
老友记 Friends



Monica:Can I get you some coffee?De-caff


can I get you....您要....吗?

can I get you a glass of water?您要杯水吗?


Rachel:I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry.


turn on可以表示引起某人的性欲。比如The body that turns men on doesn't have to be perfect.激发起男人性欲的身体不一定要很完美。也可以表示某事引起某人的兴趣。比如:This book really turns me on.我开始对这本书很感兴趣。Jazz has never really turned me on.我从未对爵士产生过兴趣。注意一定是something turns somebody on.


Rachel:And then I got really freaked out.


freak这个单词用作名词可以表示狂热爱好者。a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject.比如非常喜欢爵士的人就叫Jazz freak.特别喜爱电脑的就是computer freak.第二种意思是(行为,外表,想法)怪异的人。a person who is considered  to be unusual because of the way he behave,look,or think.比如:She is going out with a real freak.她正在和一个怪人约会。freak用作形容词可以是不正常的,怪异的,比如a freak accident反常的事故,a freak strom反常的暴风雨。freak用作动词可以表示震惊;吓坏了;崩溃。Snakes really freak me out.我怕蛇。You freak me out.你吓坏我了。



Joey:And hey,you need anything,you can always come to Joey.


Come to somebody表示找某人帮忙,比如:If you have any problems,you can come to me for help.如果你有任何问题,你可以找我帮忙。而come to someplace表示去某地,去北京就是come to BeiJing.


Monica:Joey,stop hitting on her!乔伊,别再勾引她了!

hit on someone可以表示勾引某人,hit on something表示突然想到好主意。比如:She hit on the perfect title for her new book.她突然为她的新书想到了一个很棒的标题。
