
本文翻译自:Which is better option to use for dividing an integer number by 2?

Which of the following techniques is the best option for dividing an integer by 2 and why? 以下哪种技术是将整数除以2的最佳选择,为什么?

Technique 1: 技巧1:

x = x >> 1;

Technique 2: 技术2:

x = x / 2;

Here x is an integer. 这里x是整数。




Just use divide ( / ), presuming it is clearer. 只需使用divide( / ),假设它更清晰。 The compiler will optimize accordingly. 编译器将相应地进行优化。


Does the first one look like dividing? 第一个看起来像分裂吗? No. If you want to divide, use x / 2 . 不。如果要分割,请使用x / 2 Compiler can optimise it to use bit-shift if possible (it's called strength reduction), which makes it a useless micro-optimisation if you do it on your own. 如果可能的话,编译器可以对其进行优化以使用位移(称为强度降低),如果您自己进行,则会使其成为无用的微优化。


x / 2 is clearer, and x >> 1 is not much faster (according to a micro-benchmark, about 30% faster for a Java JVM). x / 2更清晰, x >> 1不是更快(根据微基准测试,Java JVM快约30%)。 As others have noted, for negative numbers the rounding is slightly different, so you have to consider this when you want to process negative numbers. 正如其他人所指出的那样,对于负数,舍入略有不同,所以当你想要处理负数时你必须考虑这个。 Some compilers may automatically convert x / 2 to x >> 1 if they know the number can not be negative (even thought I could not verify this). 一些编译器可能会自动将x / 2转换为x >> 1如果他们知道数字不能为负数(甚至认为我无法验证这一点)。

Even x / 2 may not use the (slow) division CPU instruction, because some shortcuts are possible , but it is still slower than x >> 1 . 即使x / 2也可能不使用(慢)除法CPU指令,因为某些快捷键是可能的 ,但它仍然比x >> 1慢。

(This is a C / C++ question, other programming languages have more operators. For Java there is also the unsigned right shift, x >>> 1 , which is again different. It allows to correctly calculate the mean (average) value of two values, so that (a + b) >>> 1 will return the mean value even for very large values of a and b . This is required for example for binary search if the array indices can get very large. There was a bug in many versions of binary search , because they used (a + b) / 2 to calculate the average. This doesn't work correctly. The correct solution is to use (a + b) >>> 1 instead.) (这是一个C / C ++问题,其他编程语言有更多的运算符。对于Java,还有无符号右移, x >>> 1 ,这又是不同的。它允许正确计算两个的平均值(平均值)值,即使对于ab非常大的值, (a + b) >>> 1也将返回平均值。例如,如果数组索引可能变得非常大,则需要二进制搜索。这是一个错误。许多版本的二进制搜索 ,因为他们使用(a + b) / 2来计算平均值。这不能正常工作。正确的解决方案是使用(a + b) >>> 1代替。)


Use the operation that best describes what you are trying to do. 使用最能描述您要执行的操作的操作。

  • If you are treating the number as a sequence of bits, use bitshift. 如果您将数字视为位序列,请使用bitshift。
  • If you are treating it as a numerical value, use division. 如果您将其视为数值,请使用除法。

Note that they are not exactly equivalent. 请注意,它们并不完全等效。 They can give different results for negative integers. 它们可以为负整数提供不同的结果。 For example: 例如:

-5 / 2  = -2
-5 >> 1 = -3

(ideone) (ideone)


Which one is the best option and why for dividing the integer number by 2? 哪一个是最佳选择以及为什么将整数除以2?

Depends on what you mean by best . 取决于你最好的意思。

If you want your colleagues to hate you, or to make your code hard to read, I'd definitely go with the first option. 如果你想让你的同事讨厌你,或者让你的代码难以阅读,我肯定会选择第一个选项。

If you want to divide a number by 2, go with the second one. 如果要将数字除以2,请使用第二个数字。

The two are not equivalent, they don't behave the same if the number is negative or inside larger expressions - bitshift has lower precedence than + or - , division has higher precedence. 这两者不相等,如果数字为负数或在较大的表达式内,它们的行为不相同 - bitshift的优先级低于+- ,除法具有更高的优先级。

You should write your code to express what its intent is. 您应该编写代码来表达其意图。 If performance is your concern, don't worry, the optimizer does a good job at these sort of micro-optimizations. 如果您关心性能,请不要担心,优化器在这些微优化方面做得很好。
