jedis处理redis cluster集群的密码问题



首先说一下redis集群的方式,一种是cluster的 一种是sentinel的,cluster的是redis 3.0之后出来新的集群方式

本身redis3.2的cluster集群是支持密码的 ,具体怎么搭建,可以查找相关的文档,这里只介绍应用层面的操作


jedis2.8.0的版本没有实现对redis cluster集群的密码操作

在jedis中创建redis cluster的对象时,一般是采用

JedisCluster jedisCluster = new JedisCluster(clusterNodes,timeout,jedisPoolConfig);


public class RedisClusterUtil {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RedisClusterUtil.class);
    private int timeout = 10000;
    private JedisCluster jedisCluster;
    private Set clusterNodes ;

    public RedisClusterUtil(String redisUris, JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig) throws  Exception{
        jedisCluster = new JedisCluster(clusterNodes,timeout,jedisPoolConfig);
     * reids 链接节点地址
    public void init(String redisUris) {"redisUris:" + redisUris);
        // ## 注册redis连接节点
        clusterNodes = Sets.newHashSet();
            // 以“;”分割成"ip:post"
            String [] ipAndPostes = redisUris.split(";");
            // 以“:”分割成 “ip”,“post”
            if(ipAndPostes != null){
                for (String ipAndPost : ipAndPostes){
                    //ipAndPost 值:(ip:端口)
                    String [] ipAndPostArray = ipAndPost.split(":");
                    clusterNodes.add(new HostAndPort(ipAndPostArray[0], Integer.parseInt(ipAndPostArray[1])));
        }"redis链接节点个数(clusterNodes):" + clusterNodes.size());






  public String auth(String password) {

    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");




这里我们会发现cluster集群最终会调用redis.clients.jedis.JedisClusterConnectionHandler.initializeSlotsCache(Set, GenericObjectPoolConfig)方法,而这个方法里面的代码是


  private void initializeSlotsCache(Set startNodes, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
    for (HostAndPort hostAndPort : startNodes) {
      Jedis jedis = new Jedis(hostAndPort.getHost(), hostAndPort.getPort());
      try {
      } catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
        // try next nodes
      } finally {
        if (jedis != null) {

    for (HostAndPort node : startNodes) {



private void initializeSlotsCache(Set startNodes, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig,String password) { for (HostAndPort hostAndPort : startNodes) { Jedis jedis = new Jedis(hostAndPort.getHost(), hostAndPort.getPort()); jedis.auth(password); try { cache.discoverClusterNodesAndSlots(jedis); break; } catch (JedisConnectionException e) { // try next nodes } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } } for (HostAndPort node : startNodes) { cache.setNodeIfNotExist(node); } }



package redis.clients.jedis;

import redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient.LIST_POSITION;
import redis.clients.jedis.params.sortedset.ZAddParams;
import redis.clients.jedis.params.sortedset.ZIncrByParams;
import redis.clients.util.KeyMergeUtil;
import redis.clients.jedis.params.geo.GeoRadiusParam;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig;

public class JedisCluster extends BinaryJedisCluster implements JedisCommands,
    MultiKeyJedisClusterCommands, JedisClusterScriptingCommands {

  public static enum Reset {

  public JedisCluster(Set nodes) {
    this(nodes, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public JedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout) {
    this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS);

  public JedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout, int maxRedirections) {
    this(nodes, timeout, maxRedirections, new GenericObjectPoolConfig());

  public JedisCluster(Set nodes, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {

  public JedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
    this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS, poolConfig);
  public JedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig,String password) {
        this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS, poolConfig,password);

  public JedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxRedirections,
      final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
    super(jedisClusterNode, timeout, maxRedirections, poolConfig);
  public JedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxRedirections,
          final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig,String password) {
        super(jedisClusterNode, timeout, maxRedirections, poolConfig,password);

  public JedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
      int maxRedirections, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
    super(jedisClusterNode, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, maxRedirections, poolConfig);

  public String set(final String key, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.set(key, value);

  public String set(final String key, final String value, final String nxxx, final String expx,
      final long time) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.set(key, value, nxxx, expx, time);

  public String get(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.get(key);

  public Boolean exists(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.exists(key);

  public Long exists(final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.exists(keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public Long persist(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.persist(key);

  public String type(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.type(key);

  public Long expire(final String key, final int seconds) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.expire(key, seconds);

  public Long pexpire(final String key, final long milliseconds) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pexpire(key, milliseconds);

  public Long expireAt(final String key, final long unixTime) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.expireAt(key, unixTime);

  public Long pexpireAt(final String key, final long millisecondsTimestamp) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pexpireAt(key, millisecondsTimestamp);

  public Long ttl(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.ttl(key);

  public Long pttl(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pttl(key);

