[Quora] 在超级计算机上玩游戏是一种怎样的体验?


What is it like to play video games on a super computer ?
在超级计算机上玩游戏是一种怎样的体验 ?
Quora 地址:http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-play-video-games-on-a-super-computer

Ernest W. Adams:

Supercomputers are designed to crunch numbers, not provide fancy graphics, so a game on a supercomputer wouldn't look better than any other -- in fact, it would probably look worse, because you can't stick a high-end graphics card into a supercomputer.


Also, there's no real benefit to making a game play as fast as it can. If a human can't keep up, the game is unplayable. You can find that out if you try to run old games for the IBM XT on a Pentium machine. Most of them didn't have timer-based animation and so everything just runs a mile a minute. (Good Old Games does a good job of re-engineering them to run on fast machines.)

另外,让游戏运行的更快也没有什么用处。如果快到人类跟不上,游戏也不能玩了。如果你在一台使用奔腾的计算机上玩给 IBM XT 设计的老游戏你就会发现这一点。

A supercomputer could run very large worlds, but we already do that with MMOGs on multiple servers and player machines.

超级电脑可以加载巨大的地图,但是我们已经在 MMOGs(大型多人在线游戏)上通过多服务器与玩家机器实现了这一点。

Short answer: not that different; if anything, probably worse.


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