【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节

【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第1张图片

Vocal-Anne Evenou

【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第2张图片

从巴黎到纽约和上海,神秘法国爵士女伶 Anne Evenou 安娜是一位多才多艺的爵士女歌手,她在法国,中国和纽约之间分享她的艺术已经超过了15年。


安娜(Anne Evenou)与著名音乐家合作演出,如在B.B. King Club,纽约洛克伍德音乐厅 NYC Rockwood Music Hall,巴黎日落 - 日落 Sunset Sunside 爵士俱乐部,上海音乐厅,上海交响音乐厅等等。

她刚在纽约录制了她的第一张爵士乐专辑,生动的爵士乐传奇人物,艾略特·齐格蒙德(Eliot Zigmund)目前她正在制作一张中国贡品专辑。


她的曲目范围从美国歌曲爵士乐标准,节奏布鲁斯,灵魂,巴西Bossa&Samba,中国流行音乐和民谣音乐重新排列在爵士乐中当然还有法国的 Chansons香颂!

Guitar-Dan LeVelle

【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第3张图片

Dan LaVelle has been playing the guitar since he was 9 and did his first professional gig at age 12. Cutting his musical teeth on R&B/funk and soul of the 60s and 70s, he also has a strong background in all types of contemporary music styles from Brazilian to jazz. While just out of high school, he played local club dates and toured with many of the top bands in his hometown of Pittsburgh in the US. He was later invited to join the renowned R&B power band Pure Gold that toured across the US with acts like the Manhattan Transfer, Martha Reeves and many others in the late 70s and early 80s.

During the mid-80s, Dan lived Japan where he did both song writing

and club dates in the Kansai region of the country. In 1987 he arrived in Hong Kong as one of the first wave of Western musicians helping to build an international music scene in the Territory. Since then he has written songs for scores of top Canto-pop artists as well as the platinum-selling Filipino band – Side A.

In 1998 he teamed up for several years with superb Asian contemporary vocalist Angelita Li in a highly acclaimed touring duo that showcased a strong Brazilian and jazz repertoire. In addition, later on while writing and arranging music for Disney and Pixar, LaVelle also began playing a number of local dates with top flight jazz vocalist Jennifer Palor. This eventually led to their recording of the critically acclaimed CD - Jenerations on Tableau Records in 2008, co-produced by Roel Garcia.

He also works closely with nu-jazz vocalist Ginger Kwan as composer and recording guitarist as well as with the superb Toyko-based pianist Yuki Makita and serves arranger and touring guitarist for R&B vocalist Sybil Thomas.

In addition, over the past few years Dan has performed with Grammy®  award-winning saxophonist Eric Marienthal and serves as music director for Montreux Jazz Festival award-winning singer - Talie Monin.

Dan LaVelle regularly plays a host of performance dates each month at

various top venues in Hong Kong with the finest musicians and singers, allowing him to expand his musical creativity in new and interesting ways.

Piano/Keyboard-Roland Salcedo

【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第4张图片

Roland Salcedo 钢琴家过去20年以来,Roland 一直是香港最受欢迎的钢琴家之一。他的风格是高度和多样化的,他演奏的优雅与高雅,深受观众和音乐家的喜欢。无论是在录音棚还是现场演出,Roland都是真正的绝活。他还经常作为客座艺术家,与当地顶级音乐家和乐手一起在中国巡演。


【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第5张图片

Seynah Alvessi 鼓手来自非洲多哥,Seynah Alvessi过去七年来,一直是亚洲音乐舞台重要的鼓手和打击乐手。他的风格涵盖了世界音乐,非洲打击乐,传统爵士乐和巴西音乐。他也是第一个被称作录音室演奏者,并出现在许多电视直播节目中。Seynah也是个特色的鼓手,参与南非歌手Talie Monin 2019 发行的新专辑《24 Strathay》,与其伴奏乐队“The World Jazz Compendium”合作。Seynah目前住在香港。


【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第6张图片

邢一帆受训于当代音乐学院,并师从众多北京一流爵士音乐家。他已成为北京最具才华的年轻传统爵士贝斯演奏家之一,活跃于北京一线爵士现场“东岸”与一线的爵士音乐家合作演出,例如:Moreno Donadel, Nathaniel Gao,夏佳,刘玥,Izmi Koga, 武勇恒(贝贝),小豆,李晓川,罗宁等等。对于多种音乐风格的理解与掌握也使得他参加电视节目的录制和音乐节现场例如:中央电视台CCTV15、江苏卫视、迷笛音乐节、广州爵士音乐节等等,与胡莎莎、阿云嘎、程璧、Mr.Miss、苏紫旭等独立音乐人有过合作。

【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第7张图片
【Anne Evenou Jazz Band】2019中国·民勤沙漠国际爵士音乐节_第8张图片

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