几种播放音频文件的方式(十三) —— OpenAL框架之分步解析(二)


版本号 时间
V1.0 2017.12.29


1. 几种播放音频文件的方式(一) —— 播放本地音乐
2. 几种播放音频文件的方式(二) —— 音效播放
3. 几种播放音频文件的方式(三) —— 网络音乐播放
4. 几种播放音频文件的方式(四) —— 音频队列服务(Audio Queue Services)(一)
5. 几种播放音频文件的方式(五) —— 音频队列服务(Audio Queue Services)简介(二)
6. 几种播放音频文件的方式(六) —— 音频队列服务(Audio Queue Services)之关于音频队列(三)
7. 几种播放音频文件的方式(七) —— 音频队列服务(Audio Queue Services)之录制音频(四)
8. 几种播放音频文件的方式(八) —— 音频队列服务(Audio Queue Services)之播放音频(五)
9. 几种播放音频文件的方式(九) —— Media Player框架之基本概览(一)
10. 几种播放音频文件的方式(十) —— Media Player框架之简单播放音频示例(二)
11. 几种播放音频文件的方式(十一) —— AudioUnit框架之基本概览(一)
12. 几种播放音频文件的方式(十二) —— OpenAL框架之基本概览(一)


这一篇文章主要就是对OpenAL播放音频的过程进行分步解析,文章内容来自别人,下面给出链接,致敬原作者—— IOS使用OpenAL播放音频文件。

其实,不仅可以参考这个作者所写的内容,我们还可以参考苹果官网给出的demo,OpenALExample 和 GLAirplay。







static ALCdevice*                device                 = NULL;  
static ALCcontext*               context                = NULL;  
static alBufferDataStaticProcPtr alBufferDataStaticProc = NULL;  
struct AudioPlayer  
    ALuint sourceId;  
    ALuint bufferId;  
static void Init()  
    // get static buffer data API  
    alBufferDataStaticProc = (alBufferDataStaticProcPtr) alcGetProcAddress(NULL, (const ALCchar*) "alBufferDataStatic");  
    // create a new OpenAL Device  
    // pass NULL to specify the system’s default output device  
    device = alcOpenDevice(NULL);  
    if (device != NULL)  
        // create a new OpenAL Context  
        // the new context will render to the OpenAL Device just created  
        context = alcCreateContext(device, 0);  
        if (context != NULL)  
            // make the new context the Current OpenAL Context  
        ALogE("Audio Init failed, OpenAL can not open device");  
    // clear any errors  
  • OpenAL全局只需要一个ALCdeviceALCcontext
  • 我们抽象了一个AudioPlayer,用来对应一个播放器,bufferId就是加载到内存的音频数据,sourceId是对应OpenAL播放器。
  • alBufferDataStatic是OpenAL的一个扩展,相对于alBufferData来说的。功能是加载音频数据到内存并关联到bufferId。只不过,alBufferData会拷贝音频数据所以调用后,我们可以free掉音频数据。而alBufferDataStatic并不会拷贝,所以音频数据data我们要一直保留并自己管理。



  • 首先我们要获取Bundle的文件路径。
  • 然后,利用AudioToolBox的功能来读取并解析这个数据。OpenAL加载数据到Buffer,需要音频的采样频率,通道数,码率,数据大小等信息。
  • 接着,OpenAL只能播放特定格式和属性的音频文件。再次使用AudioToolBox的功能来对音频数据进行设置,以达到需求。
  • 最后,把处理好的数据和信息返回。


