D14 week3 2017.7.3

1. 晨练再次精进上周口语,回答问题。

2. 听译完成一篇

3. 精听

4. 口语


An introduction to my campus life

I'm very glad to have a pleasure of saying a few words about my campus life. I'm a sophomore from computer science department of a unknown college. Here are some campus life tips which I hope would be of some help to you.

you know as a first-time student from foreign region, coming, living and studying here may be quite a daunting experience. Fortunately, there are a variety options for students to look to . Either on-campus living, or off-campus living has its advantages and disadvantages of each. It's up to your choice. Living on campus can provide a certain level of security because of its proximity to campus facilities, and meals can be provided, this can allow us students devote to our academics, however, since without a car, commuting can be quite an experience, especially you have to commute long distance, and you should also be aware that you'll be required to abide by regulations dealing with students conduct as a part of contract of living on campus.

And you can also choose off-campus living, there might be a certain amounts of flexibility in choosing roommate, which you don't have when living on campus, but you should be aware that living off campus in apartment might be responsible for furnishing their own room. 

But, I think that roommate is a key to excitement of campus life. You know, roommate conflicts are at the top of most student's list in terms of frequency and potential annoyance . study shows these conflicts can make an exciting campus life grow stale, in extreme cases, roommate conflicts can lead to serious violence.

Though academic adviser will provide many tips for getting along with roommate, choosing a roommate with good personality is of most importance.

when living on campus, you should be responsible to  your campus life. So build a a relation net is a key to improving campus life. Be tolerant of each other and learn from each other, be open minded to your classmates or roommates' point of view, listen to his or her side. but be assertive when your basic rights and needs are an issue, don't let little annoyance and quirks bother you, especially if things that your classmates or roommate cannot change. If your roommate starts to get on your nerve, leave for a while, when you return, confront to him or her, and you might not even remember what was bothering you at the first place, then a potential fight is avoided. Or you can make a contract with your roommate to spell out rules for something annoying. When conflicts become too stress, then you may need to involve the third reliable person or academic adviser to help both of you release conflicts.

Third, the changes of idea is most important for me to start college. in high school teachers make sure you're on track. in college, you're on your own, you're responsible for your own education.

you should do the heavy and tough reading before your professor's lecture, your professor will not give an outline of his or her lecture, it is your responsibilities to decide to write them down and what is important. you should balance work and play, your social life ought to come second to your school work. In high school, most of your classes are chosen for you, but you should choose your major and study plan by yourself. in high school, teacher will tell you to read pages 35-48 for class tomorrow, in college, your professor just give you a syllabus, it tells you when readings should be done, and when assignments are due, then you take the syllabi from all of your classes and figure out how to best divide up your time. and you should be aware that your parents will not be around to make sure that happens, everything in college in on your own, it is yourself who has the final say.

in college, we're expect many more big words, many more pages, reading load is heavier and tougher, confronted so many course, most of which are demanding and profound, we should know better than to be satisfied with classroom learning, in college, learning outside is not only necessary but also determines the level of your success. for instance, with a good command of English, will open a door leading to a whole new world.

Last but not least, you should develop the ability to manage stress, you should develop a sound attitude towards pressure. It is reported many college students suffer from physiological and psychological problems.

Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experiences as we adjust to our continually changing environment. it has physical and emotional effects on us, and it can also create positive and negative feelings. As positive influence, stress can help compel us to action, it can result in a new awareness and an exciting perspective. As negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger and depression, which in turn it can lead to many health problems. 

As we have seen, positive stress can adds anticipation and excitement to our life.  Deadline, competition and confrontation, even our frustration and sorrows can add depth and enrichment to our life. insufficient stress act as depressant, may leave us feeling bored and dejected. on the other hand, excessive stress may leave us feeling "tied up in knots", so our goal is not to eliminate stress, don't be afraid of pressure, but to learn to how to manage it and how to use it to help us. then what we need to do is to find the optimal level of stress which individually motivate but not overwhelm each of us. however there is no single level that is optimal for all people. We are individual creatures with unique requirements. What is distressing to one may be a joy to another, even when we agree that a particular even is distressing, we're likely to differ in physiological and psychological response to it. So we students in order to get well prepare with our academics, the ability to manage stress is as important as the ability to learn.

In brief, it is up to you to become a success or a failure in the years ahead. I wish good luck to all of you.

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