Multi-Modal Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Large-Scale Image Annotation


Image annotation aims to annotate a given image with a variable number of class labels corresponding to diverse visual concepts. In this paper, we address two main issues in large-scale image annotation: 1) how to learn a rich feature representation suitable for predicting a diverse set of visual concepts ranging from object, scene to abstract concept; 2) how to annotate an image with the optimal number of class labels. To address the first issue, we propose a novel multi-scale deep model for extracting rich and discriminative features capable of representing a wide range of visual concepts. Specifically, a novel two-branch deep neural network architecture is proposed which comprises a very deep main network branch and a companion feature fusion network branch designed for fusing the multi- scale features computed from the main branch. The deep model is also made multi-modal by taking noisy user-provided tags as model input to complement the image input. For tackling the second issue, we introduce a label quantity prediction auxiliary task to the main label prediction task to explicitly estimate the optimal label number for a given image. Extensive experiments are carried out on two large-scale image annotation benchmark datasets and the results show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art.



As a closely related task, image annotation [11]–[15] aims to describe (rather than merely recognise) an image by an- notating all visual concepts that appear in the image. This brings about a number of differences and new challenges compared to the image recognition problem. First, image annotation is a multi-label multi-class classification problem [16], [17], instead of a single-label multi-class classification problem as in image recognition. The model thus needs to predict multiple labels for a given images with richer contents than those used in image recognition. The second difference, which is more subtle yet more significant, is on the label types: labels in image annotation can refer to a much wider and more diverse range of visual concepts including scene properties, objects, attributes, actions, aesthetics etc. This is because image annotation benchmark datasets have become larger and larger [18]–[21] by crawling images and associated noisy user-provided tags from social media websites such as Flickr. These images are uploaded by a large variety of users capturing an extremely diverse set of visual scenes containing a wide range of visual concepts. Finally, in image annotation, the task is to predict not only more than one label, but also a variable number of labels – an image with simple content may require only one or two labels to describe, whilst more complicated content necessitates more labels. In summary, these three differences make image annotation a much harder problem far from being solved.


Existing methods on image annotation focus on solving the multi-label classification problem. Two lines of research exist. In the first line, the focus is on modeling the correlation of different labels for a given image (e.g. cow typically co-exists with grass) [22] to make the multi-label prediction more robust and accurate. In the second line, side information such as the noisy user-provided tags are used as additional model input from a different modality (i.e., text) [23]. These models ignore the variable label number problem and simply predict the top- k most probable labels per image [11]–[15]. This is clearly sub-optimal as illustrated in Fig. 1.


Multi-Modal Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Large-Scale Image Annotation_第1张图片

More recently the variable label number problem has been identified and a number of solutions have been proposed [24]–[26]. These solutions treat the image annotation problem as an image to text translation problem and solve it using an encoder-decoder model. Specifically, the image content is encoded using a convolutional neural network (CNN) and then fed into a recurrent neural network (RNN) [27]–[29] which outputs a label sequence. The RNN model is able to automatically determine the length of the label sequence thus producing variable numbers of labels for different images. However, one fundamental limitation of these existing approaches is that the original training labels are orderless whilst the RNN model requires a certain output label order for training. Existing methods have to introduce artificial orders such as rarest or more frequent label first. This indirect approach thus leads to sub-optimal estimation of the label quantity.


Nevertheless the most important difference and challenge, i.e. the rich and diverse label space problem, has never been tackled explicitly. In particular, recent image annotation models use deep learning in various ways: they either directly apply a CNN pretrained on the ImageNet image recognition task to extract features followed by a non-deep multi-label classification model [23]; or fine-tune a pretrained CNN on the image annotation benchmark datasets and obtain both the feature representation and classifier jointly [22], [30]. However, all the CNN models used were designed originally for the image recognition task. Specifically, only the final layer feature output is used as input to the classifier. It has been demonstrated [31]–[34] that features computed by a deep CNN correspond to visual concepts of higher levels of abstraction when progressing from bottom to top layer feature maps, e.g., filters learned in bottom layers could represent colour and texture whilst those in top layers object parts. This means that only the most abstract features were used for the classifier in the existing models. However, as mentioned earlier, for image annotation, the visual concepts to be annotated/labeled have drastically different levels of abstraction; for instance, ‘grass’ and ‘sand’ can be sufficiently described by colour and texture oriented features computed at the bottom layers of a CNN, whist ‘person’, ‘flower’ and ‘reflection’ are more abstract thus requiring features learned from top layers. These image recognition-oriented CNNs, with or without fine-tuning, are thus unsuitable for the image annotation task because they fail to provide rich representations at different abstraction scales.


In this paper, we propose a novel multi-modal multi-scale deep neural network (see Fig. 2) to address both the diverse label space problem and variable label number problem. First, to extract and fuse features learned at different scales, a novel deep CNN architecture is proposed. It comprises two network branches: a main CNN branch which can be any contemporary CNN such as GoogleNet [8] or ResNet [5]; and a companion multi-scale feature fusion branch which fuses features extracted at different layers of the main branch whilst maintaining the feature dimension as well as performing automated feature selection. Second, to estimate the optimal number of labels that is needed to annotate a given image, we explicitly formulate an optimum label quantity estimation task and optimize it jointly with the label prediction main task. Finally, to further improve the label prediction accuracy, the proposed model is made multi-modal by taking both the image and noisy user-provided tags as input.


