if( testISP )
//reset the variables used for the tests
int numTotalPartsHor = (int)width >> floorLog2(CU::getISPSplitDim(width, height, TU_1D_VERT_SPLIT));//水平划分所得分区数
int numTotalPartsVer = (int)height >> floorLog2(CU::getISPSplitDim(width, height, TU_1D_HORZ_SPLIT));//垂直划分所得分区数
m_ispTestedModes[0].init( numTotalPartsHor, numTotalPartsVer );//初始化LfnstIdx为0时ISP测试数据
//the total number of subpartitions is modified to take into account the cases where LFNST cannot be combined with ISP due to size restrictions
numTotalPartsHor = sps.getUseLFNST() && CU::canUseLfnstWithISP(cu.Y(), HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS) ? numTotalPartsHor : 0;
numTotalPartsVer = sps.getUseLFNST() && CU::canUseLfnstWithISP(cu.Y(), VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS) ? numTotalPartsVer : 0;
for (int j = 1; j < NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET; j++)
m_ispTestedModes[j].init(numTotalPartsHor, numTotalPartsVer);
在estIntraPredLumaQT函数进行RD Cost细选之前,将初始化后的ISP模式加入进候选模式列表中。
if ( testISP )
// we reserve positions for ISP in the common full RD list
// 我们为ISP在通用的完整RD列表中保留位置
const int maxNumRDModesISP = sps.getUseLFNST() ? 16 * NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET : 16;
m_curIspLfnstIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxNumRDModesISP; i++)
uiRdModeList.push_back( ModeInfo( false, false, 0, INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS_RESERVED, 0 ) );
在estIntraPredLumaQT函数进行第三轮RD Cost细选时,在遍历完常规帧内角度模式和MIP模式之后,就开始ISP模式的遍历。
在第一次进行ISP模式遍历的时候,需要为ISP模式准备用来RD Cost测试的帧内模式候选列表。这里用到m_regIntraRDListWithCosts列表,该列表主要包含的是第三轮RD Cost细选所包含的常规帧内角度模式。首先对该列表进行排序,选出最佳帧内角度模式bestNormalIntraAngle。
//It prepares the list of potential intra modes candidates that will be tested using RD costs
//该函数用来准备使用RD Cost测试的潜在帧内模式候选列表
bool IntraSearch::xSortISPCandList(double bestCostSoFar, double bestNonISPCost, ModeInfo bestNonISPMode)
int bestISPModeInRelCU = -1;
if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastISP())
//we check if the ISP tests can be cancelled
double thSkipISP = 1.4;
if (bestNonISPCost > bestCostSoFar * thSkipISP)
{ //如果bestNonISPCost > bestCostSoFar * thSkipISP则不再对ISP进行测试
for (int splitIdx = 0; splitIdx < NUM_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS_MODES - 1; splitIdx++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET; j++)
m_ispTestedModes[j].splitIsFinished[splitIdx] = true;
return false;
if (!updateISPStatusFromRelCU(bestNonISPCost, bestNonISPMode, bestISPModeInRelCU))
{ //根据相关CU的信息更新当前ISP状态
return false;
for (int k = 0; k < m_ispCandListHor.size(); k++)
{ = HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS; //we set the correct ISP split type value 设置正确的ISP划分类型
auto origHadList = m_ispCandListHor; // save the original hadamard list of regular intra 保存常规帧内模式的原始hadamard列表
bool modeIsInList[NUM_LUMA_MODE] = { false };
// we sort the normal intra modes according to their full RD costs
// 我们根据它们的RD Costs对常规帧内模式进行排序
std::sort(m_regIntraRDListWithCosts.begin(), m_regIntraRDListWithCosts.end(), ModeInfoWithCost::compareModeInfoWithCost);
// we get the best angle from the regular intra list
// 我们从常规帧内模式列表中得到最佳预测角度模式
int bestNormalIntraAngle = -1;
for (int modeIdx = 0; modeIdx < m_regIntraRDListWithCosts.size(); modeIdx++)
if (bestNormalIntraAngle == -1 && > DC_IDX)
bestNormalIntraAngle =;
int mode1 = PLANAR_IDX;
int mode2 = bestNormalIntraAngle;
ModeInfo refMode =;
auto* destListPtr = &m_ispCandListHor;
//List creation
if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastISP() && bestISPModeInRelCU != -1) //RelCU intra mode
{ //将相关CU的最佳ISP模式加入到候选列表中
destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, bestISPModeInRelCU));
modeIsInList[bestISPModeInRelCU] = true;
// Planar
if (!modeIsInList[mode1])
destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, mode1));
modeIsInList[mode1] = true;
// Best angle in regular intra
