Battleship小游戏 —— 《HeadFirst JavaScript Programming》


Play battleship!

var randomLoc = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
var location1 = randomLoc;
var location2 = location1 + 1;
var location3 = location1 + 2;
var guess;
var hits = 0;
var guesses = 0;
var isSunk = false;

while (isSunk == false) {
    guess = prompt("Ready, aim, fire! (enter a number from 0-6):");
    if (guess < 0 || guess > 6) {
        alert("Please enter a valid cell number!");
    } else {
        guesses = guesses + 1;
        if (guess == location1 || guess == location2 || guess == location3) {
            hits = hits + 1;
            if (hits == 3) {
                isSunk = true;
                alert("You sank my battleship!");
        } else {
var stats = "You took " + guesses + " guesses to sink the battleship, " +
            "which means your shooting accuracy was " + (3/guesses);

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