Our main contributions are as follows: (1) A novel multi-scale deep CNN architecture is proposed which is capable of effectively extracting and fusing features at different scales corresponding to visual concepts of different levels of abstraction. (2) The variable label number problem is solved by explicitly estimating the optimum label quantity in a given image. (3) We also formulate a multi-modal extension of the model to utilize the noisy user-provided tags. Extensive experiments are carried out on two large-scale benchmark datasets: NUS-WIDE [35] and MSCOCO [36]. The experimental results demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art alternatives, often by a significant margin.



A. Multi-Scale CNN Models

Although multi-scale representation learning has never been attempted for image annotations, there are existing efforts on designing CNN architectures that enable multi-scale feature fusion. Gong et al. [31] noticed that the robustness of global features was limited due to the lack of geometric invariance, and thus proposed a multi-scale orderless pooling (MOP-CNN) scheme, which concentrates orderless Vectors of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) pooling of CNN activations at multiple levels. Yang and Ramanan [32] argued that different scales of features can be used in different image classification tasks through multi-task learning, and developed directed acyclic graph structured CNNs (DAG-CNNs) to extract multi-scale features for both coarse and fine-grained classification tasks. Cai et al. [33] presented a multi-scale CNN (MS-CNN) model for fast object detection, which performs object detection using both lower and higher output layers. Liu et al. [34] proposed a multi-scale triplet CNN model for person re-identification. The results reported in [31]–[34] have shown that multi-scale features are indeed effective for image content analysis. In this paper, a completely new network architecture is designed by introducing the companion feature fusion branch. One of the key advantage of our architecture is that the feature fusion takes place in each layer without increasing the feature dimension, thus maintaining the same final feature dimension as the main branch. This means that our architecture can adopt arbitrarily deep network in the branch without worrying about the explosion of the fused feature dimension.

尽管从未尝试过对图像注释进行多尺度表示学习,但在设计能够实现多尺度特征融合的CNN体系结构方面,已有一些工作正在进行。Gong等人[31]注意到全局特征的鲁棒性由于缺乏几何不变性而受到限制,因此提出了一种多尺度无序池(MOP-CNN)方案,该方案将CNN激活的局部聚集描述符(VLAD)池的无序向量集中在多个层次。Yang和Ramanan[32]认为,通过多任务学习,不同尺度的特征可以用于不同的图像分类任务,并开发了有向无环图结构CNN(DAG CNN),以提取粗粒度和细粒度分类任务的多尺度特征。Cai等人[33]提出了一个用于快速目标检测的多尺度CNN(MS-CNN)模型,该模型使用较低和较高的输出层执行目标检测。Liu等人[34]提出了一个多尺度三重CNN模型用于人的再识别。[31]–[34]中报告的结果表明,多尺度特征对图像内容分析确实有效。本文通过引入伴随特征融合分支,设计了一种全新的网络体系结构。我们的体系结构的一个关键优势是,在不增加特征维数的情况下,在每一层进行特征融合,从而保持与主分支相同的最终特征维数。这意味着我们的体系结构可以在分支中采用任意深度的网络,而不必担心融合特征维度的爆炸。

B. Label Quantity Prediction for Image Annotation

Early works [22], [23], [30] on image annotation assign top- k predicted class labels to each image. However, the quantities of class labels in different images vary significantly, and the top-k annotations degrade the performance of image annotation. To overcome this issue, recent works start to predict variable numbers of class labels for different images. Most of them adopt a CNN-RNN encoder-decoder architecture, where the CNN subnetwork encodes the input pixels of images into visual feature, and the RNN subnetwork decodes the visual feature into a label prediction path [24]–[26]. Specifically, RNN can not only perform classification, but also control the number of output class labels – the model stop emitting labels once an end-of-label-sequence token is predicted. Since RNN requires an ordered sequential list as input, the unordered label set is expected to be transformed in advance based on heuristic rules such as the rare-first rule [26] or the frequent-first rule [25]. These artificially imposed rules can lead to suboptimal estimation of the label quantity. In contrast, in this work our model directly estimate the label quantity without making any assumption on the label order.


