

ECLIPSE隐藏的关于快速启动的信息。在你安装或者升级BIRT报表设计器之后,使用一个页面隐藏复件能导致错误或者丢失功能。BIRT RCP报表设计器也有这个问题。具体问题如下:


(2)你收到“An error occurred”的信息当你打开一个报表或者使用报表设计窗口;


解决办法是移除以藏信息。推荐的方法是从使用 -clean的 DOS命令 ( 引用辅助命令处理器)中启动ECLIPSE或者BIRT。


eclipse -clean
启动BIRT RCP表表设计器,使用下面的命令:

birt -clean


Eclipse caches information about plug-ins for faster start-up. After you install or
upgrade BIRT Report Designer, using a cached copy of some pages can lead to
errors or missing functionality. BIRT RCP Report Designer can also have this
problem. Symptoms of this problem include:
■ The Report Design perspective does not appear in Eclipse.
■ You receive the message “An error occurred” when you open a report or use
the report design perspective.
■ JDBC drivers that you installed do not appear in the driver manager.
The solution is to remove the cached information. The recommended practice is
to start either Eclipse or BIRT from the command line with the -clean option.
To start Eclipse, use the following command:
eclipse -clean
To start BIRT RCP Report Designer, use the following command:
birt -clean
