The World This Week-Business (20170331)一周要闻 商业部分


Global stock markets initially fell this week as investors digested the failure of Donald Trump’s health-care reform bill and appeared to lose faith in his administration’s ability to fulfil campaign promises. The dollar also hit a four-month low against a basket of currencies. Both regained some ground, however, with the release of some better-than expected consumer data. American consumers’ confidence in the economy rose in March to its highest level since December 2000, according to the Conference Board, whose monthly survey factors in views of business conditions, personal finances and jobs.


Dow Chemical and DuPont, two chemical giants, won approval from the European Union for their $130bn merger,after making concessions including the sale of large parts of DuPont’s pesticide business.The European Commission is yet to rule on two more big agrochemical deals: Bayer’s proposed takeover of Monsanto and ChemChina’s bid for Syngenta.


Saudi Arabia cut the income tax rate for Saudi Aramco from 85% to 50%. Reducing the national oil company’s tax burden by tens of billions of dollars will make it more attractive to investors in the run-up to its IPO, which is expected to be the world’s largest-ever equity sale. The plan is to sell a 5% stake late next year.


Europe’s highest court ruled that sanctions imposed on Rosneft, following Russia’s annexation of Crimea, were legal. The state-controlled oil giant had claimed that the measures violated a 1994 cooperation agreement between the EU and Russia. Sanctions have not prevented Rosneft from recently selling a 19.5% stake to Qatari investors and Glencore, an Anglo-Swiss mining firm, thanks to a loophole that permits equity purchases.


American Airlines, the world’s largest carrier, is to buy a $200m stake in China Southern Airlines, China’s biggest. The deal should mean greater co-operation on routes.American is keen to strengthen its presence in the Chinese market; China Southern wants to expand abroad.


Westinghouse, the American nuclear division of Toshiba,filed for bankruptcy in New York. Toshiba warned that write-downs could mean that losses last year will exceed¥1trn ($9bn), throwing into question the conglomerate’s future.


The European Commission dealt a lethal blow to the proposed merger of the London Stock Exchange and DeutscheBörse. Regulators argued that a deal would hinder competition by creating a de facto monopoly in bond-clearing and repurchase agreements.The proposed tie-up was the two companies’ third attempt to create Europe’s largest exchange operator.


The Bank of England unveiled tougher stress tests for British banks, which will now face an assessment of their longer term risks, such as Brexit, as well as their resilience to a severe economic shock.


Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S8. The South Korean firm is hoping the device proves a distraction from its many woes. It is the first smart phone Samsung has released since the disastrous Galaxy Note 7,which had to be recalled due to its combustible batteries. Several executives have also been arrested in a corruption probe that led to the impeachment of South Korea’s president, ParkGeun-hye; Samsung’s de facto boss is standing trial on charges of bribery and embezzlement. Remarkably,the firm’s shares continue to trade at an all-time high.

三星揭开了Galaxy S8的面纱。这家韩国企业希望该设备能助其从困境中脱颖而出。这是三星灾难性的Galaxy Note 7事件以来发布的第一款智能手机。Note 7由于电池易燃问题被迫全部召回。几名高管也因腐败调查被逮捕。这导致了对韩国总统朴槿惠的弹劾; 三星实际领导人正在接受贿赂和贪污罪的审判。非同寻常的是,该公司的股价继续创出历史新高。

America’s Congress overturned recently enacted internet privacy rules stipulating how internet service providers can use customer data. ISPs will be able to share browsing histories and financial, health and location data without users’ consent and without offering an optout. Large ISPs hailed the ruling; such intimate data hold tremendous marketing value. Privacy campaigners shuddered.

美国国会推翻了最近颁布的互联网隐私条例。它规定了互联网服务提供商如何使用客户数据。 ISP可以无需用户同意和提出退出的情况下共享浏览历史和财务,健康和位置数据。大型互联网服务提供商欢迎这一裁决。这样的私密数据具有巨大的营销价值。隐私维权分子将不寒而栗。

Bill Gross ended his legal battle with Pimco, the investment firm he co-founded, with a settlement reported to be $81m. The erstwhile “bond king” sued the firm after being pushed out in 2014 over sagging investment returns and a clash of management styles. As part of the deal a room will be named after him at Pimco’s headquarters.

Bill Gross与他参与创立的投资公司Pimco结束了法律纠纷,据报道,这笔交易金额为8100万美元。昔日的“债券之王”在2014年因投资回报不佳以及管理风格冲突被逐出公司。此后,他起诉了该公司。作为交易的一部分,Pimco总部的一个房间将以他的名字命名。

Elon Musk, a serial entrepreneur,announced the launch of Neuralink, a firm that aims to develop technology to link computers directly to the brain. The firm will initially focus on medical applications, but Mr Musk has long argued that humans must embrace brain implants in order to stay relevant as artificial intelligence advances.

连续创业者Elon Musk宣布启动Neuralink。该公司旨在开发将电脑直连大脑的技术。最初,它将会把重点放在医疗应用上,但是Musk一直坚持认为,人类必须接受大脑植入才能在人工智能不断进步的时代保持生存的意义。

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