C. Image Annotation Using Side Information

A number of recent works attempted to improve the label prediction accuracy by exploiting side information collected from social media websites where the benchmark images were collected. These user-provided side information can be extracted from the noisy tags [22]–[24] and group labels [22], [37], [38]. Johnson et al. [23] found neighborhoods of images nonparametrically according to the image metadata, and combined the visual features of each image and its neighborhoods. Liu et al. [24] filtered noisy tags to obtain true tags, which serve as the supervision to train the CNN model and also set the initial state of RNN. Hu et al. [22] utilized both tags and group labels to form a multi-layer group-concept-tag graph, which can encode the diverse label relations. Different from [22] that adopted a deep model, the group labels were used to learn the context information for image annotation in [37], [38], but without considering deep models. In this paper, we introduce an additional network branch which takes noisy tags as input and the extracted textual features are fused with the visual features extracted by CNN models to boost the annotation accuracy. Moreover, since user tagged labels may be incorrect or incomplete, some recent works have focused on training with noisy labels. Liu et al. [39] use importance reweighting to modify any loss function for classification with noisy labels, and extend the random classification noise to a bounded case [40]. Moreover, Yu et al. [41] prove that biased complementary labels can enhance multi-class classification. These methods have been successfully applied in binary classification and multi-class classification, which may lead to improvements when extended to our large-scale image annotation where each image is annotated with one or more tags and labels (but out of the scope of this paper).



As shown in Fig. 2, Our multi-modal multi-scale deep model for large-scale image annotation consists of four components: visual feature learning, textual feature learning, multi-class classification, and label quantity prediction. Specifically, a multi-scale CNN subnetwork is proposed to extract visual feature from raw image pixels, and a multi-layer perception subnetwork is applied to extract textual features from noisy user-provided tags. The joint visual and textual features are connected to a simple fully connected layer for multi-class classification. To determine the optimum number of labels required to annotate a given image, we utilize another multi- layer perception subnetwork to predict the quantity of class labels. The results of multi-class classification and label quantity prediction are finally merged for image annotation. In the following, we will first give the details of the four components of our model, and then provide the algorithms for model training and test process.


A. Multi-Scale CNN for Visual Feature Learning

Our multi-scale CNN subnetwork consists of two branch (see Fig. 2): the main CNN branch which encodes an image to both low-level and high-level features, and the feature fusion branch which fuses multi-scale features extracted from the main branch.


Main CNN Branch. Given the raw pixels of an image I, the basic CNN branch encodes them into K levels of feature maps M_1, M_2, \cdots , M_K through a series of scales S1 (\cdot ), S2 (\cdot ), \cdots , SK (\cdot ). Each scale can be a composite function of operations, such as convolution (Conv), pooling (Pooling), batch normalization (BN), and activation function. The encoding process can be formulated as:

CNN主要分支。根据图像i的原始像素,CNN的基本分支通过一系列比例尺S1 (\cdot ), S2 (\cdot ), \cdots , SK (\cdot )将其编码为特征图M_1, M_2, \cdots , M_K的k级。每个尺度都可以是操作的复合函数,例如卷积(conv)、池(pooling)、批处理规范化(bn)和激活函数。编码过程可表述为:

                                                                                        M_0 = 1

                                                                  M_l=S_l(M_{l-1}),l = 1,2,\cdots ,K

For the main CNN branch, the last feature map M_k is often used to produce the final feature vector, e.g., the conv5 3 layer of the ResNet-101 model [5].

对于CNN的主要分支,最后一个特征图M_k通常用于生成最终特征向量,例如resnet-101模型的conv5 3层[5]。

Feature Fusion Branch. When multi-scale feature maps M_1, M_2, \cdots , M_K are obtained by the main branch, the feature fusion model is proposed to combine these original feature maps iteratively via a set of fusion functions \{F_l(\cdot )\}, as shown in Fig. 3. The fused feature map M_l is formulated as follows:

当主分支获得多尺度特征图M_1, M_2, \cdots , M_K时,提出特征融合模型,通过一组融合函数\{F_l(\cdot )\}迭代地将这些原始特征图结合起来,如图3所示。融合特征图M_l的公式如下:

                                                                                   \widetilde{M_1}= M_1

                                                            \widetilde{M_l}= M_l + F_l(\widetilde{M}_{l-1}),l = 2,\cdots ,K

In this paper, we define the fusion function \{F_l(\cdot )\} as:

本文将融合函数\{F_l(\cdot )\}定义为:

                                                                           F_l(\cdot )=\phi_{l2}(\phi_{l1}(\cdot))

where l_1(\cdot )and l_1(\cdot ) are two composite functions consisting of three consecutive operations: a convolution (Conv), followed by a batch normalization (BN) and a rectified linear unit (ReLU). The difference between l_1(\cdot )and  l_2(\cdot ) lies in the convolution layer. The 3*3 Conv in \phi_{l1} is used to guarantee that M_l andf_l(M_{l-1}) have the same height and weight, while the 1*1 Conv in \phi_{l2}(\cdot ) can not only increase dimensions and interact information between different channels, but also reduce the number of parameters and improve computational efficiency [5], [8]. At the end of the fused feature map \widetilde{M}_K, an average pooling layer is used to extract the final visual feature vector f_v for image annotation.