  public Boolean setbit(final String key, final long offset, final boolean value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setbit(key, offset, value);

  public Boolean setbit(final String key, final long offset, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setbit(key, offset, value);

  public Boolean getbit(final String key, final long offset) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.getbit(key, offset);

  public Long setrange(final String key, final long offset, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setrange(key, offset, value);

  public String getrange(final String key, final long startOffset, final long endOffset) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.getrange(key, startOffset, endOffset);

  public String getSet(final String key, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.getSet(key, value);

  public Long setnx(final String key, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setnx(key, value);

  public String setex(final String key, final int seconds, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setex(key, seconds, value);

  public String psetex(final String key, final long milliseconds, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.psetex(key, milliseconds, value);

  public Long decrBy(final String key, final long integer) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.decrBy(key, integer);

  public Long decr(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.decr(key);

  public Long incrBy(final String key, final long integer) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.incrBy(key, integer);

  public Double incrByFloat(final String key, final double value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.incrByFloat(key, value);

  public Long incr(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.incr(key);

  public Long append(final String key, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.append(key, value);

  public String substr(final String key, final int start, final int end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.substr(key, start, end);

  public Long hset(final String key, final String field, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hset(key, field, value);

  public String hget(final String key, final String field) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hget(key, field);

  public Long hsetnx(final String key, final String field, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hsetnx(key, field, value);

  public String hmset(final String key, final Map hash) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hmset(key, hash);

  public List hmget(final String key, final String... fields) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hmget(key, fields);

  public Long hincrBy(final String key, final String field, final long value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hincrBy(key, field, value);

  public Double hincrByFloat(final String key, final String field, final double value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hincrByFloat(key, field, value);

  public Boolean hexists(final String key, final String field) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hexists(key, field);

  public Long hdel(final String key, final String... field) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hdel(key, field);

  public Long hlen(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hlen(key);

  public Set hkeys(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hkeys(key);

  public List hvals(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hvals(key);

  public Map hgetAll(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Map execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hgetAll(key);

  public Long rpush(final String key, final String... string) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpush(key, string);

  public Long lpush(final String key, final String... string) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lpush(key, string);

  public Long llen(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.llen(key);

  public List lrange(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lrange(key, start, end);

  public String ltrim(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.ltrim(key, start, end);

  public String lindex(final String key, final long index) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lindex(key, index);

  public String lset(final String key, final long index, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lset(key, index, value);

  public Long lrem(final String key, final long count, final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lrem(key, count, value);

  public String lpop(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lpop(key);

  public String rpop(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpop(key);

  public Long sadd(final String key, final String... member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sadd(key, member);

  public Set smembers(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.smembers(key);

  public Long srem(final String key, final String... member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.srem(key, member);

  public String spop(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.spop(key);

  public Set spop(final String key, final long count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.spop(key, count);

  public Long scard(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scard(key);

  public Boolean sismember(final String key, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sismember(key, member);

  public String srandmember(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.srandmember(key);

  public List srandmember(final String key, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.srandmember(key, count);

  public Long strlen(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.strlen(key);

  public Long zadd(final String key, final double score, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, score, member);

  public Long zadd(final String key, final double score, final String member, final ZAddParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, score, member, params);

  public Long zadd(final String key, final Map scoreMembers) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, scoreMembers);

  public Long zadd(final String key, final Map scoreMembers, final ZAddParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, scoreMembers, params);

  public Set zrange(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrange(key, start, end);

  public Long zrem(final String key, final String... member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrem(key, member);

  public Double zincrby(final String key, final double score, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zincrby(key, score, member);

  public Double zincrby(final String key, final double score, final String member, final ZIncrByParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zincrby(key, score, member, params);

  public Long zrank(final String key, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrank(key, member);

  public Long zrevrank(final String key, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrank(key, member);

  public Set zrevrange(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrange(key, start, end);

  public Set zrangeWithScores(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeWithScores(key, start, end);

  public Set zrevrangeWithScores(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, end);

  public Long zcard(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zcard(key);

  public Double zscore(final String key, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zscore(key, member);

  public List sort(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key);

  public List sort(final String key, final SortingParams sortingParameters) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key, sortingParameters);

  public Long zcount(final String key, final double min, final double max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zcount(key, min, max);

  public Long zcount(final String key, final String min, final String max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zcount(key, min, max);

  public Set zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max);

  public Set zrangeByScore(final String key, final String min, final String max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max);

  public Set zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final double max, final double min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min);

  public Set zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final String max, final String min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min);

  public Set zrangeByScore(final String key, final String min, final String max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final double max, final double min,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double max, final double min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final String max, final String min,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String min, final String max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String max, final String min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String min, final String max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double max,
      final double min, final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String max,
      final String min, final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Long zremrangeByRank(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByRank(key, start, end);