if (mode2 != -1 && !modeIsInList[mode2])
destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, mode2));
modeIsInList[mode2] = true;
// Remaining regular intra modes that were full RD tested (except DC, which is added after the angles from regular intra)
// 其余的进行完全RD测试的常规帧内模式(除了DC,它是在常规帧内角度模式之后添加的)
int dcModeIndex = -1;
for (int remModeIdx = 0; remModeIdx < m_regIntraRDListWithCosts.size(); remModeIdx++)
int currentMode =;
if (currentMode != mode1 && currentMode != mode2 && !modeIsInList[currentMode])
{ //如果当前模式不是Planar模式且不是最佳角度模式且不在模式列表中
if (currentMode > DC_IDX)
destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, currentMode));
modeIsInList[currentMode] = true;
else if (currentMode == DC_IDX)
dcModeIndex = remModeIdx;
// DC is added after the angles from regular intra
// 在与常规帧内角度模式之后添加DC
if (dcModeIndex != -1 && !modeIsInList[DC_IDX])
destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, DC_IDX));
modeIsInList[DC_IDX] = true;
// We add extra candidates to the list that will only be tested if ISP is likely to win
// 我们在列表中添加了额外的候选模式,只有在ISP可能胜出的情况下才会进行测试
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET; j++)
m_ispTestedModes[j].numOrigModesToTest = (int)destListPtr->size();
const int addedModesFromHadList = 3;//从hadamard列表添加的模式数
int newModesAdded = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < origHadList.size(); k++)
if (newModesAdded == addedModesFromHadList)
if (!modeIsInList[])
destListPtr->push_back( ModeInfo( refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, ) );
if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastISP() && bestISPModeInRelCU != -1)
// Copy modes to other split-type list
// 将模式复制到其他划分类型列表
m_ispCandListVer = m_ispCandListHor;
for (int i = 0; i < m_ispCandListVer.size(); i++)
m_ispCandListVer[i].ispMod = VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
// Reset the tested modes information to 0
// 将测试模式信息重置为0
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < m_ispCandListHor.size(); i++)
return true;
通过调用:xGetNextISPMode函数决定ISP哪些划分模式和预测模式可以组合使用进行完整的RD Cost测试。
// It decides which modes from the ISP lists can be full RD tested
// 它决定了ISP列表中的哪些模式可以进行完整的RD测试
void IntraSearch::xGetNextISPMode(ModeInfo& modeInfo, const ModeInfo* lastMode, const Size cuSize)
static_vector* rdModeLists[2] = { &m_ispCandListHor, &m_ispCandListVer };
const int curIspLfnstIdx = m_curIspLfnstIdx;
if (curIspLfnstIdx >= NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET)
//All lfnst indices have been checked
ISPType nextISPcandSplitType;
auto& ispTestedModes = m_ispTestedModes[curIspLfnstIdx];
const bool horSplitIsTerminated = ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS - 1];
const bool verSplitIsTerminated = ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS - 1];
if (!horSplitIsTerminated && !verSplitIsTerminated)//如果既没有进行水平划分也没有进行垂直划分
else if (!horSplitIsTerminated && verSplitIsTerminated)//如果已经进行垂直划分且没有进行水平划分
else if (horSplitIsTerminated && !verSplitIsTerminated)//如果已经进行水平划分且没有进行垂直划分
return; // no more modes will be tested 不再测试模式
int maxNumSubPartitions = ispTestedModes.numTotalParts[nextISPcandSplitType - 1];//最大分区数
// We try to break the split here for lfnst > 0 according to the first mode
// 根据第一种模式,我们尝试在这里打破lfnst>0的划分
if (curIspLfnstIdx > 0 && ispTestedModes.numTestedModes[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] == 1)
int firstModeThisSplit = ispTestedModes.getTestedIntraMode(nextISPcandSplitType, 0);
int numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit = ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts(nextISPcandSplitType, firstModeThisSplit);
CHECK(numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit < 0, "wrong number of subpartitions!");
bool stopThisSplit = false;
bool stopThisSplitAllLfnsts = false;
if (numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit < maxNumSubPartitions)