其中,l_1(\cdot )l_1(\cdot )是由三个连续操作组成的两个复合函数:卷积(conv),然后是批标准化(bn)和校正线性单元(relu)。l_1(\cdot )l_2(\cdot )的区别在于卷积层。3*3 conv 在\phi_{l1}用于保证M_lf_l(M_{l-1})具有相同的高度和重量,而1*1 conv 在\phi_{l2}(\cdot )不仅可以增加尺寸和不同通道之间的信息交互,还可以减少参数数量,提高计算效率[5],[8]。在融合特征图\widetilde{M}_K的末尾,使用平均池层提取图像注释的最终视觉特征向量f_v

Multi-Modal Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Large-Scale Image Annotation_第2张图片

In this paper, we take ResNet-101 [5] as the main CNN branch, and select the final layers of five scales (i.e., conv1, conv2_3, conv3_4, conv4 23 and conv5 3, totally 5 final convolutional layers) for multi-scale fusion. In particular, the feature maps at the five scales have the size of 112 *112, 56*56, 28*28, 14*14 and 7*7, along with 64, 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 channels, respectively. The architecture of our multi-scale CNN subnetwork is shown in Fig. 4.


B. Multi-Layer Perception Model for Textual Feature Learning

We further investigate how to learn textual features from noisy tags provided by users for social media websites. The noisy tags of image I are represented as a binary vector t = (t_1,t_2, \cdots ,t_T ), where T is the volume of tags, and t_j =1 if image I is annotated with tag j . Since the binary vector is sparse and noisy, we encode the raw vector into a dense textual feature vector f_t using a multi-layer perception model, which consists of two hidden layers (each with 2,048 units), as shown in Fig. 2. Note that only a simple neural network model is used for textual feature learning. Our consideration is that the noisy tags have a high-level semantic information and a complicated model would degrade the performance of textual feature learning. This observation has also been reported in [42]–[44] in the filed of natural language processing.

我们进一步研究如何从用户为社交媒体网站提供的嘈杂标签中学习文本特征。图像I 的噪声标签表示为二进制矢量t = (t_1,t_2, \cdots ,t_T ),其中t是标签的体积,如果图像用标签注释,则。由于二进制矢量稀疏且噪声大,我们使用多层感知模型将原始矢量编码为密集的文本特征矢量,该模型由两个隐藏层(每个层具有2048个单位)组成,如图2所示。注意,只有一个简单的神经网络模型用于文本特征学习。我们考虑的是噪声标签具有较高的语义信息,复杂的模型会降低文本特征学习的性能。这一观察结果也在自然语言处理领域的[42]–[44]中报告。

In this paper, the visual feature vector f_v and the textual feature vector f_t are forced to have the same dimension, which enables them to play the same important role in feature learning. By taking a multi-modal feature learning strategy, we concatenate the visual and textual feature vectors f_v and f_t into a joint feature vector f = [f_v,f_t] for the subsequent multi-class classification and label quantity prediction.

本文将视觉特征向量f_v和文本特征向量f_t强制具有相同的维数,使它们在特征学习中发挥同样的重要作用。采用多模态特征学习策略,将视觉和文本特征向量f_vf_t连接成一个联合特征向量f = [f_v,f_t],用于后续的多类分类和标签数量预测。

C. Multi-Class Classification and Label Quantity Prediction

Multi-Class Classification. Since each image can be an- notated with one or more classes, we define a multi-class classifier for image annotation. Specifically, the joint visual and textual feature is connected to a fully connected layer for logit calculation, followed by a sigmoid function for probability calculation, as shown in Fig. 2.


Label Quantity Prediction. We formulate the label quantity prediction problem as a regression problem, and adopt a multi-layer perception model as the regressor. As shown in Fig. 2, the regressor consists of two hidden layers with 512 and 256 units, respectively. In this paper, to avoid the overfitting of the regressor, the dropout layers are applied in all hidden layers with the dropout rate 0.5.


D. Model Training

During the process of model training, we apply a multi-stage strategy and divide the architecture into several branches: visual features learning, textual features learning, multi-class classification, and label quantity prediction. Specifically, the original ResNet model is fine-tuned with a small learning rate. When the fine-tuning is finished, we will fix the parameters of ResNet and train the multi-scale blocks. In this paper, the training of the textual model is separated from the visual model, and thus the two models can be trained synchronously. After visual and textual feature learning, we fix the parameters of the visual and textual models, and train the multi-class classification and label quantity prediction models separately.


To provide further insights on model training, we define the loss functions for training the four branches as follows.


Sigmoid Cross Entropy Loss. For training the first three branches, the features are first connected to a fully connected layer to compute the logits \{Z_{ij}\} for image I_i, and the sigmoid cross entropy loss is then applied for classification module training:


                                     L_{cls} = \sum_i\sum_j y_{ij}\times (-log(p_{ij}))+(1-y_{ij})\times (-log(1-p_{ij}))

where y_{ij} = 1 if image I_i is annotated with class j , otherwise y_{ij} = 0; and p_{ij} = \sigma(z_{ij} ) with \sigma(\cdot ) as the sigmoid function.

Mean Squared Error Loss. For training the label quantity prediction model, the features are also connected to a fully connected layer with one output unit to compute the predicted label quantity \widehat{m}_i for image I_i. We then apply the following mean squared error loss for regression model training:


                                                                             L_{reg} = \sum_i (\widehat{m}_i-m_i)^2

where m_i is the ground-truth label quantity of image I_i.

