
1. 多进程爬虫


2. 代码内容

#_*_ coding:utf _*_

import re
import time 
import requests
from multiprocessing import Pool

duanzi_list = []

def get_web_html(url):
	headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0"}
		req = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
		if req.status_code == 200:
			response = req.text.encode('utf8')
	except Exception as e:
		print e
	return response

def scrap_qiushi_info(url):
	html = get_web_html(url)
	usernames = re.findall(r'


',html,re.S|re.M) levels = re.findall('
',html,re.S|re.M) laugh_counts = re.findall('.*?(\d+)',html,re.S|re.M) comment_counts = re.findall('(\d+) 评论',html,re.S|re.M) contents = re.findall('
.*?(.*?)',html,re.S|re.M) for username,level,laugh_count,comment_count,content in zip(usernames,levels,laugh_counts,comment_counts,contents): information = { "username": username.strip(), "level": level.strip(), "laugh_count": laugh_count.strip(), "comment_count": comment_count.strip(), "content": content.strip() } duanzi_list.append(information) time.sleep(1) return duanzi_list def normal_scapper(url_lists): ''' 定义调用函数,使用普通的爬虫函数爬取数据 ''' begin_time = time.time() for url in url_lists: scrap_qiushi_info(url) end_time = time.time() print "普通爬虫一共耗费时长:%f" % (end_time - begin_time) def muti_process_scapper(url_lists,process_num=2): ''' 定义多进程爬虫调用函数,使用mutiprocessing模块爬取web数据 ''' begin_time = time.time() pool = Pool(processes=process_num),url_lists) end_time = time.time() print "%d个进程爬虫爬取所耗费时长为:%s" % (process_num,(end_time - begin_time)) def main(): ''' 定义main()函数,程序入口,通过列表推倒式获取url地址,调用爬虫函数 ''' url_lists = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(1,11)] normal_scapper(url_lists) muti_process_scapper(url_lists,process_num=2) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

 3. 爬取的数据存入到MongoDB数据库

#_*_ coding:utf _*_

import re
import time 
import json
import requests
import pymongo
from multiprocessing import Pool

duanzi_list = []

def get_web_html(url):
	headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0"}
		req = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
		if req.status_code == 200:
			response = req.text.encode('utf8')
	except Exception as e:
		print e
	return response

def scrap_qiushi_info(url):
	html = get_web_html(url)
	usernames = re.findall(r'


',html,re.S|re.M) levels = re.findall('
',html,re.S|re.M) laugh_counts = re.findall('.*?(\d+)',html,re.S|re.M) comment_counts = re.findall('(\d+) 评论',html,re.S|re.M) contents = re.findall('
.*?(.*?)',html,re.S|re.M) for username,level,laugh_count,comment_count,content in zip(usernames,levels,laugh_counts,comment_counts,contents): information = { "username": username.strip(), "level": level.strip(), "laugh_count": laugh_count.strip(), "comment_count": comment_count.strip(), "content": content.strip() } duanzi_list.append(information) return duanzi_list def write_into_mongo(datas): ''' @datas: 需要插入到mongoDB的数据,封装为字典,通过遍历的方式将数据插入到mongoDB中,insert_one()表示一次插入一条数据 ''' client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost',27017) duanzi = client['duanzi_db'] duanzi_info = duanzi['duanzi_info'] for data in datas: duanzi_info.insert_one(data) def query_data_from_mongo(): ''' 查询mongoDB中的数据 ''' client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost',27017)['duanzi_db']['duanzi_info'] for data in client.find(): print data print "一共查询到%d条数据" % (client.find().count()) def main(): ''' 定义main()函数,程序入口,通过列表推倒式获取url地址,调用爬虫函数 ''' url_lists = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(1,11)] for url in url_lists: scrap_qiushi_info(url) time.sleep(1) write_into_mongo(duanzi_list) if __name__ == "__main__": main() #query_data_from_mongo()

 4. 插入至MySQL数据库


1. 创建库
MariaDB [(none)]> create database qiushi;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

2. 使用库
MariaDB [(none)]> use qiushi;
Database changed

3. 创建表格
MariaDB [qiushi]> create table qiushi_info(id int(32) unsigned primary key auto_increment,username varchar(64) not null,level int default 0,laugh_count int default 0,comment_count int default 0,content text default '')engine=InnoDB charset='UTF8';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.06 sec)

MariaDB [qiushi]> show create table qiushi_info;
| Table       | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| qiushi_info | CREATE TABLE `qiushi_info` (
  `id` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  `level` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
  `laugh_count` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
  `comment_count` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
  `content` text,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


#_*_ coding:utf _*_

import re
import time 
import pymysql
import requests

duanzi_list = []

def get_web_html(url):
	headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0"}
		req = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
		if req.status_code == 200:
			response = req.text.encode('utf8')
	except Exception as e:
		print e
	return response

def scrap_qiushi_info(url):
	html = get_web_html(url)
	usernames = re.findall(r'