stopThisSplit = true;
if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastISP() && curIspLfnstIdx == 1 && numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit < maxNumSubPartitions - 1)
stopThisSplitAllLfnsts = true;
if (stopThisSplit)
ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
if (curIspLfnstIdx == 1 && stopThisSplitAllLfnsts)
m_ispTestedModes[2].splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
// We try to break the split here for lfnst = 0 or all lfnst indices according to the first two modes
// 根据前两种模式,我们尝试在这里打破lfnst=0或所有lfnst索引的划分
if (curIspLfnstIdx == 0 && ispTestedModes.numTestedModes[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] == 2)
// Split stop criteria after checking the performance of previously tested intra modes
// 检查之前测试的帧内模式性能后的划分停止标准
const int thresholdSplit1 = maxNumSubPartitions;
bool stopThisSplit = false;
bool stopThisSplitForAllLFNSTs = false;
const int thresholdSplit1ForAllLFNSTs = maxNumSubPartitions - 1;
int mode1 = ispTestedModes.getTestedIntraMode((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, 0);
mode1 = mode1 == DC_IDX ? -1 : mode1;
int numSubPartsBestMode1 = mode1 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, mode1) : -1;
int mode2 = ispTestedModes.getTestedIntraMode((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, 1);
mode2 = mode2 == DC_IDX ? -1 : mode2;
int numSubPartsBestMode2 = mode2 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, mode2) : -1;
// 1) The 2 most promising modes do not reach a certain number of sub-partitions
// 1)最有前途的两种模式没有达到一定数量的子分区
if (numSubPartsBestMode1 != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode2 != -1)
if (numSubPartsBestMode1 < thresholdSplit1 && numSubPartsBestMode2 < thresholdSplit1)
stopThisSplit = true;
if (curIspLfnstIdx == 0 && numSubPartsBestMode1 < thresholdSplit1ForAllLFNSTs && numSubPartsBestMode2 < thresholdSplit1ForAllLFNSTs)
stopThisSplitForAllLFNSTs = true;
//we stop also if the cost is MAX_DOUBLE for both modes
double mode1Cost = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(nextISPcandSplitType, mode1);
double mode2Cost = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(nextISPcandSplitType, mode2);
if (!(mode1Cost < MAX_DOUBLE || mode2Cost < MAX_DOUBLE))
stopThisSplit = true;
if (!stopThisSplit)
// 2) One split type may be discarded by comparing the number of sub-partitions of the best angle modes of both splits
// 2)通过比较两个划分的最佳角度模式的子分区数,可以丢弃一个划分类型
int numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit = mode2 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts(otherSplit, mode2) : -1;
if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode2 != -1 && ispTestedModes.bestSplitSoFar != nextISPcandSplitType)
if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit > numSubPartsBestMode2)
stopThisSplit = true;
// both have the same number of subpartitions
// 两者都有相同数量的子部分
else if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit == numSubPartsBestMode2)
// both have the maximum number of subpartitions, so it compares RD costs to decide
// 两者都有最大数量的子划分,所以它比较RD Cost来决定
if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit == maxNumSubPartitions)
double rdCostBestMode2ThisSplit = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(nextISPcandSplitType, mode2);
double rdCostBestMode2OtherSplit = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(otherSplit, mode2);
double threshold = 1.3;
if (rdCostBestMode2ThisSplit == MAX_DOUBLE || rdCostBestMode2OtherSplit < rdCostBestMode2ThisSplit * threshold)
stopThisSplit = true;
else // none of them reached the maximum number of subpartitions with the best angle modes, so it compares the results with the the planar mode
int numSubPartsBestMode1OtherSplit = mode1 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts(otherSplit, mode1) : -1;