In this paper, the four branches of our model are not trained in a single process. Our main consideration is that our model has a over-complicated architecture and thus the overfitting issue still exists even if a large dataset is provided for model training. In the future work, we will make efforts to develop a robust algorithm for train our model end-to-end.


E. Test Process

At the test time, we first extract the joint visual and textual feature vector from each test image, and then execute multi-class classification and label quantity prediction synchronously. When the predicted probabilities of labels p and the predicted label quantity \widehat{m} have been obtained for the test image, we select the top \widehat{m} candidates as our final annotations.



A. Datasets and Settings

1) Datasets: The two most widely used benchmark datasets for large-scale image annotation are selected for performance evaluation. The first dataset is NUS-WIDE [35], which con- sists of 269,648 images and 81 class labels from Flickr image metadata. The number of Flickr images varies in different studies, since some Flickr links are going invalid. For fair comparison, we also remove images without any social tag. As a result, we obtain 94,570 training images and 55,335 test images. Some examples of this dataset are shown in Fig. 5. Over 20% images from both training and test data have more than 3 labels, while more than 35% images have only one single label. The maximum number of label quantity in the training and test data is 14 and 12, separately. The second dataset is MSCOCO [36], which consists of 87,188 images and 80 class labels from the 2015 MSCOCO image captioning challenge. The training/test split of the MSCOCO dataset is 56,414/30,774. More than 25% images from both training and test data have over 3 labels, while over 20% images have only one single label. The maximum number of label quantity in the training and test data is 16 and 15, separately. The visualized distribution of label quantity on the NUS-WIDE and MSCOCO datasets is shown in Fig. 6. In summary, there exists a distinct variety of label quantities in the two datasets, and thus it is necessary to predict label quantity for accurate and complete annotation. In addition, there are originally 5,018 and 170,339 noisy user tags released with NUS-WIDE and MSCOCO, respectively. We only keep 1,000 most frequent tags for each dataset as side information.


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2) Evaluation Metrics: The per-class and per-image metrics including precision and recall have been widely used in related works [22]–[26], [30]. In this paper, the per-class precision (C- P) and per-class recall (C-R) are obtained by computing the mean precision and recall over all the classes, while the overall per-image precision (I-P) and overall per-image recall (I-R) are computed by averaging over all the test images. Moreover, the per-class F1-score (C-F1) and overall per-image F1-score (I- F1) are used for comprehensive performance evaluation by combining precision and recall with the harmonic mean. The six metrics are defined as follows:


C-P = \frac{1}{C}\sum_{j=1}^C\frac{NI_{j}^{c}}{NI_{j}^{p}}            I-P = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N}NL^c_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}NL^p_i}             

C-R = \frac{1}{C}\sum_{j=1}^C\frac{NI_{j}^{c}}{NI_{j}^{g}}           I-P = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N}NL^c_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}NL^g_i}

C-F1 = \frac{2\cdot C-P\cdot C-R}{C-P+C-R}​​​​​​​  I-F1 = \frac{2\cdot I-P\cdot I-R}{I-P+I-R}

where C is the number of classes, N is the number of test images, NI_{j}^{c} is the number of images correctly labelled as class j,  NI_{j}^{g}is the number of images that have a ground-truth label of class j, NI_{j}^{p} is the number of images predicted as class j, NL_{i}^{c} is the number of correctly annotated labels for image i, NL_{i}^{g}  is the number of ground-truth labels for image i, and NL_{i}^{p} is the number of predicted labels for image i.


According to [30], the above per-class metrics are biased to- ward the infrequent classes, while the above per-image metrics are biased toward the frequent classes. Similar observations have also been presented in [45]. As a remedy, following the idea of [45], we define a new metric called H-F1 with the harmonic mean of C-F1 and I-F1:


                                                                 H-F1 = \frac{2\cdot C-F1\cdot C-F1}{C-F1+I-F1}

Since H-F1 takes both per-class and per-image F1-scores into account, it enables us to make easy comparison between different methods for large-scale image annotation.


3) Settings: In this paper, the basic CNN module makes use of ResNet-101 [5] which is pretrained on the ImageNet 2012 classification challenge dataset [10]. Our experiments are all conducted on TensorFlow. The input images are resized to 224⇥224 pixels. For training the basic CNN model, the multi- scale CNN model, and the multi-class classifier, the learning rate is set to 0.001 for NUS-WIDE and 0.002 for MSCOCO, respectively. The learning rate is multiplied by 0.1 after every 80,000 iterations, up to 160,000 iterations with early stopping. For training the textual feature learning model and the label quantity prediction model, the learning rate is set to 0.1 for NUS-WIDE and 0.0001 for MSCOCO, respectively. These models are trained using a Momentum with the momentum rate of 0.9. The decay rate of batch normalization and weight decay is set to 0.9997.

