

  • Cannot back up a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine using VMware Data Protection 5.1
  • Backing up a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine using VMware Data Protection 5.1 fails
  • In the backup group-jobid.log file, you see entries similar to:

    avvcbp_w_picpath Error <12015>: Failed to connect to virtual disk [QAOMS01] QAOMS01/QAOMS01-000001.vmdk (13) (13) You do not have access rights to this file
    avvcbp_w_picpath Error <9767>: VixDiskLib_Open([QAOMS01] QAOMS01/QAOMS01-000001.vmdk) returned (13) You do not have access rights to this file
    avvcbp_w_picpath Warning <16053>: This access rights error may have been caused by a VM flag in the wrong state for Windows Server 2008
    avvcbp_w_picpath Warning <16054>: Please check the 'Configuration Parameters' settings of the VM and make sure the 'disk.EnableUUID' is set to 'false'.
    avvcbp_w_picpath Info <0000>: Starting graceful (staged) termination, VixDiskLib_Open attempt to connect to virtual disk failed (wrap-up stage)
    avvcbp_w_picpath Info <16052>: Terminating backup of all remaining virtual disks
    avvcbp_w_picpath Info <16052>: Terminating backup of all remaining virtual disks
    avvcbp_w_picpath Info <9672>: Disconnected from VM

    • Every backup job has a JobID, similar to QAOMS01. 
    • The log file is located at usr/local/avamarclient/var-proxy-?/.


This issue occurs because the disk.EnableUUID parameter is set to true in the .vmx file of the virtual machine.


This is a known issue.
To work around this issue configure disk.EnableUUID to false.
To configure disk.EnableUUID using the vSphere Web Client:
  1. Right-click the virtual machine and click Shut Down Guest OS.
  2. Right-dick the virtual machine and select Edit Settings.
  3. Click VM Options.
  4. Expand the Advanced section and click Edit Configuration.
  5. Locate the disk.EnableUUId parameter and set the value to false.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Right-click the virtual machine and click Power On.

    Note: After updating the configuration parameter, backups of the Windows 2008 R2 virtual machine should succeed.