals from digging in, and focuses on the worst offenders, America is doing more or less the opposite. It has about 11m illegal immigrants, according to the Pew Research Centre. Two-thirds of the adults have been in the country for at least ten years and two-fifths have children, many of whom are citizens. Although almost all illegal immigrants could in theory be deported, in recent years most effort has gone on removing recent arrivals and those who have committed serious crimes.


Not any more. America’s Department of Homeland Security proposes to target all illicit immigrants who have “committed an act for which they could face charges”. Since Congress has criminalised many things that such people do (eg, using false Social Security numbers) that means open season on almost everyone. More children will be deported; parents who pay smugglers to bring their offspring to America will be prosecuted. Local police will be used as “force multipliers”.

不能再这样下去。美国国土安全部建议把目标锁定在“犯下可能面临指控行为”的所有非法移民。由于国会将这些人所做的太多事情定为非法(例如使用虚假社会保障号码),这意味着狩猎季几乎针对所有人。更多的孩子将被驱逐出境; 付钱给走私分子带子女到美国的那些父母将被起诉。地方警察将被用作“力量倍增器”。

By widening the net to catch longer-established immigrants, who tend to have children and better jobs, Mr Trump’s government will cause immense harm to families and to the country. Already-long queues at the immigration courts will lengthen. Federal officers will be pitted against local ones. Police in many cities refuse to act as proxy immigration officers, on the sensible ground that illegal immigrants should not be afraid of talking to them. Pushing them to co-operate with gung-ho federal officers invites a clash. Last week the mayor of Los Angeles told immigration officers to stop referring to themselves as police.


In America, many illegal immigrants have been around for decades and become part of society. Confusingly, when Mr Trump is not tarring unauthorised migrants as murderers, he says he is open to talking to Democrats about a comprehensive reform that would allow some of them to become legal (though not to earn full citizenship). That would be an excellent idea; but so far his actions speak louder than his words.

在美国,许多非法移民生活于此已有几十年,早就融为社会的一部分。 令人困惑的是,当特朗普不再把未经批准的移民污蔑为谋杀者时,他说愿意和民主党人讨论一项综合改革计划,给予他们中的一部分以合法的身份(虽然不会获得完整的公民身份)。 这将是一个绝妙的主意,但到目前为止他的行动胜于他的言语。

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