在本文中,基本cnn模块使用resnet-101[5],它是在imagenet 2012分类挑战数据集[10]上预先训练的。我们的实验都是在tensorflow上进行的。输入图像的大小调整为224 224像素。为了训练基本cnn模型、多尺度cnn模型和多类分类器,nus-wide和mscoco的学习率分别设置为0.001和0.002。每80000次迭代后,学习率乘以0.1,最多160000次迭代,并提前停止。为了训练文本特征学习模型和标签数量预测模型,nus-wide和mscoco的学习率分别设置为0.1和0.0001。这些模型使用动量率为0.9的动量进行训练。批量标准化和重量衰减的衰减率设置为0.9997。

4) Compared Methods: We conduct two groups of experiments for evaluation and choose competitors to compare accordingly: (1) We first make comparison among several variants of our complete model shown in Fig. 2 by removing one or more components from our model, so that the effectiveness of each component can be evaluated properly. (2) To compare with a wider range of image annotation methods, we also compare with the published results on the two benchmark datasets. These include the state-of-the-art deep learning methods for large-scale image annotation.

B. Effectiveness Evaluation for Model Components

We conduct the first group of experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the main components of our model for large-scale image annotation. Five closely related models are included in component effectiveness evaluation: (1) CNN de- notes the original ResNet-101 model; (2) MS-CNN denotes the multi-scale ResNet model shown in Fig. 3; (3) MS-CNN+Tags denotes the multi-modal multi-scale ResNet model that learns both visual and textual features for image annotation; (4) MS-CNN+LQP denotes the multi-scale ResNet model that performs both multi-class classification and label quantity pre- diction (LQP) for image annotation; (5) MS-CNN+Tags+LQP denotes our complete model shown in Fig. 2. Note that the five models can be recognized by whether they are multi-scale,multi-modal, or making LQP. This enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of each component of our model.

我们进行了第一组实验,以评估我们的模型的主要组件对于大规模图像注释的有效性。组件效能评估包括五个密切相关的模型:(1)cnn 表示原始resnet-101模型;(2)ms-cnn表示图3所示的多尺度resnet模型;(3)ms-cnn+tags表示学习视觉和文本特征的多模态多尺度resnet模型。用于图像注释的URE;(4)MS-CNN+LQP表示同时执行图像注释的多类分类和标签数量预测(LQP)的多尺度Resnet模型;(5)MS-CNN+Tags+LQP表示我们的完整模型,如图2所示。请注意,这五个模型可以通过它们是多尺度的、多模态的还是进行lqp来识别。这使我们能够评估模型中每个组件的有效性。

The results on the two benchmark datasets are shown in Tables I and II, respectively. Here, we also show the upper bounds of our complete model (i.e. MS-CNN+Tags+LQP) obtained by directly using the ground-truth label quantities to refine the predicted annotations (without LQP). We can make the following observations: (1) Since label quantity prediction is explicitly addressed in our model (unlike RNN), it indeed leads to significant improvements according to the H-F1 score (10.42 percent for NUS-WIDE, and 6.18 percent for MSCOCO), when MS-CNN+Tags is used for feature learning. The improvements achieved by label quantity prediction become smaller when only MS-CNN is used for feature learning. This is because that the quality of label quantity prediction would degrade when the social tags are not used as textual features. (2) The social tags are crucial not only for label quantity prediction but also for the final image annotation. Specifically, the textual features extracted from social tags yield significant gains according to the H- F1 score (8.74 percent for NUS-WIDE, and 4.86 percent for MSCOCO), when both MS-CNN and LQP are adopted for image annotation. This is also supported by the gains achieved by MS-CNN+Tags over MS-CNN. (3) The effectiveness of MS-CNN is verified by the comparison MS-CNN vs. CNN. Admittedly only small gains (> 1% in terms of H-F1) have been obtained by MS-CNN. However, this is still impressive since ResNet-101 is a very powerful CNN model. In summary, we have evaluated the effectiveness of all the components of our complete model (shown in Fig. 2).


C. Comparison to the State-of-the-Art Methods

In this group of experiments, we compare our method with the state-of-the-art deep learning methods for large-scale image annotation. The following competitors are included: (1) CNN+Logistic [22]: This model fits a logistic regression classifier for each class label. (2) CNN+Softmax [30]: It is a CNN model that uses softmax as classifier and the cross entropy as the loss function. (3) CNN+WARP [30]: It uses the same CNN model as above, but a weighted approximate ranking loss function is adopted for training to promote the prec@K metric. (4) CNN-RNN [26]: It is a CNN-RNN model that uses output fusion to merge CNN output features and RNN outputs. (5) RIA [25]: In this CNN-RNN model, the CNN output features are used to set the hidden state of Long short-term memory (LSTM) [46]. (6) TagNeighbour [23]: It uses a non-parametric approach to find image neighbours according to metadata, and then aggregates image features for classification. (7) SINN [22]: It uses different concept layers of tags, groups, and labels to model the semantic correlation between concepts of different abstraction levels, and a bidirectional RNN-like algorithm is developed to inte- grate information for prediction. (8) SR-CNN-RNN [24]: This CNN-RNN model uses a semantically regularised embedding layer as the interface between the CNN and RNN.


