1 typedef struct MyStu MyStudent; 2 typedef struct node Node; 3 typedef Node *pNode; 4 5 struct MyStu { 6 char name [20]; 7 int age; 8 long ID; 9 double score; 10 }; 11 12 struct node { 13 MyStudent student; 14 pNode next; 15 }; 16 17 static pNode head = NULL;
1 void InputStudentInformation(); 2 3 void PrintStudentInformation(); 4 5 void SaveStudentInformation(); 6 7 void ReadStudentInformation(); 8 9 int CountStudentNumber(); 10 11 pNode FindStudent(); 12 13 pNode FinePrevious(pNode Cur); 14 15 void ModifyStudentInformation(); 16 17 void DeleteStudentInformation(); 18 19 void Menu(); 20 21 void KeyDown(); 22 23 void SubMenu();
1 void Menu() { 2 printf("********************************************************\n"); 3 printf("==============欢迎使用高校学生成绩管理系统==============\n"); 4 printf("\t=============请选择功能列表==============\n"); 5 printf("\t**************1.录入学生信息**************\n"); 6 printf("\t**************2.输出学生信息**************\n"); 7 printf("\t**************3.统计学生人数**************\n"); 8 printf("\t**************4.查找学生信息**************\n"); 9 printf("\t**************5.修改学生信息**************\n"); 10 printf("\t**************6.删除学生信息**************\n"); 11 printf("\t**************0.退 出 系 统**************\n"); 12 printf("********************************************************\n"); 13 }
1 void KeyDown() { 2 int choice; 3 printf("Function to chose (0~6):\n"); 4 scanf("%d", &choice); 5 switch (choice) { 6 case 1: 7 InputStudentInformation(); 8 SaveStudentInformation(); 9 break; 10 case 2: 11 PrintStudentInformation(); 12 break; 13 case 3: 14 printf("Total students is %d\n", CountStudentNumber()); 15 break; 16 case 4: 17 { 18 pNode Find = FindStudent(); 19 if (Find != NULL) { 20 printf("NUM:%ld\tNAME:%s\tAGE:%d\tSCORE:%lf", 21 Find->student.ID, 22 Find->student.name, 23 Find->student.age, 24 Find->student.score); 25 } 26 break; 27 } 28 case 5: 29 ModifyStudentInformation(); 30 SaveStudentInformation(); 31 break; 32 case 6: 33 DeleteStudentInformation(); 34 SaveStudentInformation(); 35 break; 36 case 0: 37 printf("Welcome to use again!"); 38 exit(0); 39 default: 40 printf("Invalid Input!"); 41 break; 42 } 43 }
1 void SubMenu() { 2 printf("********************************************************\n"); 3 printf("==============欢迎使用高校学生成绩管理系统==============\n"); 4 printf("\t=============请选择功能列表==============\n"); 5 printf("\t**************a.修改姓名**************\n"); 6 printf("\t**************b.修改学号**************\n"); 7 printf("\t**************c.修改年龄**************\n"); 8 printf("\t**************d.修改成绩**************\n"); 9 printf("\t**************q.退出系统**************\n"); 10 printf("********************************************************\n"); 11 }
1 void PrintStudentInformation() { 2 system("cls"); 3 printf("********************************************************\n"); 4 printf("==============欢迎使用高校学生成绩管理系统==============\n"); 5 printf("********************************************************\n"); 6 pNode tmp = head->next; 7 while (tmp != NULL) { 8 printf("NUM:%ld\tNAME:%s\tAGE:%d\tSCORE:%lf\n", 9 tmp->student.ID, 10 tmp->student.name, 11 tmp->student.age, 12 tmp->student.score); 13 tmp = tmp->next; 14 15 } 16 }
