《Unity案例:Armored Vehicle Kit》 |
版本 |
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完成日期 |
备注 |
UnityPro_ArmroedVehicleKit_V01_1.0 |
严立钻 |
2018.09.03 |
##《Unity案例:Armored Vehicle Kit》发布说明:
++++“Unity案例:Armored Vehicle Kit”是对Unity项目案例系列的一次尝试,这个例子来自Asset Store,这次探索,为后期大量的Asset Store案例剖析做个探索,由于代码剖析比较乏味,没有好的拓展经验,如何拓展,怎样才能起到好的示范作用,这些都需要摸索总结,以期能完成一套项目剖析的有效方案,给读者展示不一样的案例剖析;
++++“Unity案例:Armored Vehicle Kit”:装甲车辆系统,这是一个车辆模拟驾驶案例,有兴趣的童鞋可以试一试;
##《Unity案例:Armored Vehicle》目录:
#第一篇:项目介绍 |
++++“Armored Vehicle Kit”:装甲车辆装备;
++[Sci-Fi Armored Vehicles Kit]
++++Animated Roof Mods, three pieces;
++++Eighteen premade vehicles;
++++Interior and Bottom;
++++Sixteen prefabs, to make your own vehicle;
++++Eight Body Variants;
++++Ten Roof Mods in total, action and support;
++++Mods are separated, ready to animate;
++++Seven paint jobs for body;
++++Three colors of dirt for tires;
++++Wheels reacting to surface;
++++Specify number of Axles;
++++Motor & Steering selection for each Axle;
++++Drag Wheel Collider & Visual Wheel;
++++Customize Motor Torque and Steering Angle;
++[Standard Materials]
++++Interior is meant for FPS-kind of game-you look at vehicle, come to it and can see what is inside.
++++Steering Wheel is not separate;
++[Version 1.1]
++++Enhanced script: Added support of inverted steering to the wheels, for any axle;
#第二篇:代码结构 |
##B.1、Dot_Truck_Controller.cs |
++++ArmroedVehiclesKit\Assets\Armored Vehicles Kit\Scripts\Dot_Truck_Controller.cs
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic;
[System.Serializable] public class Dot_Truck : System.Object{ public WheelCollider leftWheel; public GameObject leftWheelMesh; public WheelCollider rightWheel; public GameObject rightWheelMesh; public bool motor; public bool steering; public bool reverseTurn; } //立钻哥哥:public class Dot_Truck:System.Object{}
public class Dot_Truck_Controller : MonoBehaviour{ public List<Dot_Truck> truck_Infos; public float maxMotorTorque; public flaot maxSteeringAngle;
public void VisualizeWheel(Dot_Truck wheelPair){ Quaternion rot; Vector3 pos; wheelPair.leftWheel.GetWorldPose(out pos, out rot); wheelPair.leftWheelMesh.transform.position = pos; wheelPair.leftWheelMesh.transform.rotation = rot; wheelPair.rightWheel.GetWorldPose(out pos, out rot); wheelPair.rightWheelMesh.transform.position = pos; wheelPair.rightWheelMesh.transform.rotation = rot; }
public void Update(){ float motor = maxMotorTorque * Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”); float steering = maxSteeringAngle * Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”); float brakeTorque = Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis(“Jump”));
if(brakeTorque > 0.001){ Debug.Log(brakeTorque); brakeTorque = maxMotorTorque; motor = 0; }else{ brakeTorque = 0; }
foreach(Dot_Truck truck_Info in truck_Infos){ if(truck_Info.steering == true){ truck_Info.leftWheel.steerAngle = truck_Info.rightWheel.steerAngle = ((truck_Info.reverseTurn) ? -1 : 1) * steering; }
if(truck_Info.motor == true){ truck_Info.leftWheel.motorTorque = motor; truck_Info.rightWheel.motorTorque = motor; }
truck_Info.leftWheel.brakeTorque = brakeTorque; truck_Info.rightWheel.brakeTorque = brakeTorque;
VisualizedWheel(truck_Info); } } //立钻哥哥:public void Update(){}
} //立钻哥哥:public class Dot_Truck_Controller:MonoBehaviour{} |
##B.2、PostEffectsBase.cs |
++++\Assets\Armored Vehicles Kit\Standard Assets\Effects\ImageEffects\Scripts\PostEffectsBase.cs
using System; using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects{ [ExecuteInEditMode] [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] public class PostEffectsBase : MonoBehaviour{ protected bool supportHDRTextures = true; protected bool supportDX11 = false; protected bool isSupported = true;
protected Material CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(Shader s, Material m2Create){ }
protected Material CreateMaterial(Shader s, Material m2Create){ }
void OnEnable(){ isSupported = true; }
protected bool CheckSupport(){ return CheckSupport(false); }
public virtual bool CheckResources(){ Debug.LogWarning(“立钻哥哥:CheckResources() for ” + ToString() + “should be overwritten”); return isSupported; }
protected void Start(){ CheckResources(); }
protected bool CheckSupport(bool needDepth){ }