static inline void* GetAudioData(char* filePath, ALsizei* outDataSize, ALenum* outDataFormat, ALsizei* outSampleRate)  
    AudioStreamBasicDescription fileFormat;  
    AudioStreamBasicDescription outputFormat;  
    SInt64                      fileLengthInFrames = 0;  
    UInt32                      propertySize       = sizeof(fileFormat);  
    ExtAudioFileRef             audioFileRef       = NULL;  
    void*                       data               = NULL;  
    NSString*                   path               = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:filePath] ofType:nil];  
    CFURLRef                    fileUrl            = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef) path, NULL);  
    OSStatus                    error              = ExtAudioFileOpenURL(fileUrl, &audioFileRef);  
    if (error != noErr)  
        ALogE("Audio GetAudioData ExtAudioFileOpenURL failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", (int) error, filePath);  
        goto label_exit;  
    // get the audio data format  
    error = ExtAudioFileGetProperty(audioFileRef, kExtAudioFileProperty_FileDataFormat, &propertySize, &fileFormat);  
    if (error != noErr)  
        ALogE("Audio GetAudioData ExtAudioFileGetProperty(kExtAudioFileProperty_FileDataFormat) failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", (int) error, filePath);  
        goto label_exit;  
    if (fileFormat.mChannelsPerFrame > 2)  
        ALogE("Audio GetAudioData unsupported format, channel count = %u is greater than stereo, filePath = %s", fileFormat.mChannelsPerFrame, filePath);  
        goto label_exit;  
    // set the client format to 16 bit signed integer (native-endian) data  
    // maintain the channel count and sample rate of the original source format  
    outputFormat.mSampleRate       = fileFormat.mSampleRate;  
    outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = fileFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;  
    outputFormat.mFormatID         = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;  
    outputFormat.mBytesPerPacket   = outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame * 2;  
    outputFormat.mFramesPerPacket  = 1;  
    outputFormat.mBytesPerFrame    = outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame * 2;  
    outputFormat.mBitsPerChannel   = 16;  
    outputFormat.mFormatFlags      = kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked | kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger;  
    // set the desired client (output) data format  
    error = ExtAudioFileSetProperty(audioFileRef, kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat, sizeof(outputFormat), &outputFormat);  
    if(error != noErr)  
        ALogE("Audio GetAudioData ExtAudioFileSetProperty(kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat) failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", (int) error, filePath);  
        goto label_exit;  
    // get the total frame count  
    propertySize = sizeof(fileLengthInFrames);  
    error        = ExtAudioFileGetProperty(audioFileRef, kExtAudioFileProperty_FileLengthFrames, &propertySize, &fileLengthInFrames);  
    if(error != noErr)  
        ALogE("Audio GetAudioData ExtAudioFileGetProperty(kExtAudioFileProperty_FileLengthFrames) failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", (int) error, filePath);  
        goto label_exit;  
    // read all the data into memory  
    UInt32 framesToRead = (UInt32) fileLengthInFrames;  
    UInt32 dataSize     = framesToRead * outputFormat.mBytesPerFrame;  
    *outDataSize        = (ALsizei) dataSize;  
    *outDataFormat      =  outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame > 1 ? AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 : AL_FORMAT_MONO16;  
    *outSampleRate      = (ALsizei) outputFormat.mSampleRate;  
    int index           = AArrayStrMap->GetIndex(fileDataMap, filePath);  
    if (index < 0)  
        data = malloc(dataSize);  
        if (data != NULL)  
            AudioBufferList dataBuffer;  
            dataBuffer.mNumberBuffers              = 1;  
            dataBuffer.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize   = dataSize;  
            dataBuffer.mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;  
            dataBuffer.mBuffers[0].mData           = data;  
            // read the data into an AudioBufferList  
            error = ExtAudioFileRead(audioFileRef, &framesToRead, &dataBuffer);  
            if(error != noErr)  
                data = NULL; // make sure to return NULL  
                ALogE("Audio GetAudioData ExtAudioFileRead failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", (int) error, filePath);  
                goto label_exit;  
        AArrayStrMapInsertAt(fileDataMap, filePath, -index - 1, data);  
        data = AArrayStrMapGetAt(fileDataMap, index, void*);  
    // dispose the ExtAudioFileRef, it is no longer needed  
    if (audioFileRef != 0)  
    return data;  




  • 首先,生成bufferIdsourceId
  • 然后,把音频数据关联到bufferId,把bufferId关联到sourceId。
  • 最后,sourceId代表就是OpenAL的播放器,可以设置各种属性。
  • 那么,当我们需要销毁播放器的时候,主要也就是销毁sourceIdbufferId
static inline void InitPlayer(char* filePath, AudioPlayer* player)  
    ALenum  error;  
    ALsizei size;  
    ALenum  format;  
    ALsizei freq;  
    void*   data = GetAudioData(filePath, &size, &format, &freq);  
    if ((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio InitPlayer failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", error, filePath);  
    alGenBuffers(1, &player->bufferId);  
    if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio InitPlayer generate buffer failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", error, filePath);  
    // use the static buffer data API  
    // the data will not copy in buffer so can not free data until buffer deleted  
    alBufferDataStaticProc(player->bufferId, format, data, size, freq);  
    if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio InitPlayer attach audio data to buffer failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", error, filePath);  
    alGenSources(1, &player->sourceId);  
    if((error = alGetError())!= AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio InitPlayer generate source failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", error, filePath);  
    // turn Looping off  
    alSourcei(player->sourceId,                        AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);  
    // set Source Position  
    alSourcefv(player->sourceId, AL_POSITION,          (const ALfloat[]) {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f});  
    // set source reference distance  
    alSourcef(player->sourceId,  AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 0.0f);  
    // attach OpenAL buffer to OpenAL Source  
    alSourcei(player->sourceId,  AL_BUFFER,             player->bufferId);  
    if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio InitPlayer attach buffer to source failed, error = %x, filePath = %s", error, filePath);  


tatic void SetLoop(AudioPlayer* player, bool isLoop)  
    ALint isLoopEnabled;  
    alGetSourcei(player->sourceId, AL_LOOPING, &isLoopEnabled);  
    if (isLoopEnabled == isLoop)  
    alSourcei(player->sourceId, AL_LOOPING, (ALint) isLoop);  
static void SetVolume(AudioPlayer* player, int volume)  
    ALogA(volume >= 0 && volume <= 100, "Audio SetVolume volume %d not in [0, 100]", volume);  
    alSourcef(player->sourceId, AL_GAIN, volume / 100.0f);  
    ALenum error = alGetError();  
    if(error != AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio SetVolume error = %x", error);  
static void SetPlay(AudioPlayer* player)  
    ALenum error = alGetError();  
    if(error != AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio SetPlay error = %x", error);  
static void SetPause(AudioPlayer* player)  
    ALenum error = alGetError();  
    if(error != AL_NO_ERROR)  
        ALogE("Audio SetPause error = %x", error);  
static bool IsPlaying(AudioPlayer* player)  
    ALint state;  
    alGetSourcei(player->sourceId, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);  
    return state == AL_PLAYING;  



static void Update(float deltaSeconds)  
    for (int i = destroyList->size - 1; i > -1; i--)  
        AudioPlayer* player = AArrayListGet(destroyList, i, AudioPlayer*);  
        ALint state;  
        alGetSourcei(player->sourceId, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);  
        if (state == AL_STOPPED)  
            alDeleteSources(1, &player->sourceId);  
            alDeleteBuffers(1, &player->bufferId);  
            AArrayList->Remove(destroyList, i);  
            AArrayListAdd(cacheList, player);  




几种播放音频文件的方式(十三) —— OpenAL框架之分步解析(二)_第1张图片

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