CrmFetchKit.js是一个跨浏览器的一个类库,允许通过JavaScript来执行fetch xml的查询,还可以实现批量更新,分页查询等。目前已支持Chrome 25, Firefox 19 和 IE9/10 .
它的最大优势是可以通过fetchxml 来查询,这样我们就可以实现真正的多表联合查询,虽然可以用OData终结点的$expand来进行多表的联合查询,但这种方式没办法过滤多表的条件,它只能过滤主表的条件。
1: var fetchxml = ['<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" ',2: 'mapping="logical" ',
3: 'returntotalrecordcount="true" >',
4: '<entity name="new_floor_price">',
5: '<attribute name="new_floor_priceid" />',
6: '<order attribute="modifiedon" descending="true" />',7: '<filter type="and">',
8: '<condition attribute="new_approval_status" operator="eq" value="3" />',9: '</filter>',10: '<link-entity name="new_fp_item" from="new_fp" to="new_floor_priceid" alias="ar">',11: '<attribute name="new_floor_price" />',
12: '<filter type="and">',
13: '<condition attribute="new_modelid" operator="eq" value="' + modelid + '" />',14: '</filter>',15: '</link-entity>',16: '</entity>',17: '</fetch>'].join('');
我一般先写好sql语句,然后在 这里生成fetchxml 语句,再小改下参数就成了。
在上面的框里输入SQL 语句,点击 中间的Convert,就可以在下面的框里生成 Fetchxml的语句。
2. 调用很简单:
1: CrmFetchKit.Fetch(fetchxml).then(function (results) {
2: if(results!=null)3: setAttributeValue("new_floor_price", Number(results[0].getValue("ar.new_floor_price")));4: }, onFetchError);
3. 错误处理:
1: function onFetchError(xhr, status, errorThrown) {
2:3: var errormsg = $(xhr.responseXML).find('Message').text();
4:5: alert('CrmFetchKit-Error occured: ' + errormsg);6: }
4. 另一种写法:
1: // execute the query (async)2: CrmFetchKit.Fetch(fetchxml)3: .fail(function(xhr, status, errorThrown){
4:5: // get the error-message6: var msg = $(xhr.responseXML).find('Message').text();
7:8: alert('Error occured: ' + msg);
9: })10: .done(function(results){
11:12: var contactid = null;13:14: for( var i = 0, max = results.length; i < max; i++) {
15:16: contactid = results[i].getValue('contactid');
17:18: // Assign (async)19: CrmFetchKit.Assign(contactid, 'contact', bId);
20: }21: });这个示例中,还介绍了CrmFetchKit.Assign的用法
CrmFetchKit.Assign(contactid, 'contact', bId);这样就可以实现批量更新了
5. FetchMore 用法
1: var fetchxml = ['<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" ',
2: 'mapping="logical" ',
3: 'returntotalrecordcount="true" ',
4: 'count="10">',
5: ' <entity name="contact">',
6: ' <attribute name="lastname" />',
7: ' <attribute name="contactid" />',
8: ' <filter type="and">',
9: ' <condition attribute="lastname" operator="like" value="test%" />',
10: ' </filter>',
11: ' </entity>',
12: '</fetch>'].join('');
13:14: CrmFetchKit.FetchMore(fetchxml).then(function (response) {15:16: // 获取实体名17: var entityname = response.entityName;18:19: // fetchxml里必须设置 'returntotalrecordcount="true" '
20: var total = response.moreRecords;21:22: // 取得实体的数组23: var set = response.entities;
24:25: // 分页就需要这个 page-cookie26: var pageCookie = response.pagingCookie;27:28: ...29:30: }, onFetchError);
6. FetchAll用法:
1: var fetchxml = ['<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" ',
2: 'mapping="logical" ',
3: 'count="10">',
4: ' <entity name="contact">',
5: ' <attribute name="lastname" />',
6: ' <attribute name="contactid" />',
7: ' <filter type="and">',
8: ' <condition attribute="lastname" operator="like" value="test%" />',
9: ' </filter>',
10: ' </entity>',
11: '</fetch>'].join('');
12:13: CrmFetchKit.FetchAll(fetchxml).then(function (entities) {14:15: /* success-handler */
16:17: }, onFetchError);
7. 下载地址
1. 要注意全部是小写
2. 给lookup赋值时,要注意lookup类型是正确的