2018-11-20 equivalent

1. 这是什么词?


英英释义:someone or something that has the same size, value, importance, or meaning as someone or something else

例句:I am from Shanxi, China, the Chinese geographical equivalent of Ohio.

2. 为什么选这个词?



I am from Shanxi, China, the Chinese geographical equivalent of Ohio.(“我来自中国山西,在地理上相当于美国的俄亥俄州。”)

这就是“equivalent”好用之处,它能够帮助我们快速解释一件事的大概,让沟通更高效。当我们想表示“A 是 B 的对应物”“A 相当于 B”时就可以用到它。除了在介绍自己的老家时用“equivalent”屡试不爽外,在介绍一些中国的品牌、机构、现象的时候都可以用“equivalent”。


滴滴就是“the Chinese equivalent of Uber/Lyft”;

微博就是“the Chinese equivalent of Twitter”;

京东就是“the Chinese equivalent of Amazon”;

《梁祝》就是“the Chinese equivalent of Romeo and Juliet”;

深圳的南山区或者北京的中关村就是“the Chinese equivalent of Silicon Valley”

从这几个例子可以看出,“equivalent”背后其实是一种换位思维,用对方较为熟悉的概念来帮助他们认识新事物。常见的格式是在 equivalent 前加一个形容词,表示“A在某方面与B相对应”。

《经济学人》在一篇讲俄罗斯电信的文章中就用到了两次 equivalent:

Mr Durov, who founded VK, Russia’s equivalent of Facebook, before emigrating, says Telegram has seen no significant drop in engagement. (一句话介绍了 VK 是什么:VK 就是俄罗斯的 Facebook。)

Russia has no equivalent of China’s automatic “great firewall”—it updates its blacklists manually—but such a possibility is “growing ever closer”, wrote Sarkis Darbinyan of Roskomsvoboda, a digital-rights group. (如果某物并没有对应物,我们就可以说 xx has no equivalent of…)

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



Jin Yong is often regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee.


(参考翻译:Jin Yong is often regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee. 或者 Jin Yong, a Chinese martial arts novelist, is widely regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee, the legendary American comic book writer.)


例子: 加拿大鹅

场景 :A school in UK has banned pupils from wearing expensive designer coats such as Moncler,Pyrenex,and Canada Goose. China has no equivemlent of these high level products, and may be happening to read this news is a good way for Chinese to notice them.

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