The results on the two benchmark datasets are shown in Tables III and IV, respectively. Here, we also show the upper bounds of our model obtained by directly using the ground- truth label quantities to refine the predicted annotations (with- out LQP). It can be clearly seen that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning methods according to the H- F1 score. This provides further evidence that our multi-modal multi-scale CNN model along with label quantity prediction is indeed effective in large-scale image annotation. Moreover, it is also noted that our model with explicit label quantity prediction yields better results than the CNN-RNN models with implicit label quantity prediction (i.e. SR-CNN-RNN, RIA, and SINN). This shows that RNN is not the unique model suitable for label quantity prediction. In particular, when it is done explicitly like our model, we can pay more attention to the CNN model itself for deep feature learning. Considering that RNN needs prior knowledge on class labels, our model is expected to have a wider use in real-word applications. In addition, the annotation methods that adopt multi-modal feature learning or label quantity prediction are generally shown to outperform the methods without considering any of the two components for image annotation.


Multi-Modal Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Large-Scale Image Annotation_第4张图片

D. Further Evaluation

1) Alternative Multi-Scale CNN Models: We also make comparison to two variant versions of our multi-scale CNN model (denoted as MS-CNN): 1) MS-CNN-AvgPool that directly combines the final layers of five scales (i.e. conv1, conv2 3, conv3 4, conv4 23 and conv5 3) using average pooling, resulting in a 3,904-dimensional feature vector; 2) MS-CNN-MaxPool that only replaces the 3 ⇥ 3 conv in Fig. 3 by max pooling, without changing any of the other parts of our MS-CNN. The results on the two benchmark datasets are shown in Table V. It is clearly shown that all the multi- scale CNN models outperforms the baseline CNN model (i.e. ResNet-101), due to multi-scale feature learning. Moreover, the multi-scale fusion method used in our MS-CNN is shown to yield about %1 gains over those used in MS-CNN-AvgPool and MS-CNN-MaxPool. In particular, as compared to MS- CNN-AvgPool, our MS-CNN does not increase the feature dimension and thus is more practicable.

我们还对我们的多尺度cnn模型(表示为ms-cnn)的两个不同版本进行了比较:1)ms-cnn avgpool,它使用平均池直接组合五个尺度(即conv1、conv2 3、conv3 4、conv4 23和conv5 3)的最后一层,生成3904维特征向量;2)cnn-maxpool女士,仅用max pooling替换图3中的3 3 conv,而不改变ms-cnn的任何其他部分。两个基准数据集的结果如表五所示。由于多尺度特征学习,所有多尺度cnn模型都优于基线cnn模型(resnet-101)。此外,我们的MS-CNN中使用的多尺度融合方法显示,与MS CNN AVGPool和MS CNN MaxPool中使用的方法相比,获得约%1的增益。特别是,与MS-CNN AVGPool相比,我们的MS-CNN不增加特征维数,因而更具实用性。

In addition, we provide the ablative results using different fusion methods in Table VI. Here, “sum” represents element- wise feature map sum, and “concat” means that we directly concatenate different levels of features after down sampling. With lower-level features fused, the performance (H-F1) of the “sum” fusion increases linearly, while the performance of the “concat” fusion accelerates insignificantly. This shows that the “sum” fusion benefits more from low-level features while maintaining the same feature dimension. The reason is that simply down sampling and concatenating low-level feature maps just throw out many pixels and make little use of low- level information such as texture and shape.


Multi-Modal Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Large-Scale Image Annotation_第5张图片2) Alternative Textual Features: We explore different types of sub-networks for textual features extraction from noisy tags. Word2vec [47] is one of the most popular methods for textual feature extraction. Since the 1,000 most frequent tags are out of order and cannot form meaningful sentences, it is hard to directly generate word2vec features from these tags. Instead, we compare MLP textual features with GloVe [48] word vectors, which are pre-trained on the Wikipedia 2014 + Gigaword 5 dataset and then fine-tuned on the two datasets. Specifically, we encode each tag into an embedding vector, and accumulate those vectors for each image into the final word2vec features. As shown in Table VII, our MLP features outperform the word2vec features by about 2 percent on the two datasets. The possible reason is that the word2vec features are more sensitive to the correctness of tag words. The attention mechanism can help to extract more stable word2vec features, which is not the focus of this paper.

我们探索不同类型的子网络,以从噪音标签中提取文本特征。word2vec[47]是最流行的文本特征提取方法之一。因为1000个最常见的标签是无序的,不能形成有意义的句子,所以很难直接从这些标签中生成word2vec特征。相反,我们将mlp文本特征与glove[48]词向量进行比较,glove[48]词向量是在wikipedia 2014+gigaword 5数据集上预先训练的,然后在两个数据集上进行微调。具体来说,我们将每个标签编码成一个嵌入向量,并将每个图像的向量累加到最终的word2vec特征中。如表7所示,我们的mlp特性在两个数据集上的性能比word2vec特性强约2%。可能的原因是word2vec特性对标记词的正确性更敏感。注意机制有助于提取更稳定的word2vec特征,这不是本文的重点。