  public Long zremrangeByScore(final String key, final double start, final double end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end);

  public Long zremrangeByScore(final String key, final String start, final String end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end);

  public Long zlexcount(final String key, final String min, final String max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zlexcount(key, min, max);

  public Set zrangeByLex(final String key, final String min, final String max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByLex(key, min, max);

  public Set zrangeByLex(final String key, final String min, final String max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByLex(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByLex(final String key, final String max, final String min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min);

  public Set zrevrangeByLex(final String key, final String max, final String min,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Long zremrangeByLex(final String key, final String min, final String max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByLex(key, min, max);

  public Long linsert(final String key, final LIST_POSITION where, final String pivot,
      final String value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.linsert(key, where, pivot, value);

  public Long lpushx(final String key, final String... string) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lpushx(key, string);

  public Long rpushx(final String key, final String... string) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpushx(key, string);

  public Long del(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.del(key);

  public String echo(final String string) {
    // note that it'll be run from arbitary node
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.echo(string);

  public Long bitcount(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitcount(key);

  public Long bitcount(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitcount(key, start, end);

  public Long bitpos(final String key, final boolean value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitpos(key, value);

  public Long bitpos(final String key, final boolean value, final BitPosParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitpos(key, value, params);

  public ScanResult> hscan(final String key, final String cursor) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>>(connectionHandler,
        maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hscan(key, cursor);

  public ScanResult> hscan(final String key, final String cursor, final ScanParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>>(connectionHandler,
        maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hscan(key, cursor, params);

  public ScanResult sscan(final String key, final String cursor) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sscan(key, cursor);

  public ScanResult sscan(final String key, final String cursor, final ScanParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sscan(key, cursor, params);

  public ScanResult zscan(final String key, final String cursor) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zscan(key, cursor);

  public ScanResult zscan(final String key, final String cursor, final ScanParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zscan(key, cursor, params);

  public Long pfadd(final String key, final String... elements) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfadd(key, elements);

  public long pfcount(final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfcount(key);

  public List blpop(final int timeout, final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.blpop(timeout, key);

  public List brpop(final int timeout, final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.brpop(timeout, key);

  public Long del(final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.del(keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public List blpop(final int timeout, final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.blpop(timeout, keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);


  public List brpop(final int timeout, final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.brpop(timeout, keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public List mget(final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.mget(keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public String mset(final String... keysvalues) {
    String[] keys = new String[keysvalues.length / 2];

    for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keys.length; keyIdx++) {
      keys[keyIdx] = keysvalues[keyIdx * 2];

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.mset(keysvalues);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public Long msetnx(final String... keysvalues) {
    String[] keys = new String[keysvalues.length / 2];

    for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keys.length; keyIdx++) {
      keys[keyIdx] = keysvalues[keyIdx * 2];

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.msetnx(keysvalues);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public String rename(final String oldkey, final String newkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rename(oldkey, newkey);
    }.run(2, oldkey, newkey);

  public Long renamenx(final String oldkey, final String newkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.renamenx(oldkey, newkey);
    }.run(2, oldkey, newkey);

  public String rpoplpush(final String srckey, final String dstkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpoplpush(srckey, dstkey);
    }.run(2, srckey, dstkey);

  public Set sdiff(final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sdiff(keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public Long sdiffstore(final String dstkey, final String... keys) {
    String[] mergedKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sdiffstore(dstkey, keys);
    }.run(mergedKeys.length, mergedKeys);

  public Set sinter(final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sinter(keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public Long sinterstore(final String dstkey, final String... keys) {
    String[] mergedKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sinterstore(dstkey, keys);
    }.run(mergedKeys.length, mergedKeys);

  public Long smove(final String srckey, final String dstkey, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.smove(srckey, dstkey, member);
    }.run(2, srckey, dstkey);

  public Long sort(final String key, final SortingParams sortingParameters, final String dstkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key, sortingParameters, dstkey);
    }.run(2, key, dstkey);

  public Long sort(final String key, final String dstkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key, dstkey);
    }.run(2, key, dstkey);

  public Set sunion(final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sunion(keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public Long sunionstore(final String dstkey, final String... keys) {
    String[] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sunionstore(dstkey, keys);
    }.run(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long zinterstore(final String dstkey, final String... sets) {
    String[] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zinterstore(dstkey, sets);
    }.run(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long zinterstore(final String dstkey, final ZParams params, final String... sets) {
    String[] mergedKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zinterstore(dstkey, params, sets);
    }.run(mergedKeys.length, mergedKeys);

  public Long zunionstore(final String dstkey, final String... sets) {
    String[] mergedKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zunionstore(dstkey, sets);
    }.run(mergedKeys.length, mergedKeys);

