# 一:编写函数,(函数执行的时间用time.sleep(n)模拟) # import time # def index(x, y): # time.sleep(2) # print('index===>', x, y) # index(1,2) # # 二:编写装饰器,为函数加上统计时间的功能 # from functools import wraps # import time # # def outter(func): # @wraps(func) # def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # stop = time.time() # res = func(*args, **kwargs) # start = time.time() # print('共%s秒'%(start-stop)) # return res # # return wrapper # # @outter # def index(x, y): # time.sleep(2) # print('index===>', x, y) # index(1,2) # # 三:编写装饰器,为函数加上认证的功能 # from functools import wraps # def outter(func): # @wraps(func) # def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # while True: # user = input('请输入账号') # pwd = input('请输入密码') # if user == 'a' and pwd == '123': # break # res = func(*args, **kwargs) # return res # # return wrapper # @outter # def index(x, y): # time.sleep(2) # print('index===>', x, y) # index(1,2) # # # # 四:编写装饰器,为多个函数加上认证的功能(用户的账号密码来源于文件),要求登录成功一次,后续的函数都无需再输入用户名和密码 # 注意:从文件中读出字符串形式的字典,可以用eval('{"name":"egon","password":"123"}')转成字典格式 # # 五:编写装饰器,为多个函数加上认证功能,要求登录成功一次,在超时时间内无需重复登录,超过了超时时间,则必须重新登录 # # 六:编写装饰器,为多个函数加上记录日志的功能:函数一旦运行则按照下述格式记录日志 # 函数开始执行的时间 函数名 返回值 # 2020-06-18 12:13:38 index 456 # 2020-06-18 12:13:39 home 123 # # 试写传说中三大大山之一的的购物车 user = None gwc = {} import time login_time = None from functools import wraps # 装饰器 # 登陆时记录时间 def lt_outter(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): res = func(*args, **kwargs) global login_time login_time = time.time() return res return wrapper # 超时计算 def nt_outter(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): now_time = time.time() s_time = now_time - login_time s = 600 - s_time s = int(s) if s_time > 600: global user user = None print('使用超时') return '使用超时' else: print('剩余%ss'%s) res = func(*args, **kwargs) return res return wrapper # 日志记录 def tail(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): res = func(*args, **kwargs) t = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') fn = func.__name__ with open('tail',mode='at',encoding='utf-8') as f0: f0.write('%s %6s %6s %6s\n'%(t,fn,user,res)) return res return wrapper #从文件取用户密码 def eval(): e = {} with open('eval', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: for l in f: k , v = l.strip().split(':') e[k] = v return e # 文件提取钱包账户 def wallet(): q = {} with open('wallet', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: for l in f: k, v = l.strip().split(':') q[k] = v return q #登录 @tail @lt_outter def dl(): while True: user1 = input('请输入账号:') pwd = input('请输入密码:') eval() if user1 in eval() and eval()[user1] == pwd: global user user = user1 print('登录成功') return '登录' else: print('登录失败') #注册 def zc(): eval() while True: us = input('请输入用户名:') if us in eval(): print('用户名已存在') else: while True: pwd1 = input('请输入密码:') pwd2 = input('请确认密码:') if pwd1 == pwd2: with open('eval',mode='at',encoding='utf-8') as f1,\ open('wallet',mode='at',encoding='utf-8') as f2: f1.write('%s:%s\n'%(us,pwd1)) f2.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, int(0))) a = input('注册成功!\n1 以当前身份进入\n回车退出\n') if a == '1': global user user = us return '注册并登录' else: return '注册' else: print('密码不相同') #退出 def tc(): return # 一级目录 catalogue = { '1':('登录',dl), '2':('注册',zc), '0':('退出',tc) } # 文件提取商品目录 def catalog(): c = {} with open('catalog', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: for l in f: k, v = l.strip().split(':') c[k] = v return c # 余额查询 @tail @nt_outter def yecx(): ye = wallet()[user] print('%s余额%s元'%(user,ye)) return '余额查询' #商城操作 @tail @nt_outter def gsc(): while True: for k , v in catalog().items(): print('%s,%s元'%(k,v)) sp = input('按0退出\n请输入商品名称:').strip() if sp == '0': return '退出商城' elif sp not in catalog().keys(): print('商品不存在') else: print('%s,%s元'%(sp,catalog()[sp])) gs = input('购买多少').strip() gwc[sp] = gs print('%s,%s个加入购物车'%(sp,gs)) return ('%s,%s个加入购物车'%(sp,gs)) # 购物车操作 @tail @nt_outter def gw(): if gwc == {}: print('购物车空空如也') return '查看购物车' else: zj = 0 for l in gwc.items(): sp , gs = l jg = int(catalog()[sp]) * int(gs) zj += jg print('%s,%s个,%s元。'