Mongoose 5.4.17 发布,MongoDB 异步对象模型工具

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Mongoose 5.4.17 发布了,Mongoose 是在 Node.js 异步环境下对 MongoDB 进行便捷操作的对象模型工具。


  • fix(update): handle all positional operator when casting array filters #7540

  • fix(populate): handle populating nested path where top-level path is a primitive in the db #7545

  • fix(update): run update validators on array filters #7536

  • fix(document): clean modified subpaths when sorting an array #7556

  • fix(model): cast $setOnInsert correctly with nested docs #7534

  • docs: remove extra curly brace from example #7569 kolya182



  • Source code(zip)

  • Source code(tar.gz)

你可能感兴趣的:(Mongoose 5.4.17 发布,MongoDB 异步对象模型工具)