3) Results of Label Quantity Prediction: We have evaluated the effectiveness of LQP in the above experiments, but have not shown the quality of LQP itself. In this paper, to measure the quality of LQP, two metrics are computed as follows: 1) Accuracy: the predicted label quantities are first quantized to their nearest integers, and then compared to the ground- truth label quantities to obtain the accuracy; 2) Mean Squared Error (MSE): the mean squared error is computed by directly comparing the predicted label quantities to the ground-truth ones. The results of LQP on the two benchmark datasets are shown in Tables VIII and IX, respectively. It can be seen that: (1) More than 45% label quantities are correctly predicted in all cases. (2) The textual features extracted from social tags yield significant gains when MSE is used as the measure. In addition, our LQP method is also shown to be able to handle the extreme case when the quantity number is large or small. For images which have only one single label, the predicted label quantity is 1.20±0.52 on NUS-WIDE and 1.16±0.47 on MSCOCO, which means that our LQP method can handle the case when the label quantity reaches the minimum number. For the few images which have more than 8 labels, the predicted label quantity on NUS-WIDE and MSCOCO is 6.04 ± 1.34 and 6.32 ± 1.12, respectively. Note that these images with large quantity number are rare in both training and test sets (< 0.5% for NUS-WIDE and < 1.5% for MSCOCO), and thus it is difficult for any model to precisely estimate the label quantity of outliers. Although the predicted number is only a conservative estimation of ground-truth label quantity, our LQP metod can still capture the important information that there exist multiple objects in these images.


We also explore other label quantity determination methods. As shown in Table X, taking a proper threshold (e.g. p = 0.3) of classification probability for determining the optimal label number of each image can help to yield better annotations, as compared to the conventional top-k label selection method (i.e. “MS-CNN”). However, it is hard to select the optimal threshold for label quantity determination. Therefore, our LQP method is clearly shown to outperform the threshold method.

我们还探索了其他标签数量的测定方法。如表x所示,与传统的to p-k标签选择方法(即“ms-cnn”)相比,采用适当的分类概率阈值(如p=0.3)来确定每幅图像的最佳标签数目有助于产生更好的注释。然而,对于标签数量的确定,很难选择最佳阈值。因此,我们的lqp方法明显优于阈值方法。

Another candidate method for label quantity prediction is “Classification”, which regards each number of label quantity as one category and applies softmax cross entropy for training. Note that our LQP method is different from this “Classification” method in that label quantity prediction is formulated as a regression problem using mean square error loss (thus denoted as “Regression”). The experimental results in Table XI demonstrate that label quantity prediction consistently leads to performance improvements no matter which LQP method is adopted. Moreover, the “Regression” method outperforms “Classification” by over 2%, which indicates that the “Classification” method is not a sound choice for label quantity prediction. The explanation is that the huge gap between the ground-truth quantity and predicted number can not be properly penalized by the classification loss. In contrast, the mean square error used in our LQP model can ensure that the prediction is not far away from the ground-truth quantity.


4) End-to-End Training: We can also train our whole model in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, the visual and textual representation learning module (MS-CNN+Tags) is pre-trained as initialization, and then we fine-tune all parameters except vanilla ResNet. The objective function is the sum of multi- label classification loss and label quantity regression loss. The comparative results in Table XII show the effectiveness of end-to-end training, which means that both classification and label quantity prediction can be promoted from each other, and a better multi-modal feature representation is achieved by interaction between visual and textual branches.

我们也可以端到端地训练我们的整个模型。具体来说,视觉和文本表示学习模块(ms-cnn+tags)在初始化时进行了预训练,然后对除vanilla resnet之外的所有参数进行了微调。目标函数是多标签分类损失和标签数量回归损失之和。表xii中的比较结果显示了端到端训练的有效性,这意味着分类和标签数量预测可以相互促进,并且通过视觉和文本分支之间的交互实现了更好的多模态特征表示。

5) Qualitative Results of Image Annotation:Fig. 7 shows several annotation examples on NUS-WIDE when our model is employed. Here, annotations with green font are included in ground-truth class labels, while annotations with blue font are correctly tagged but not included in ground-truth class labels (i.e. the ground-truth labels may be incomplete). It is observed that the images in the first two rows are all annotated exactly correctly, while this is not true for the images in the last two rows. However, by checking the extra annotations (with blue font) generated for the images in the last two rows, we find that they are all consistent with the content of the images.



We have proposed a novel multi-modal multi-scale deep learning model for large-scale image annotation. Compared to existing models, the main difference is the multi-scale feature learning architecture designed to extract and fuse features at different layers suitable for representing visual concepts of different levels of abstraction. Furthermore, different from the RNN-based models with implicit label quantity prediction, a regressor is directly added to our model for explicit label quantity prediction. Extensive experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of- the-art methods. Moreover, each component of our model has also been shown to be effective in large-scale image annotation. A number of directions are worth further investigation. Firstly, the current multi-scale feature fusion architecture is based on the ResNet structure; it is desirable to investigate how other types of architecture can in integrated into our framework for multi-scale feature fusion. Secondly, other types of side information (e.g. group labels) can be fused in our model. Finally, extracting and fusing multi-scale deep features are also important for other visual recognitions tasks which require multi-scale or spatial layout sensitive representation. Part of the ongoing work is thus to investigate how the proposed model can be applied to those tasks.