  public Long zunionstore(final String dstkey, final ZParams params, final String... sets) {
    String[] mergedKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zunionstore(dstkey, params, sets);
    }.run(mergedKeys.length, mergedKeys);

  public String brpoplpush(final String source, final String destination, final int timeout) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout);
    }.run(2, source, destination);

  public Long publish(final String channel, final String message) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.publish(channel, message);

  public void subscribe(final JedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final String... channels) {
    new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Integer execute(Jedis connection) {
        connection.subscribe(jedisPubSub, channels);
        return 0;

  public void psubscribe(final JedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final String... patterns) {
    new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Integer execute(Jedis connection) {
        connection.subscribe(jedisPubSub, patterns);
        return 0;

  public Long bitop(final BitOP op, final String destKey, final String... srcKeys) {
    String[] mergedKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(destKey, srcKeys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitop(op, destKey, srcKeys);
    }.run(mergedKeys.length, mergedKeys);

  public String pfmerge(final String destkey, final String... sourcekeys) {
    String[] mergedKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(destkey, sourcekeys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfmerge(destkey, sourcekeys);
    }.run(mergedKeys.length, mergedKeys);

  public long pfcount(final String... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfcount(keys);
    }.run(keys.length, keys);

  public Object eval(final String script, final int keyCount, final String... params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.eval(script, keyCount, params);
    }.run(keyCount, params);

  public Object eval(final String script, final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.eval(script);

  public Object eval(final String script, final List keys, final List args) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.eval(script, keys, args);
    }.run(keys.size(), keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()]));

  public Object evalsha(final String sha1, final int keyCount, final String... params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.evalsha(sha1, keyCount, params);
    }.run(keyCount, params);

  public Object evalsha(final String sha1, final List keys, final List args) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.evalsha(sha1, keys, args);
    }.run(keys.size(), keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()]));

  public Object evalsha(final String script, final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.evalsha(script);

  public Boolean scriptExists(final String sha1, final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scriptExists(sha1);

  public List scriptExists(final String key, final String... sha1) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scriptExists(sha1);

  public String scriptLoad(final String script, final String key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scriptLoad(script);

   * below methods will be removed at 3.0

   * @deprecated SetParams is scheduled to be introduced at next major release Please use setnx
   *             instead for now
   * @see">issue#878
  public String set(String key, String value, String nxxx) {
    return setnx(key, value) == 1 ? "OK" : null;

   * @deprecated unusable command, this will be removed at next major release.
  public List blpop(final String arg) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.blpop(arg);

   * @deprecated unusable command, this will be removed at next major release.
  public List brpop(final String arg) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.brpop(arg);

   * @deprecated Redis Cluster uses only db index 0, so it doesn't make sense. scheduled to be
   *             removed on next major release
  public Long move(final String key, final int dbIndex) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.move(key, dbIndex);

   * This method is deprecated due to bug (scan cursor should be unsigned long) And will be removed
   * on next major release
   * @see">issue#531
  public ScanResult> hscan(final String key, final int cursor) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>>(connectionHandler,
        maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hscan(key, cursor);

   * This method is deprecated due to bug (scan cursor should be unsigned long) And will be removed
   * on next major release
   * @see">issue#531
  public ScanResult sscan(final String key, final int cursor) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sscan(key, cursor);

   * This method is deprecated due to bug (scan cursor should be unsigned long) And will be removed
   * on next major release
   * @see">issue#531
  public ScanResult zscan(final String key, final int cursor) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public ScanResult execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zscan(key, cursor);

  public Long geoadd(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final String member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geoadd(key, longitude, latitude, member);

  public Long geoadd(final String key, final Map memberCoordinateMap) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geoadd(key, memberCoordinateMap);

  public Double geodist(final String key, final String member1, final String member2) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geodist(key, member1, member2);

  public Double geodist(final String key, final String member1, final String member2, final GeoUnit unit) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geodist(key, member1, member2, unit);

  public List geohash(final String key, final String... members) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geohash(key, members);

  public List geopos(final String key, final String... members) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geopos(key, members);

  public List georadius(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit);

  public List georadius(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param);

  public List georadiusByMember(final String key, final String member,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit);

  public List georadiusByMember(final String key, final String member,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit, param);






package redis.clients.jedis;

import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterException;
import redis.clients.jedis.params.geo.GeoRadiusParam;
import redis.clients.jedis.params.sortedset.ZAddParams;
import redis.clients.jedis.params.sortedset.ZIncrByParams;
import redis.clients.util.KeyMergeUtil;
import redis.clients.util.SafeEncoder;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class BinaryJedisCluster implements BasicCommands, BinaryJedisClusterCommands,
    MultiKeyBinaryJedisClusterCommands, JedisClusterBinaryScriptingCommands, Closeable {

  public static final short HASHSLOTS = 16384;
  protected static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
  protected static final int DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS = 5;

