公共经济学笔记(1) 导言

Chapter One Introduction : Public Economics


  • Part One - 实证研究,关注问题“收入税收是否遏制(discourage)工作积极性和风险态度?”,“企业所得税(corporation tax)的最终纳税人是谁?”

    • Lecture 2 - Effect of income taxation on labour supply

    • Lecture 3 - Effect of income taxation on saving

    • Lecture 4 - Effect of income taxation on risk-taking

    • Lecture 5 - Impact of corporation tax on investments by firms ( find incidence - 最终纳税人)

    • Lecture 6、7、8 - Incidence of the corporation profits tax

    • Lecture 9 - Explict distibutional model, which can used to assess the impact of taxation and expenditure on the inequality of incomes

    • Lecture 10 - Models in which public decisions are influenced by voters, political parties, legislators, and administrators

  • Part Two - 规范部分,试图为政府决策提供一些基本的规则

    • Lecture 11 - the objectives of the government have been formulated and the resulting criteria for the decision-making

    • Lecture 12 - the structure of indirect taxation

    • Lecture 13 - the design of income raxation and the degree of progression

    • Lecture 14 - combination of Lecture 12 & 13, on the balanced between direct and indirect taxation

    • Lecture 15 - public enterprise policy

    • Lecture 16 - public good

    • Lecture 17 - local public goods


  • 税收侧,收入和财产税、向财产转移征税、企业所得税和间接税等
  • 支出侧,中央政府和地方政府的商品和服务供给,转移支付等

1-2 政府角色

"... its primary function ' of preserving and stabilizing the property relations of the capitalist economy'..."(Gordon, 1972, p. 322)

(本书关注)税收、公共支出、(公共企业/效用)生产中的政府参与,以及政府行为 ,包括:

  • 直接控制(direct controls):rationing , central planning , zoning , licensing
  • 管制(regulation): of public utilities in the United States, of price and wages in many countries
  • 对公司或组织立法(legislation controlling firms or unions): anti-monopoly、pollution、safety
  • 货币和债务政策: regulation of monetary institutions

分析的起点是完全竞争市场经济(free market economy),如果市场是完全竞争并且存在一系列市场的话,均衡将会是帕累托有效的(Pareto-efficient)。但是,

  1. 帕累托有效是指“没有人能在不降低其他人效用的前提下提高自己的效用”(no one can be made better off without someone else being worse off),在分配意义上来说与大众人士的公平概念
  2. 现实中,难以达到完全竞争状态。比如反托拉斯法保证单个企业无法或者足够大
  3. 竞争性的状态下,也可能因为不存在全部市场(比如缺少期权、保险市场)或不完全信息而无法达到帕累托有效状态
  4. 由于非完全竞争或不完全信息等原因,经济体大多时候无法充分利用资源
  5. 外部性的存在
  6. 市场上往往无法充分提供公共产品(public goods),其中一些产品要求位于特殊的位置,只能是本地 (local) 公共产品
  7. “merit wants”(Musgrave, 1959), 政府会认定一些商品是“好的”或者“坏的”,并鼓励前者(如,教育)而遏制后者(如,酒精)

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