if (numSubPartsBestMode1OtherSplit != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode1 != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode1OtherSplit > numSubPartsBestMode1)
stopThisSplit = true;
if (stopThisSplit) //如果停止这种划分
ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
if (stopThisSplitForAllLFNSTs)
for (int lfnstIdx = 1; lfnstIdx < NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET; lfnstIdx++)
m_ispTestedModes[lfnstIdx].splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
// Now a new mode is retrieved from the list and it has to be decided whether it should be tested or not
// 现在从列表中检索到一个新模式,必须决定是否应该测试它
if (ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] < rdModeLists[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]->size())
ModeInfo candidate = rdModeLists[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]->at(ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]);
ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]++;
// extra modes are only tested if ISP has won so far
// 只有当ISP目前为止赢了,才测试额外的模式
if (ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] > ispTestedModes.numOrigModesToTest)
if (ispTestedModes.bestSplitSoFar != candidate.ispMod || ispTestedModes.bestModeSoFar == PLANAR_IDX)
ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
bool testCandidate = true;
// we look for a reference mode that has already been tested within the window and decide to test the new one according to the reference mode costs
// 我们寻找一个已经在窗口中测试过的参考模式,并决定根据参考模式成本测试新的模式
if (maxNumSubPartitions > 2 && (curIspLfnstIdx > 0 || (candidate.modeId >= DC_IDX && ispTestedModes.numTestedModes[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] >= 2)))
int refLfnstIdx = -1;
const int angWindowSize = 5;
int numSubPartsLeftMode, numSubPartsRightMode, numSubPartsRefMode, leftIntraMode = -1, rightIntraMode = -1;
int windowSize = candidate.modeId > DC_IDX ? angWindowSize : 1;
int numSamples = cuSize.width << floorLog2(cuSize.height);
int numSubPartsLimit = numSamples >= 256 ? maxNumSubPartitions - 1 : 2;
xFindAlreadyTestedNearbyIntraModes(curIspLfnstIdx, (int)candidate.modeId, &refLfnstIdx, &leftIntraMode, &rightIntraMode, (ISPType)candidate.ispMod, windowSize);
if (refLfnstIdx != -1 && refLfnstIdx != curIspLfnstIdx)
CHECK(leftIntraMode != candidate.modeId || rightIntraMode != candidate.modeId, "wrong intra mode and lfnstIdx values!");
numSubPartsRefMode = m_ispTestedModes[refLfnstIdx].getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)candidate.ispMod, candidate.modeId);
CHECK(numSubPartsRefMode <= 0, "Wrong value of the number of subpartitions completed!");
numSubPartsLeftMode = leftIntraMode != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)candidate.ispMod, leftIntraMode) : -1;
numSubPartsRightMode = rightIntraMode != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)candidate.ispMod, rightIntraMode) : -1;
numSubPartsRefMode = std::max(numSubPartsLeftMode, numSubPartsRightMode);
if (numSubPartsRefMode > 0)
// The mode was found. Now we check the condition
testCandidate = numSubPartsRefMode > numSubPartsLimit;
if (testCandidate)
modeInfo = candidate;
//the end of the list was reached, so the split is invalidated
ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
xIntraCodingLumaISP函数主要是对CU进行划分,并且对划分后的TU调用xIntraCodingTUBlock函数进行编码,计算所得失真、码率,从而计算RD Cost,最后再求出当前ISP模式的总的RD Cost。
bool IntraSearch::xIntraCodingLumaISP(CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner, const double bestCostSoFar)
int subTuCounter = 0; //TU计数器
const CodingUnit& cu = *cs.getCU(partitioner.currArea().lumaPos(), partitioner.chType);
bool earlySkipISP = false;//提前跳过ISP
bool splitCbfLuma = false;
const PartSplit ispType = CU::getISPType(cu, COMPONENT_Y);//ISP划分类型
cs.cost = 0;
partitioner.splitCurrArea(ispType, cs);
CUCtx cuCtx;
cuCtx.isDQPCoded = true;
cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded = true;
do // subpartitions loop ISP划分循环