  protected int maxRedirections;

  protected JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler;

  public BinaryJedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout) {
    this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS, new GenericObjectPoolConfig());

  public BinaryJedisCluster(Set nodes) {
    this(nodes, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public BinaryJedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxRedirections,
      final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
    this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
    this.maxRedirections = maxRedirections;
  public BinaryJedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxRedirections,
          final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig,String password) {
        this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
        this.maxRedirections = maxRedirections;

  public BinaryJedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout,
      int soTimeout, int maxRedirections, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
    this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
        connectionTimeout, soTimeout);
    this.maxRedirections = maxRedirections;

  public void close() throws IOException {
    if (connectionHandler != null) {
      for (JedisPool pool : connectionHandler.getNodes().values()) {
        try {
          if (pool != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // pass

  public Map getClusterNodes() {
    return connectionHandler.getNodes();

  public String set(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.set(key, value);

  public String set(final byte[] key, final byte[] value, final byte[] nxxx, final byte[] expx,
      final long time) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.set(key, value, nxxx, expx, time);

  public byte[] get(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.get(key);

  public Boolean exists(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.exists(key);

  public Long exists(final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.exists(keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public Long persist(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.persist(key);

  public String type(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.type(key);

  public Long expire(final byte[] key, final int seconds) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.expire(key, seconds);

  public Long pexpire(final byte[] key, final long milliseconds) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pexpire(key, milliseconds);

  public Long expireAt(final byte[] key, final long unixTime) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.expireAt(key, unixTime);

  public Long pexpireAt(final byte[] key, final long millisecondsTimestamp) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pexpire(key, millisecondsTimestamp);

  public Long ttl(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.ttl(key);

  public Boolean setbit(final byte[] key, final long offset, final boolean value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setbit(key, offset, value);

  public Boolean setbit(final byte[] key, final long offset, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setbit(key, offset, value);

  public Boolean getbit(final byte[] key, final long offset) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.getbit(key, offset);

  public Long setrange(final byte[] key, final long offset, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setrange(key, offset, value);

  public byte[] getrange(final byte[] key, final long startOffset, final long endOffset) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.getrange(key, startOffset, endOffset);

  public byte[] getSet(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.getSet(key, value);

  public Long setnx(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setnx(key, value);

  public String setex(final byte[] key, final int seconds, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.setex(key, seconds, value);

  public Long decrBy(final byte[] key, final long integer) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.decrBy(key, integer);

  public Long decr(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.decr(key);

  public Long incrBy(final byte[] key, final long integer) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.incrBy(key, integer);

  public Double incrByFloat(final byte[] key, final double value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.incrByFloat(key, value);

  public Long incr(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.incr(key);

  public Long append(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.append(key, value);

  public byte[] substr(final byte[] key, final int start, final int end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.substr(key, start, end);

  public Long hset(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hset(key, field, value);

  public byte[] hget(final byte[] key, final byte[] field) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hget(key, field);

  public Long hsetnx(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hsetnx(key, field, value);

  public String hmset(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], byte[]> hash) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hmset(key, hash);

  public List<byte[]> hmget(final byte[] key, final byte[]... fields) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hmget(key, fields);

  public Long hincrBy(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final long value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hincrBy(key, field, value);

  public Double hincrByFloat(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final double value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hincrByFloat(key, field, value);

  public Boolean hexists(final byte[] key, final byte[] field) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hexists(key, field);

  public Long hdel(final byte[] key, final byte[]... field) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hdel(key, field);

  public Long hlen(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hlen(key);

  public Set<byte[]> hkeys(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hkeys(key);

  public Collection<byte[]> hvals(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Collection<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hvals(key);

  public Map<byte[], byte[]> hgetAll(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[], byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Map<byte[], byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.hgetAll(key);

  public Long rpush(final byte[] key, final byte[]... args) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpush(key, args);

  public Long lpush(final byte[] key, final byte[]... args) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lpush(key, args);

  public Long llen(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.llen(key);

  public List<byte[]> lrange(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lrange(key, start, end);

  public String ltrim(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.ltrim(key, start, end);

  public byte[] lindex(final byte[] key, final long index) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lindex(key, index);

  public String lset(final byte[] key, final long index, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lset(key, index, value);

  public Long lrem(final byte[] key, final long count, final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lrem(key, count, value);

  public byte[] lpop(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lpop(key);

  public byte[] rpop(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpop(key);

  public Long sadd(final byte[] key, final byte[]... member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sadd(key, member);

  public Set<byte[]> smembers(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.smembers(key);

  public Long srem(final byte[] key, final byte[]... member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.srem(key, member);

  public byte[] spop(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.spop(key);

  public Set<byte[]> spop(final byte[] key, final long count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.spop(key, count);

  public Long scard(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scard(key);

  public Boolean sismember(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sismember(key, member);