%(sp,gs,jg)) a = input('1 删除商品\n2 更改个数\n3 购买\n其他 返回\n') if a == '1': while True: b = input('删除商品名称:').strip() if b in gwc: gwc.pop(b) print('删除成功') return ('删除%s'%b) else: print('商品不存在') elif a == '2': while True: b = input('修改商品名称:').strip() if b in gwc: c = input('改为几个:').strip() if c.isdigit(): gwc[b] = c print('删除成功') return ('更改%s,%s个'%(b,c)) else: print('输入有误') else: print('商品不存在') elif a == '3': if user in wallet(): ye = wallet()[user] if int(ye) >= zj: import os with open('wallet', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as read_f, \ open('.wallet', mode='wt', encoding='utf-8') as write_f: for line in read_f: us, money = line.strip().split(':') if us == user: write_f.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, int(money) - int(zj))) else: write_f.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, money)) os.remove('wallet') os.rename('.wallet', 'wallet') with open('order',mode='at',encoding='utf-8') as f1: f1.write("%s%s\n"%(user,gwc)) print('购买成功') gwc.clear() return '购买成功' else: print('余额不足') return '购买失败' else: print('请先充值') return '余额不足' # 充值操作 @tail @nt_outter def cz(): a = input('充值数目').strip() if a.isdigit() == True: import os with open('wallet', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as read_f,\ open('.wallet',mode='wt',encoding='utf-8') as write_f: for line in read_f: us, money = line.strip().split(':') if us == user: write_f.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, int(a) + int(money))) else: write_f.write('%s:%s\n'%(us, money)) os.remove('wallet') os.rename('.wallet','wallet') print('充值成功') return ('充值%s'%a) else: print('输入有误') #提现操作 @tail @nt_outter def tx(): a = input('提现数目').strip() if a.isdigit() == True: ye = wallet()[user] if ye >= a: import os with open('wallet', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as read_f, \ open('.wallet', mode='wt', encoding='utf-8') as write_f: for line in read_f: us, money = line.strip().split(':') if us == user: write_f.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, int(money) - int(a))) else: write_f.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, money)) os.remove('wallet') os.rename('.wallet', 'wallet') print('提现成功') return ('提现%s'%a) else: print('余额不足') else: print('输入有误') # 转账操作 @tail @nt_outter def zz(): while True: zu = input('回车退出\n请输入转入账号:').strip() if zu == '': return '取消转账' elif zu not in wallet(): print('用户名不存在') else: z = input('转多少').strip() import os with open('wallet', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as read_f,\ open('.wallet',mode='wt',encoding='utf-8') as write_f: for line in read_f: us, money = line.strip().split(':') if us == user: write_f.write('%s:%s\n'%(us,int(money) - int(z))) elif zu == us: write_f.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, int(money) + int(z))) else: write_f.write('%s:%s\n' % (us, money)) os.remove('wallet') os.rename('.wallet','wallet') print('转账成功') return ('%s向%s转%s'%(user,zu,z)) # 钱包(三级)操作 @tail @nt_outter def qb(): while user != None: for k, v in catalogue3.items(): print(k, v[0]) a = input('请输入指令').strip() if a in catalogue3: if a == '0': break elif a in catalogue3: catalogue3[a][1]() else: print('指令不存在') # 二级目录 catalogue2 = { '1':('逛商城',gsc), '2':('查看购物车',gw), '3':('打开钱包',qb), '0':('退出',tc) } # 钱包三级目录 catalogue3 = { '1':('余额查询',yecx), '2':('充值',cz), '3':('提现',tx), '4':('转账',zz), '0':('退出',tc) } # 一级操作 while user == None: for k , v in catalogue.items(): print(k,v[0]) a = input('请输入指令').strip() if a in catalogue: if a == '0': break elif a in catalogue: catalogue[a][1]() else: print('指令不存在') # 二级操作 while user != None: for k , v in catalogue2.items(): print(k,v[0]) a = input('请输入指令').strip() if a in catalogue2: if a == '0': user = None # break elif a in catalogue2: catalogue2[a][1]() else: print('指令不存在')
2020-06-18 23:05:46 dl a 登录 2020-06-18 23:05:52 yecx a 余额查询 2020-06-18 23:06:00 cz a 充值5000 2020-06-18 23:06:02 yecx a 余额查询 2020-06-18 23:06:21 tx a 提现2000 2020-06-18 23:06:24 yecx a 余额查询 2020-06-18 23:06:44 zz a a向w转1500
a{'apple': '2', 'milk': '66'} a{'banana': '5', 'apple': '12', 'milk': '4', 'melon': '4'}
apple:5 banana:3 melon:4 milk:6