uint32_t numSig = 0;
Distortion singleDistTmpLuma = 0;//失真
uint64_t singleTmpFracBits = 0;//码率
double singleCostTmp = 0;//RD Cost
// 获得划分后的TU
TransformUnit& tu = cs.addTU(CS::getArea(cs, partitioner.currArea(), partitioner.chType), partitioner.chType);
tu.depth = partitioner.currTrDepth;
// Encode TU
// 编码TU
xIntraCodingTUBlock(tu, COMPONENT_Y, false, singleDistTmpLuma, 0, &numSig);
if (singleDistTmpLuma == MAX_INT) // all zero CBF skip
earlySkipISP = true;
cs.cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
return false;
if (m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(cs.fracBits, cs.dist + singleDistTmpLuma) > bestCostSoFar)
// The accumulated cost + distortion is already larger than the best cost so far, so it is not necessary to calculate the rate
// 累计成本 + 失真已经大于目前为止的最佳成本,因此不必计算码率
earlySkipISP = true;
// 计算码率
singleTmpFracBits = xGetIntraFracBitsQT(cs, partitioner, true, false, subTuCounter, ispType, &cuCtx);
// 计算RD Cost
singleCostTmp = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(singleTmpFracBits, singleDistTmpLuma);
cs.cost += singleCostTmp; //计算总RD Cost
cs.dist += singleDistTmpLuma;//计算总失真
cs.fracBits += singleTmpFracBits;//计算总码率
splitCbfLuma |= TU::getCbfAtDepth(*cs.getTU(partitioner.currArea().lumaPos(), partitioner.chType, subTuCounter - 1), COMPONENT_Y, partitioner.currTrDepth);
int nSubPartitions = m_ispTestedModes[cu.lfnstIdx].numTotalParts[cu.ispMode - 1];
if (subTuCounter < nSubPartitions) //当前的TU数目小于分区总数目
// exit condition if the accumulated cost is already larger than the best cost so far (no impact in RD performance)
// 如果累计成本已经大于目前为止的最佳成本(对研发绩效没有影响),则退出条件
if (cs.cost > bestCostSoFar)
earlySkipISP = true;
else if (subTuCounter < nSubPartitions)
// more restrictive exit condition
// 更严格的退出条件
double threshold = nSubPartitions == 2 ? 0.95 : subTuCounter == 1 ? 0.83 : 0.91;
if (subTuCounter < nSubPartitions && cs.cost > bestCostSoFar * threshold)
earlySkipISP = true;
} while (partitioner.nextPart(cs)); // subpartitions loop
const UnitArea& currArea = partitioner.currArea();
const uint32_t currDepth = partitioner.currTrDepth;
if (earlySkipISP)
cs.cost = MAX_DOUBLE;//如果提前退出ISP,则cost设置为MAXDOUBLE
cs.cost = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(cs.fracBits, cs.dist);
// The cost check is necessary here again to avoid superfluous operations if the maximum number of coded subpartitions was reached and yet ISP did not win
// 如果达到了最大编码子分区数,但ISP没有获胜,则必须再次进行成本检查,以避免多余的操作
if (cs.cost < bestCostSoFar)
for (auto& ptu : cs.tus)
if (currArea.Y().contains(ptu->Y()))
TU::setCbfAtDepth(*ptu, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth, splitCbfLuma ? 1 : 0);
earlySkipISP = true;
return !earlySkipISP;
Coding block 尺寸 (WxH) |
VTM-5.0 |
CE3-1.6 |
用于预测的分区尺寸 |
变换尺寸 |
用于预测的分区尺寸 |
变换尺寸 |
4x8 |
2x8 |
2x8 |
4x8 |
2x8 |
4xN (N > 8) |
1xN |
1xN |
4xN |
1xN |
8xN (N > 4) |
2xN |
2xN |
4xN |
2xN |
if (compID == COMPONENT_Y)
if (compID == COMPONENT_Y || (isChroma(compID) &&>bdpcmModeChroma))
PelBuf sharedPredTS( m_pSharedPredTransformSkip[compID], area );
if( default0Save1Load2 != 2 )
bool predRegDiffFromTB = CU::isPredRegDiffFromTB(*, compID);//预测尺寸和变换尺寸不一样
bool firstTBInPredReg = CU::isFirstTBInPredReg(*, compID, area);//第一个进行预测的块
CompArea areaPredReg(COMPONENT_Y, tu.chromaFormat, area);//预测重建块
if (>ispMode && isLuma(compID))
if (predRegDiffFromTB)
{ // 如果预测尺寸和TB不一样
if (firstTBInPredReg)
{ // 如果TB是第一次进行预测
CU::adjustPredArea(areaPredReg);//调整预测区域,将CU尺寸为4xN and 8xN (N > 4)的块的ISP预测区域改为4xN
initIntraPatternChTypeISP(*, areaPredReg, piReco);
initIntraPatternChTypeISP(*, area, piReco);
initIntraPatternChType(*, area);
//===== get prediction signal =====
if(compID != COMPONENT_Y && !>bdpcmModeChroma && PU::isLMCMode(uiChFinalMode))
xGetLumaRecPixels( pu, area );
predIntraChromaLM( compID, piPred, pu, area, uiChFinalMode );
if( PU::isMIP( pu, chType ) )
initIntraMip( pu, area );