  public byte[] srandmember(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.srandmember(key);

  public Long strlen(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.strlen(key);

  public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, score, member);

  public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], Double> scoreMembers) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, scoreMembers);

  public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member, final ZAddParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, score, member, params);

  public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], Double> scoreMembers, final ZAddParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zadd(key, scoreMembers, params);

  public Set<byte[]> zrange(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrange(key, start, end);

  public Long zrem(final byte[] key, final byte[]... member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrem(key, member);

  public Double zincrby(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zincrby(key, score, member);

  public Double zincrby(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member, final ZIncrByParams params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zincrby(key, score, member, params);

  public Long zrank(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrank(key, member);

  public Long zrevrank(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrank(key, member);

  public Set<byte[]> zrevrange(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrange(key, start, end);

  public Set zrangeWithScores(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeWithScores(key, start, end);

  public Set zrevrangeWithScores(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, end);

  public Long zcard(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zcard(key);

  public Double zscore(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zscore(key, member);

  public List<byte[]> sort(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key);

  public List<byte[]> sort(final byte[] key, final SortingParams sortingParameters) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key, sortingParameters);

  public Long zcount(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zcount(key, min, max);

  public Long zcount(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zcount(key, min, max);

  public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max);

  public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max);

  public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double max, final double min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min);

  public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min);

  public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double max, final double min,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double max, final double min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min);

  public Set zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double max,
      final double min, final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Set zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] max,
      final byte[] min, final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Long zremrangeByRank(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByRank(key, start, end);

  public Long zremrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double start, final double end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end);

  public Long zremrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] start, final byte[] end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end);

  public Long linsert(final byte[] key, final Client.LIST_POSITION where, final byte[] pivot,
      final byte[] value) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.linsert(key, where, pivot, value);

  public Long lpushx(final byte[] key, final byte[]... arg) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.lpushx(key, arg);

  public Long rpushx(final byte[] key, final byte[]... arg) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpushx(key, arg);

  public Long del(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.del(key);

  public byte[] echo(final byte[] arg) {
    // note that it'll be run from arbitary node
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.echo(arg);

  public Long bitcount(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitcount(key);

  public Long bitcount(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitcount(key, start, end);

  public Long pfadd(final byte[] key, final byte[]... elements) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfadd(key, elements);

  public long pfcount(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfcount(key);

  public List<byte[]> srandmember(final byte[] key, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.srandmember(key, count);

  public Long zlexcount(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zlexcount(key, min, max);

  public Set<byte[]> zrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByLex(key, min, max);

  public Set<byte[]> zrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByLex(key, min, max, offset, count);

  public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrangeByLex(key, max, min);

  public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min,
      final int offset, final int count) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min, offset, count);

  public Long zremrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zremrangeByLex(key, min, max);

  public Object eval(final byte[] script, final byte[] keyCount, final byte[]... params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.eval(script, keyCount, params);
    }.runBinary(Integer.parseInt(SafeEncoder.encode(keyCount)), params);

  public Object eval(final byte[] script, final int keyCount, final byte[]... params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.eval(script, keyCount, params);
    }.runBinary(keyCount, params);

  public Object eval(final byte[] script, final List<byte[]> keys, final List<byte[]> args) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.eval(script, keys, args);
    }.runBinary(keys.size(), keys.toArray(new byte[keys.size()][]));

  public Object eval(final byte[] script, byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.eval(script);

  public Object evalsha(final byte[] script, byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.evalsha(script);

  public Object evalsha(final byte[] sha1, final List<byte[]> keys, final List<byte[]> args) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.evalsha(sha1, keys, args);
    }.runBinary(keys.size(), keys.toArray(new byte[keys.size()][]));

  public Object evalsha(final byte[] sha1, final int keyCount, final byte[]... params) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Object execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.evalsha(sha1, keyCount, params);
    }.runBinary(keyCount, params);

  public List scriptExists(final byte[] key, final byte[][] sha1) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scriptExists(sha1);

  public byte[] scriptLoad(final byte[] script, final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scriptLoad(script);

  public String scriptFlush(final byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scriptFlush();

  public String scriptKill(byte[] key) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.scriptKill();

  public Long del(final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.del(keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public List<byte[]> blpop(final int timeout, final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.blpop(timeout, keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public List<byte[]> brpop(final int timeout, final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.brpop(timeout, keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public List<byte[]> mget(final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.mget(keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public String mset(final byte[]... keysvalues) {
    byte[][] keys = new byte[keysvalues.length / 2][];

    for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keys.length; keyIdx++) {
      keys[keyIdx] = keysvalues[keyIdx * 2];

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.mset(keysvalues);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public Long msetnx(final byte[]... keysvalues) {
    byte[][] keys = new byte[keysvalues.length / 2][];

    for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keys.length; keyIdx++) {
      keys[keyIdx] = keysvalues[keyIdx * 2];