protected bool CheckSupport(bool needDepth, bool needHdr){ }
public bool DX11Support(){ return supportDX11; }
protected void ReportAutoDisable(){ }
bool CheckShader(Shader s){ }
protected void NotSupported(){ enabled = false; isSupported = false; return; }
protected void DrawBorder(RenderTexture dest, Material material){ }
} //立钻哥哥:public class PostEffectsBase:MonoBehaviour{}
} //立钻哥哥:namespace UnityStandardAssts.ImageEffects{}
++RenderTextureFormat namespace UnityEngine{ public enum RenderTextureFormat{ ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat = 11, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGint, RInt, BGRA32, RGB111110Float = 22 } //立钻哥哥:public enum RenderTextureFormat{} } //立钻哥哥:namespace UnityEngine{} |
##B.3、Tonemapping.cs |
++++\Assets\Armored Vehicles Kit\Standard Assets\Effects\ImageEffects\Scripts\Tonemapping.cs
using System; using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects{ [ExecuteInEditMode] [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] [AddComponentMenu(“Image Effects/Color Adjustments/Tonemapping”)] public class Tonemapping : PostEffectBase{ public enum TonemapperType{ SimpleReinhard, UserCurve, Hable, Photographic, OptimizedHejiDawson, AdaptiveReinhard, AdaptiveReinhardAutoWhite, }; //立钻哥哥:public enum TonemapperType{}
public enum AdaptiveTexSize{ };
public TonemapperType type = TonemapperType.Photographic; public AdaptiveTexSize adaptiveTextureSize = AdaptiveTexSize.Square256;
public AnimationCurve rampCurve; private Texture2D curveTex = null;
public float exposureAdjustment = 1.5f;
public float middleGrey = 0.4f; public float white = 2.0f; public float adaptionSpeed = 1.5f;
public Shader tonemapper = null; public bool validRenderTextureFormat = true; private Material tonemapMaterial = null; private RenderTexture rt = null; private RenderTextureFormat rtFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf;
public override bool CheckResources(){ }
public float UpdateCurve(){ }
private void OnDisable(){ }
private bool CreateInternalRenderTexture(){ }
[ImageEffectTransformsToLDR] private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination){ }
} //立钻哥哥:public class Tonemapping:PostEffectBase{}
} //立钻哥哥:namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects{} |
#第三篇:项目拓展 |
++++C.1、WheelCollider 轮碰撞器
##C.1、WheelCollider 轮碰撞器 |
++C.1、WheelCollider 轮碰撞器
namespace UnityEngine{ public sealed class WheelCollider : Collider{ //Properties public extern float brakeTorque{} public Vector3 center{} public extern float forceAppPointDistance{} public WheelFrictionCurve forwardFriction{} public extern bool isGrounded{} public extern float mass{} public extern float motorTorque{} public extern float radius{} public extern float rpm{} public WheelFrictionCurve didewaysFriction{} public extern float sprungMass{} public extern float steerAngle{} public extern float suspensionDistance{} public JointSpring suspensionSpring{} public extern float wheelDampingRate{}
//Constructors public WheelCollider();
//Methods public extern void ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(float speedThreshold, int stepsBelowThreshold, int stepsAboveThreshold); public extern bool GetGroundHit(out WheelHit hit); public extern void GetWorldPose(out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion quat); private extern void INTERNAL_get_center(out Vector3 value); private extern void INTERNAL_get_forwardFriction(out WheelFrictionCurve value); private extern void INTERNAL_get_sidewaysFriction(out WheelFrictionCurve value); private extern void INTERNAL_get_suspensionSpring(out JointSpring value); private extern void INTERNAL_set_center(ref Vector3 value); private extern void INTERNAL_set_forwardFriction(ref WheelFrictionCurve value); private extern void INTERNAL_set_sidewaysFriction(ref WheelFrictionCurve value); private extern void INTERNAL_set_suspensionSpring(ref JointSpring value); } //立钻哥哥:public sealed class WheelCollider:Collider{}
} //立钻哥哥:namespace UnityEngine{} |
++++立钻哥哥:class in UnityEngine/Inherits from: Collider;
++Public Functions共有函数
#第四篇:立钻哥哥带您汽车模拟实战 |
++++立钻哥哥Unity 学习空间: http://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz/
++++立钻哥哥Unity 学习空间: http://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz/