[翻译] The Amazing Audio Engine

[翻译] The Amazing Audio Engine

The Amazing Audio Engine


The Amazing Audio Engine is a sophisticated framework for iOS audio applications, built so you don't have to.

It is designed to be very easy to work with, and handles all of the intricacies of iOS audio on your behalf.

Built upon the efficient and low-latency Core Audio Remote IO system, and written by one of the pioneers of iOS audio development and developer of Audiobus Michael Tyson, The Amazing Audio Engine lets you get to work on making your app great instead of reinventing the wheel.

See http://theamazingaudioengine.com for details and http://theamazingaudioengine.com/doc for documentation.


Amazing Audio Engine 是一个设计精密的框架,用来处理 iOS 音频,你没有不用的理由。

它使用起来非常的简单,你可以用它来处理错综复杂的 iOS 音频。

它是在低水平的 CoreAudio Remote IO 框架中建立起来的,所以很高效,写这个框架的人是 iOS 音频处理专家 Audiobus Michael Tyson,用这个框架能让你的app做得更好,而不是低水平的重复造轮子浪费你的时间。