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.msetnx(keysvalues);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public String rename(final byte[] oldkey, final byte[] newkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rename(oldkey, newkey);
    }.runBinary(2, oldkey, newkey);

  public Long renamenx(final byte[] oldkey, final byte[] newkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.renamenx(oldkey, newkey);
    }.runBinary(2, oldkey, newkey);

  public byte[] rpoplpush(final byte[] srckey, final byte[] dstkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.rpoplpush(srckey, dstkey);
    }.runBinary(2, srckey, dstkey);

  public Set<byte[]> sdiff(final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sdiff(keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public Long sdiffstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... keys) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sdiffstore(dstkey, keys);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Set<byte[]> sinter(final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sinter(keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public Long sinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... keys) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sinterstore(dstkey, keys);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long smove(final byte[] srckey, final byte[] dstkey, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.smove(srckey, dstkey, member);
    }.runBinary(2, srckey, dstkey);

  public Long sort(final byte[] key, final SortingParams sortingParameters, final byte[] dstkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key, sortingParameters, dstkey);
    }.runBinary(2, key, dstkey);

  public Long sort(final byte[] key, final byte[] dstkey) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sort(key, dstkey);
    }.runBinary(2, key, dstkey);

  public Set<byte[]> sunion(final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sunion(keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

  public Long sunionstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... keys) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.sunionstore(dstkey, keys);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long zinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... sets) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zinterstore(dstkey, sets);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long zinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final ZParams params, final byte[]... sets) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zinterstore(dstkey, params, sets);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long zunionstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... sets) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zunionstore(dstkey, sets);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long zunionstore(final byte[] dstkey, final ZParams params, final byte[]... sets) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.zunionstore(dstkey, params, sets);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public byte[] brpoplpush(final byte[] source, final byte[] destination, final int timeout) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout);
    }.runBinary(2, source, destination);

  public Long publish(final byte[] channel, final byte[] message) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.publish(channel, message);

  public void subscribe(final BinaryJedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final byte[]... channels) {
    new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Integer execute(Jedis connection) {
        connection.subscribe(jedisPubSub, channels);
        return 0;

  public void psubscribe(final BinaryJedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final byte[]... patterns) {
    new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Integer execute(Jedis connection) {
        connection.subscribe(jedisPubSub, patterns);
        return 0;

  public Long bitop(final BitOP op, final byte[] destKey, final byte[]... srcKeys) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(destKey, srcKeys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.bitop(op, destKey, srcKeys);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public String pfmerge(final byte[] destkey, final byte[]... sourcekeys) {
    byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(destkey, sourcekeys);

    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public String execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfmerge(destkey, sourcekeys);
    }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys);

  public Long pfcount(final byte[]... keys) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.pfcount(keys);
    }.runBinary(keys.length, keys);

   * below methods will be removed at 3.0

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String ping() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String quit() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String flushDB() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster and Redis Cluster only uses
   *             db index 0 scheduled to be removed on next major release
  public Long dbSize() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster and Redis Cluster only uses
   *             db index 0 scheduled to be removed on next major release
  public String select(int index) {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String flushAll() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster and Redis Cluster doesn't
   *             support authorization scheduled to be removed on next major release
  public String auth(String password) {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String save() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String bgsave() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String bgrewriteaof() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public Long lastsave() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String shutdown() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String info() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String info(String section) {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String slaveof(String host, int port) {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String slaveofNoOne() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster and Redis Cluster only uses
   *             db index 0 scheduled to be removed on next major release
  public Long getDB() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String debug(DebugParams params) {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public String configResetStat() {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

   * @deprecated No key operation doesn't make sense for Redis Cluster scheduled to be removed on
   *             next major release
  public Long waitReplicas(int replicas, long timeout) {
    throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");

  public Long geoadd(final byte[] key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final byte[] member) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geoadd(key, longitude, latitude, member);

  public Long geoadd(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate> memberCoordinateMap) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Long execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geoadd(key, memberCoordinateMap);

  public Double geodist(final byte[] key, final byte[] member1, final byte[] member2) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geodist(key, member1, member2);

  public Double geodist(final byte[] key, final byte[] member1, final byte[] member2, final GeoUnit unit) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public Double execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geodist(key, member1, member2, unit);

  public List<byte[]> geohash(final byte[] key, final byte[]... members) {
    return new JedisClusterCommandbyte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geohash(key, members);

  public List geopos(final byte[] key, final byte[]... members) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.geopos(key, members);

  public List georadius(final byte[] key, final double longitude, final double latitude,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit);

  public List georadius(final byte[] key, final double longitude, final double latitude,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param);

  public List georadiusByMember(final byte[] key, final byte[] member,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit);