predIntraMip( compID, piPred, pu );
if (predRegDiffFromTB)
{ //如果预测尺寸和TB不一样
if (firstTBInPredReg)
{ //如果TB是第一次进行预测
PelBuf piPredReg = cs.getPredBuf(areaPredReg);
predIntraAng(compID, piPredReg, pu);
predIntraAng(compID, piPred, pu);
// save prediction
if( default0Save1Load2 == 1 )
sharedPredTS.copyFrom( piPred );
// load prediction
piPred.copyFrom( sharedPredTS );
void IntraPrediction::initIntraPatternChTypeISP(const CodingUnit& cu, const CompArea& area, PelBuf& recBuf, const bool forceRefFilterFlag)
const CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs;
if (!forceRefFilterFlag)
initPredIntraParams(*cu.firstPU, area, *cs.sps);
const Position posLT = area;
bool isLeftAvail = (cs.getCURestricted(posLT.offset(-1, 0), cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA) != NULL) && cs.isDecomp(posLT.offset(-1, 0), CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);
bool isAboveAvail = (cs.getCURestricted(posLT.offset(0, -1), cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA) != NULL) && cs.isDecomp(posLT.offset(0, -1), CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);
// ----- Step 1: unfiltered reference samples -----
// ----- Step 1: 获取参考像素 -----
if (cu.blocks[area.compID].x == area.x && cu.blocks[area.compID].y == area.y) //第一个进行预测的TB
Pel *refBufUnfiltered = m_refBuffer[area.compID][PRED_BUF_UNFILTERED];
// With the first subpartition all the CU reference samples are fetched at once in a single call to xFillReferenceSamples
m_leftRefLength = cu.Y().height << 1;
m_topRefLength = cu.Y().width + area.width;
else //if (cu.ispMode == VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS)
m_leftRefLength = cu.Y().height + area.height;
m_topRefLength = cu.Y().width << 1;
xFillReferenceSamples(cs.picture->getRecoBuf(cu.Y()), refBufUnfiltered, cu.Y(), cu);
// After having retrieved all the CU reference samples, the number of reference samples is now adjusted for the current subpartition
// 检索完所有CU的参考像素后,参考像素的数量现在根据当前的子分区进行调整
m_topRefLength = cu.blocks[area.compID].width + area.width;//上边的参考像素长度
m_leftRefLength = cu.blocks[area.compID].height + area.height;//左侧的参考像素长度
m_topRefLength = cu.blocks[area.compID].width + area.width;
m_leftRefLength = cu.blocks[area.compID].height + area.height;
const int predSizeHor = m_topRefLength;
const int predSizeVer = m_leftRefLength;
if (cu.ispMode == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS) //水平划分
Pel* src = recBuf.bufAt(0, -1);
Pel *ref = m_refBuffer[area.compID][PRED_BUF_UNFILTERED] + m_refBufferStride[area.compID];
if (isLeftAvail)
for (int i = 0; i <= 2 * cu.blocks[area.compID].height - area.height; i++)
ref[i] = ref[i + area.height];
for (int i = 0; i <= predSizeVer; i++)
ref[i] = src[0];
Pel *dst = m_refBuffer[area.compID][PRED_BUF_UNFILTERED] + 1;
dst[-1] = ref[0];
for (int i = 0; i < area.width; i++)
dst[i] = src[i];
Pel sample = src[area.width - 1];
dst += area.width;
for (int i = 0; i < predSizeHor - area.width; i++)
dst[i] = sample;
Pel* src = recBuf.bufAt(-1, 0);
Pel *ref = m_refBuffer[area.compID][PRED_BUF_UNFILTERED];
if (isAboveAvail)
for (int i = 0; i <= 2 * cu.blocks[area.compID].width - area.width; i++)
ref[i] = ref[i + area.width];
for (int i = 0; i <= predSizeHor; i++)
ref[i] = src[0];
Pel *dst = m_refBuffer[area.compID][PRED_BUF_UNFILTERED] + m_refBufferStride[area.compID] + 1;
dst[-1] = ref[0];
for (int i = 0; i < area.height; i++)
*dst = *src;
src += recBuf.stride;
Pel sample = src[-recBuf.stride];
for (int i = 0; i < predSizeVer - area.height; i++)
*dst = sample;
// ----- Step 2: filtered reference samples -----
// ----- Step 2: 对参考像素进行滤波 -----
if (m_ipaParam.refFilterFlag || forceRefFilterFlag)
Pel *refBufUnfiltered = m_refBuffer[area.compID][PRED_BUF_UNFILTERED];
Pel *refBufFiltered = m_refBuffer[area.compID][PRED_BUF_FILTERED];
xFilterReferenceSamples(refBufUnfiltered, refBufFiltered, area, *cs.sps, cu.firstPU->multiRefIdx);