Lesson 35 Justice was done

Words and expressions

1. Associate (verb) 联系,交往 

(adjective) 非正式的,联合的


Associate with

Associate company

An associated director

2. Beyond adverb

Without/beyond doubt 毫无疑问

3. Complex 建筑群,相关事物;不正常的精神状态,情节

4. Undertake 承担,从事,负责

Undertake a task/research

5. Arduous 艰苦的

6. Mete out 给予惩罚

7. Interference 干涉,介入

Interference in sth

8. Premises房屋

Business premises

9. Convert 转变,转化

E.g. I didn’t like reading sci-fi, but he has converted me.

This is factory going to be converted into an office building.

10. Disused 不再使用的,废弃的

Unused 闲着的,没用过的

11. Muffle 压抑;裹住,蒙住

E.g. He tries to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.

12. Blacken 使变黑;抹黑

E.g. Blacken sb’s name/reputation

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