  public List georadiusByMember(final byte[] key, final byte[] member,
      final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) {
    return new JedisClusterCommand>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) {
      public List execute(Jedis connection) {
        return connection.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit, param);






package redis.clients.jedis;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig;

import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;

public abstract class JedisClusterConnectionHandler {
  protected final JedisClusterInfoCache cache;

  abstract Jedis getConnection();

  abstract Jedis getConnectionFromSlot(int slot);

  public Jedis getConnectionFromNode(HostAndPort node) {
    return cache.getNode(JedisClusterInfoCache.getNodeKey(node)).getResource();

  public JedisClusterConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
      final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout) {
    this.cache = new JedisClusterInfoCache(poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout);
    initializeSlotsCache(nodes, poolConfig);
  public JedisClusterConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
          final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,String password) {
        this.cache = new JedisClusterInfoCache(poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout);
        initializeSlotsCache(nodes, poolConfig,password);

  public Map getNodes() {
    return cache.getNodes();

  private void initializeSlotsCache(Set startNodes, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
    for (HostAndPort hostAndPort : startNodes) {
      Jedis jedis = new Jedis(hostAndPort.getHost(), hostAndPort.getPort());
      try {
      } catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
        // try next nodes
      } finally {
        if (jedis != null) {

    for (HostAndPort node : startNodes) {

  private void initializeSlotsCache(Set startNodes, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig,String password) {
        for (HostAndPort hostAndPort : startNodes) {
          Jedis jedis = new Jedis(hostAndPort.getHost(), hostAndPort.getPort());
          try {
          } catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
            // try next nodes
          } finally {
            if (jedis != null) {

        for (HostAndPort node : startNodes) {
  public void renewSlotCache() {
    for (JedisPool jp : getShuffledNodesPool()) {
      Jedis jedis = null;
      try {
        jedis = jp.getResource();
      } catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
        // try next nodes
      } finally {
        if (jedis != null) {

  public void renewSlotCache(Jedis jedis) {
    try {
    } catch (JedisConnectionException e) {

  protected List getShuffledNodesPool() {
    List pools = new ArrayList();
    return pools;





package redis.clients.jedis;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig;

import java.util.Set;

import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;

public class JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler extends JedisClusterConnectionHandler {

  public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
      final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int timeout) {
    this(nodes, poolConfig, timeout, timeout);
  public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
          final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int timeout,String password) {
        this(nodes, poolConfig, timeout, timeout,password);

  public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
      final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout) {
    super(nodes, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout);
  public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
          final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,String password) {
        super(nodes, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout,password);

  public Jedis getConnection() {
    // In antirez's redis-rb-cluster implementation,
    // getRandomConnection always return valid connection (able to
    // ping-pong)
    // or exception if all connections are invalid

    List pools = getShuffledNodesPool();

    for (JedisPool pool : pools) {
      Jedis jedis = null;
      try {
        jedis = pool.getResource();

        if (jedis == null) {

        String result =;

        if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("pong")) return jedis;

      } catch (JedisConnectionException ex) {
        if (jedis != null) {

    throw new JedisConnectionException("no reachable node in cluster");

  public Jedis getConnectionFromSlot(int slot) {
    JedisPool connectionPool = cache.getSlotPool(slot);
    if (connectionPool != null) {
      // It can't guaranteed to get valid connection because of node
      // assignment
      return connectionPool.getResource();
    } else {
      return getConnection();






    public RedisClusterUtil(String redisUris, JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig) throws  Exception{



        jedisCluster = new JedisCluster(clusterNodes,timeout,jedisPoolConfig,"密码");





public class RedisClusterUtil {    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RedisClusterUtil.class);    private int timeout = 10000;    private JedisCluster jedisCluster;    private Set clusterNodes ;
    public RedisClusterUtil(String redisUris, JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig) throws  Exception{        init(redisUris);        checkHostAndPost();        jedisCluster = new JedisCluster(clusterNodes,timeout,jedisPoolConfig,"!QAZ2wsx");    }        /**     * reids 链接节点地址     */    public void init(String redisUris) {"redisUris:" + redisUris);        // ## 注册redis连接节点        clusterNodes = Sets.newHashSet();        if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(redisUris)){            // 以“;”分割成"ip:post"            String [] ipAndPostes = redisUris.split(";");            // 以“:”分割成 “ip”,“post”            if(ipAndPostes != null){                for (String ipAndPost : ipAndPostes){                    //ipAndPost 值:(ip:端口)                    String [] ipAndPostArray = ipAndPost.split(":");                    clusterNodes.add(new HostAndPort(ipAndPostArray[0], Integer.parseInt(ipAndPostArray[1])));                }            }        }"redis链接节点个数(clusterNodes):" + clusterNodes.size());    }



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