


独 立 写 作 预 测

1. 教育类话题

题目:Some people think that field trips(eg. a trip to museum)are important for a child’s education. Others think it is important for children to spend time studying in the classroom. Which do you think is more important and why?


Reason 1: maximize students’ learning

Reason 2: bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world experience


Sample body paragraph:

First, field trips maximize students’ learning by providing tangible examples. The monotony of the classroom, i.e. continually listening to lectures or completing mass amounts of assignments, may lead some kids to lose interest in particularly difficult subjects. Conversely, young children are able to absorb information and acquire knowledge in a more direct and engaging way through field trips. A trip to the science museum is a good example. Instead of reading about planets, kids can see the planets projected in different colors in a planetarium; rather than read about marine life, they can witness how the sea creatures such as dolphins and penguins survive in the harsh coldness in an aquarium. Similarly, it is far easier to mentally picture the Lincoln Memorial if kids have explored it themselves instead of simply recalling a picture of it in a book. Thus, field trips have provided young children with great opportunities to cement the information and consolidate their understanding, which in turn boosts their confidence and build their motivation in the academic subjects.

Further, nothing is more desirable than a field trip to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world experience. By seeing real-life application of the lessons that they are learning in school, children might be more likely to understand and appreciate the importance and relevance of what they are learning. This point is best confirmed by the example of my learning experience. Last year, we were introduced a new subject --- business studies. Initially, it was hard-pressed for us to comprehend the business principles and marketing strategies listed in the book. Then our bewilderment and confusion were eliminated due to a visit to a nearby automobile corporation, which, to a great extent, expanded our outlook and sharpened our intellectual. By visiting various departments and conducting interviews to directors, we came to better understand the seemingly abstract and obscure business terminologies such as negative externalization and equilibrium since learning was experienced rather than taught. Therefore, it is undoubtedly that field trips make connections between school learning and hands-on experience.


题目:It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a country, because you may lose connection with your old friends.


Reason 1: Moving out does not mean we may lose old friends.

Reason 2:Even if we may take the risk of losing old social connection, it should be not be a sufficient reason for people to be at a standstill in life.

Initially, moving to a new place does not mean losing touch with old friends and it seems ridiculous to stop the pace of exploring new areas. Obviously, modern technology makes it possible for people to contact with each other in a variety of ways. Some may argue that for friends living in different countries, it is not the truth. In fact, living in separate countries allows friendship to be closer instead of being alienated. For example, friends can interact with each other through online video or social network. As the saying goes, distance creates beauty. In fact, remote distance actually makes topics among friends more diversified, which may involve the new life and new world, the encouragement and support when one faces dilemma, the result is that their link with each other is actually strengthened. Besides, convenient traffic condition is another factor which makes it convincing that the long distance should not be considered as an obstacle of moving to new places.

On the other hand, it is ridiculous to exclusively focus on old social connection and stop the pace of exploring. People have diversified purposes of moving out, either intending to pursue better career development or enlarging their horizon by experiencing different cultures. No matter what the purpose is, it should be regarded as the main driving force of moving forward rather than being stopped by unnecessary concern or anxiety. After all, old social connections are only part of life, it is too conservative to choose to stay at the original spot and wander, but rather to see a larger world and meet new people or develop new friendship. In a word, staying in one place and always hesitate to move forward is not a rational choice.

3. 三选一话题:

题目:Students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in: 1. Cooking 2. Managing personal finances 3. Auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?



Reason 1: Finance manage course provides a solid foundation for students to have a rational consumption.

Reason 2:The course enables students to comprehend their parents’ hard work and avoid some bad habits.

concession:It is true that in the cooking course, the students can acquire some basic skill of preparing some tasty meals, which is useful for their independent life in the future. Also, it is necessary for students to learn some fundamental auto-repair knowledge in school because once their cars are broken, they may solve problems on their own. However, learning how to cook can be achieved in their family and compared with the potential problem which might be caused in the future if they can not manage their finance, the necessity of the finance management course should be given priority.


支持,称赞:thumb up for...

根本原因:underlying reason

未雨绸缪:reserve/save for a rainy day


引入歧途:lead sb. astray

口 语 预 测


1. What's the biggest problem during the course of studying as a student? How do you usually deal with it?


2.Which of the following ways is the best in getting to know the Italian culture? 1. Watching the Italian movies 2. Learning the Italian cooking 3. Attending the Italian lectures or history classes


3. Students should be allowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms?


4. University students encounter many difficult challenges in their study. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it?


5. Describe an event in your country when people will bring gift. And express what gift people will bring and why

2017.10.15; 2014.03.29; 2015.09.19

6. Which do you prefer? 1. theater performance by student actors 2. Concert by professional musicians 3. Lectures by well-known professors


7. What are the important characteristics of a good leader?


8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that technology like internet distances people from each other than before.


9. When you're visiting a city you've never been to, how would you like to tour around? A. sign up for a well organized trip B. visit history museums C. walk along the streets


10. Which of the following activities you would most prefer to do on a weekend afternoon? Play a sport, visit a friend or cook at home.

2015.01.31; 2015.01.11

Task 2

1. Some people believe that it is the innate talents make a person an artist. While others think that it is the efforts a person put in that make the person an artist. Which do you prefer and why?


2. Some like to spend a lot of money to get unique experience on vacation, while others prefer to spend little money on vacation. Which one do you prefer and why?


3. All people should be required to stop working and retire by age 65. Do you agree or disagree?

2016.5.28; 2017.05.06

4. Some people believe that we should not discuss about the private activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers. Do you agree? Why?


5. Instead of always being busy, one should have a relaxed lifestyle. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? Please answer the question with specific examples and details.


6. Some students choose to enter the university immediately after finishing high school, others prefer taking time off before beginning the university class. Which option do you think is better? Explain why.


7. some people think it's better to take classes in the day-time and have a part-time job in the evening, some people prefer to have a part-time job in the daytime and take classes in the evening. Which do you prefer?


8. Do you agree with the statement that the best way to know a country is to watch its TV program?


9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that? Robots will replace human to complete many tasks


10. Which shop do you prefer, large department store or small boutique? Please give your answer with specific examples and details.