',html,re.S|re.M) levels = re.findall('
',html,re.S|re.M) laugh_counts = re.findall('.*?(\d+)',html,re.S|re.M) comment_counts = re.findall('(\d+) 评论',html,re.S|re.M) contents = re.findall('
.*?(.*?)',html,re.S|re.M) for username,level,laugh_count,comment_count,content in zip(usernames,levels,laugh_counts,comment_counts,contents): information = { "username": username.strip(), "level": level.strip(), "laugh_count": laugh_count.strip(), "comment_count": comment_count.strip(), "content": content.strip() } duanzi_list.append(information) return duanzi_list def write_into_mysql(datas): ''' @params: datas,将爬虫获取的数据写入到MySQL数据库中 ''' try: conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',port=3306,user='root',password='',db='qiushi',charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) for data in datas: data_list = (data['username'],int(data['level']),int(data['laugh_count']),int(data['comment_count']),data['content']) sql = "INSERT INTO qiushi_info(username,level,laugh_count,comment_count,content) VALUES('%s',%s,%s,%s,'%s')" %(data_list) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print e cursor.close() conn.close() def main(): ''' 定义main()函数,程序入口,通过列表推倒式获取url地址,调用爬虫函数 ''' url_lists = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(1,11)] for url in url_lists: scrap_qiushi_info(url) time.sleep(1) write_into_mysql(duanzi_list) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

 5. 将爬虫数据写入到CSV文件



#_*_ coding:utf _*_

import re
import csv
import time 
import requests

duanzi_list = []

def get_web_html(url):
	headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0"}
		req = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
		if req.status_code == 200:
			response = req.text.encode('utf8')
	except Exception as e:
		print e
	return response

def scrap_qiushi_info(url):
	html = get_web_html(url)
	usernames = re.findall(r'


',html,re.S|re.M) levels = re.findall('
',html,re.S|re.M) laugh_counts = re.findall('.*?(\d+)',html,re.S|re.M) comment_counts = re.findall('(\d+) 评论',html,re.S|re.M) contents = re.findall('
.*?(.*?)',html,re.S|re.M) for username,level,laugh_count,comment_count,content in zip(usernames,levels,laugh_counts,comment_counts,contents): information = { "username": username.strip(), "level": level.strip(), "laugh_count": laugh_count.strip(), "comment_count": comment_count.strip(), "content": content.strip() } duanzi_list.append(information) return duanzi_list def write_into_csv(datas,filename): ''' @datas: 需要写入csv文件的数据内容,是一个列表 @params:filename,需要写入到目标文件的csv文件名 ''' with file(filename,'w+') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(('username','level','laugh_count','comment_count','content')) for data in datas: writer.writerow((data['username'],data['level'],data['laugh_count'],data['comment_count'],data['content'])) def main(): ''' 定义main()函数,程序入口,通过列表推倒式获取url地址,调用爬虫函数 ''' url_lists = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(1,11)] for url in url_lists: scrap_qiushi_info(url) time.sleep(1) write_into_csv(duanzi_list,'/root/duanzi_info.csv') if __name__ == "__main__": main()

 6. 将爬取数据写入到文本文件中

#_*_ coding:utf _*_

import re
import csv
import time 
import requests

duanzi_list = []

def get_web_html(url):
	headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0"}
		req = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
		if req.status_code == 200:
			response = req.text.encode('utf8')
	except Exception as e:
		print e
	return response

def scrap_qiushi_info(url):
	html = get_web_html(url)
	usernames = re.findall(r'


',html,re.S|re.M) levels = re.findall('
',html,re.S|re.M) laugh_counts = re.findall('.*?(\d+)',html,re.S|re.M) comment_counts = re.findall('(\d+) 评论',html,re.S|re.M) contents = re.findall('
.*?(.*?)',html,re.S|re.M) for username,level,laugh_count,comment_count,content in zip(usernames,levels,laugh_counts,comment_counts,contents): information = { "username": username.strip(), "level": level.strip(), "laugh_count": laugh_count.strip(), "comment_count": comment_count.strip(), "content": content.strip() } duanzi_list.append(information) return duanzi_list def write_into_files(datas,filename): ''' 定义数据存入写文件的函数 @params:datas需要写入的数据 @filename:将数据写入到指定的文件名 ''' print "开始写入文件.." with file(filename,'w+') as f: f.write("用户名" + "\t" + "用户等级" + "\t" + "笑话数" + "\t" + "评论数" + "\t" + "段子内容" + "\n") for data in datas: f.write(data['username'] + "\t" + \ data['level'] + "\t" + \ data['laugh_count'] + "\t" + \ data['comment_count'] + "\t" + \ data['content'] + "\n" + "\n" ) def main(): ''' 定义main()函数,程序入口,通过列表推倒式获取url地址,调用爬虫函数 ''' url_lists = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(1,11)] for url in url_lists: scrap_qiushi_info(url) time.sleep(1) write_into_files(duanzi_list,'/root/duanzi.txt') if __name__ == "__main__": main()