1 void SaveStudentInformation() { 2 FILE *fp = fopen(PATH, "w+"); 3 if (!fp) { 4 printf("FAIL"); 5 exit(0); 6 } 7 pNode tmp; 8 tmp = head->next; 9 while (tmp != NULL) { 10 fwrite(&tmp->student, sizeof(Node), 1, fp); 11 tmp = tmp->next; 12 } 13 fclose(fp); 14 printf("SAVE DONE!"); 15 }
1 void ReadStudentInformation() { 2 FILE *read = fopen(PATH, "r"); 3 if (!read) { 4 printf("FAIL"); 5 exit(0); 6 } 7 MyStudent stu; 8 while (fread(&stu, sizeof(MyStudent), 1, read)) { 9 pNode tmp = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 10 memcpy(tmp, &stu, sizeof(MyStudent)); 11 if (head->next == NULL) { 12 head->next = tmp; 13 tmp->next = NULL; 14 } 15 else { 16 pNode tmp_ = head->next; 17 head->next = tmp; 18 tmp->next = tmp_; 19 } 20 } 21 fclose(read); 22 printf("LOAD DONE!"); 23 }
1 int CountStudentNumber() { 2 int cnt = 0; 3 pNode tmp; 4 tmp = head->next; 5 while (tmp != NULL) { 6 cnt++; 7 tmp = tmp->next; 8 } 9 return cnt; 10 }
1 void InputStudentInformation() { 2 pNode NewNode = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 3 if (head==NULL) { 4 head = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 5 head->next = NewNode; 6 NewNode->next = NULL; 7 } 8 else { 9 pNode tmp = head->next; 10 head->next = NewNode; 11 NewNode->next = tmp; 12 } 13 printf("Name:\n"); 14 scanf("%s", NewNode->student.name); 15 printf("NUM:\n"); 16 scanf("%ld", &NewNode->student.ID); 17 printf("AGE:\n"); 18 scanf("%d", &NewNode->student.age); 19 printf("SCORE:\n"); 20 scanf("%lf", &NewNode->student.score); 21 printf("DONE"); 22 } 23 pNode FindStudent() { 24 printf("Enter student ID:\n"); 25 long id_f; 26 scanf("%ld", &id_f); 27 pNode tmp; 28 tmp = head->next; 29 while (tmp != NULL) { 30 if (tmp->student.ID == id_f) { 31 return tmp; 32 } 33 tmp = tmp->next; 34 } 35 printf("ERROR ID! \n"); 36 return NULL; 37 } 38 pNode FinePrevious(pNode Cur) { 39 pNode tmp; 40 tmp = head; 41 while (tmp != NULL) { 42 if (tmp->next == Cur) { 43 return tmp; 44 } 45 tmp = tmp->next; 46 } 47 return NULL; 48 } 49 void ModifyStudentInformation() { 50 pNode Find = FindStudent(); 51 if (Find == NULL) { 52 printf("ID ERROR!"); 53 return; 54 } 55 SubMenu(); 56 char ch; 57 scanf("%c", &ch); 58 switch (ch) { 59 case 'a': 60 printf("Enter new name:\n"); 61 scanf("%s", Find->student.name); 62 printf("MODIFY DONE!\n"); 63 break; 64 case 'b': 65 printf("Enter new ID:\n"); 66 scanf("%ld", &Find->student.ID); 67 printf("MODIFY DONE!\n"); 68 break; 69 case 'c': 70 printf("Enter new age:\n"); 71 scanf("%d", &Find->student.age); 72 printf("MODIFY DONE!\n"); 73 break; 74 case 'd': 75 printf("Enter new score:\n"); 76 scanf("%lf", &Find->student.score); 77 printf("MODIFY DONE!\n"); 78 break; 79 case 'q': 80 printf("Welcome to using this system again!"); 81 break; 82 default: 83 printf("Invalid Input"); 84 break; 85 } 86 } 87 void DeleteStudentInformation() { 88 pNode Cur = FindStudent(); 89 if (Cur == NULL) { 90 return; 91 } 92 pNode Prev = FinePrevious(Cur); 93 if (Cur->next == NULL) { 94 Prev->next = NULL; 95 free(Cur); 96 } 97 else { 98 pNode tmp = Cur->next; 99 Cur->next = NULL; 100 Prev->next = tmp; 101 free(Cur); 102 } 103 104 }