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1. — I’m very sorry for the mistake I’ve made.— It’s OK. ().
A That can happen to the rest of us.
B What’s the matter with you?
C Why are you so careless?
D You should be responsible for it.

2. — I must apologize for having delayed the job.— ().
A Pleased to meet you.
B No, that’s not your fault.
C I don’t know.
D Thanks a lot.

3. All the windows () have been repaired.
A breaking
B being broken
C broken
D broke

4. Let’s see () we can find out some information about that city.
A that
B whether
C when
D what

5. You'll never guess the answer. Do you ()?
A give up
B get off
C give away
D get down

6. Though he had often made his little sister (), today he was made () by his little sister.
A cry; to cry
B crying; crying
C cry; cry
D to cry; cry

7. Oxygen is often stored as a liquid, although it is used () as a gas.
A primarily
B seldom
C rarely
D sometimes

8. — Pass the dictionary, will you?— ().
A By all means.
B Pleasure.
C None.
D Thanks.

9. —Are you satisfied with what she has done?—(). It couldn’t be any better.
A Not a little
B Not at all
C I’m sorry
D Thank you

10. — Thank you for calling.
A Don’t mention it.
B Nice talking to you.
C That’s fine.
D Call back again.

11. — Can I help you? What would you like?— I don’t know.— Would you like something to eat? How about some cakes?— (). I think I’d like some bread.
A Yes, please
B That’s it
C No, thanks
D It doesn’t matter

12. How did you find me selling my dress?I saw your ().
A kite
B fly
C book
D flyer

13. When do the bids rise most?The bids rise most just before the close of the ().
A auction
B action
C activist
D act

14. By the time you arrive in London, we () in Europe for two weeks.
A shall stay
B will have stayed
C have stayed
D have been staying

15. The commission is made up of five people, () two women.
A including
B involving
C included
D involved

16. Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.
A instance
B circumstance
C situation
D environment

17. I have heard () he will come tomorrow.
A when
B how
C what
D that

18. — Thanks for your help.— ().
A My pleasure.
B Quite right.
C Never mind.
D Don’t thank me.

19. Obsessive () can be very irritating.
A perfectionism
B awareness
C person
D critic

20. —Could you do me a favor?— ().
A Never mind.
B With pleasure.
C Can’t complain.
D Not at all.

21. (), I have never seen a more capable man than John.
A As long as I have traveled
B As I travel so much
C Now that I have traveled
D Much as I have traveled

22. Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.
A meet
B meeting
C have met
D to meet

23. —I think I shall read a book instead.— ().
A Great. Watching TV programme is much better.
B No way. Our TV set doesn’t work now.
C OK. Let’s turn on the TV set.
D Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV programme.

24. — ().— Yes, where is ladies’ room please?
A I can help you.
B Let me help you.
C May I help you?
D What can I do for you?

25. — Is this raincoat yours?
A is hanging
B hangs
C has hung
D hung

26. — I am afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.— ().
A Don’t worry about it.
B What’s wrong with you?
C What’s happened?
D You have done well.

27. Little () about his own health though he was very ill.
A he cared
B does he care
C did he care
D he cares

28. — I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories.— ().
A Why not!
B I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.
C I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.
D I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.

29. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see () the next year.
A carry out
B carrying out
C carried out
D to carry out

30. My watch () at nine o’clock, but now it ().
A went; stopped
B went; is stopping
C was going; stopped
D was going; has stopped

31. Please enter your () when you pay.
A state
C welfare
D address

32. () at the meeting are some experienced teachers.
A Presented
B Having been present
C Being presented
D Present

33. She is continually () her position/authority by getting other  people to do things for her.
A abusing
B teasing
C using
D tempting

34. Jack won the championship of the competition, () made the whole family excited.
A that
B who
C which
D what

35. The room was designed () a study.
A being
B been
C to be
D to have been

36. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She () for twenty years by next summer.
A will teach
B has been teaching
C would have taught
D will have been teaching

37. The aim is neither to judge nor to force forgiveness, but rather to () understanding.
A foster
B harvest
C brighten
D activate

38. It is his first visit to Europe as the ().
A preside
B resident
C presidency
D president

39. Food is to men () oil is to machine.
A what
B that
C which
D in which

40. The book is well ().
A worth reading
B worthy to read
C worth to read
D worthy reading

41. — I think the shop is closed at this time of day.— ().
A No, I think it's open.
B No, I think it's closed.
C Yes, I think it's open.
D Yes, I don't think so.

42. I first met Simon three years ago. She () at a university at that time.
A has worked
B was working
C has been working
D had worked

43. —How often do you eat out? —(), but usually once a week.
A Have no idea
B It depends
C As usual
D Generally speaking

44. — I am very sorry. Can I get you another one?— ().
A That’s fine.
B I don’t forgive you.
C No, forget about it.
D It’s none of your business.

45. We were in the same college, () was male-only at that time.
A that
B which
C it
D although

46. ()I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.
A why
B how
C who
D while

47. —I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?—(). I’m not using it anyhow.
A Sure, go ahead
B I don’t know
C Yes, indeed
D I don’t care

48. If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.
A balanced
B bankrupt
C biased
D boring

49. He got up () early () he caught the first bus.
A so; as to
B so; that
C as; as
D such; that

50. The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.
A sufficient
B moderate
C adequate
D excessive


1. The television station apologized for the interference, which was () bad weather conditions.
A because
B due to
C in that
D regardless of

2. Equipment should be tested and maintained for proper operation on a regular().
A base
B ground
C basis
D field

3. — I’m afraid I’ve got to be running along. See you later.— ().
A Very well.
B My pleasure.
C See you.
D Never mind.

4. Didn’t you see the man () ?
A I nodded just now
B whom I nodded just now
C I nodded to him just now
D I nodded to just now

5. The windows of the room () once a week.
A has been cleaned
B is cleaned
C are cleaned
D are cleaning

6. — (). — I’m terribly busy these days.
A How do you do?
B How old are you?
C How are things with you, Jimmy?
D Where are you from?

7. With the work (), she felt greatly relieved.
A doing
B being done
C done
D been done

8. —I am sorry I have the wrong number.—()
A You are so careless.
B You are so considerate.
C It doesn’t matter.
D What is wrong?

9. — It’s too late to prepare for tonight‘s dinner.— ().
A That’s all right.
B Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant?
C It’s so great.
D I don’t think so.

10. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will () your altitude.
A underline
B imagine
C determine
D reward

11. — It would be great if you can play cards with us tomorrow.— ().
A I’d love to. Where shall we meet?
B I am not OK with that.
C Who do we play with?
D That is a piece of cake.

12. — Excuse me, () where Main Street is?    — Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.
A tell me
B can you tell
C you should tell me
D can you tell me

13. — Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?— ().
A No, I already have plans.
B I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out.
C No, I really don’t like being with you.
D I’d love to, but I am busy tonight.

14. They’ve () several scenes in which I appeared.
A cut through
B cut out
C cut in
D cut back

15. — Will it () long to get there? — No. It's not far at all.
A take me
B come me
C stay me
D go me

16. — Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired?— Thank you. ().
A It’s your duty.
B Don’t mention it
C Do as you like
D It couldn’t be better

17. —May I speak to Alice?—Sorry, but she is out.—()
A Good bye.
B Who are you?
C Take care.
D May I leave a message to her?

18. We know that we stand on others’ shoulder and () we make progress.
A inch by inch
B hand in hand
C face to face
D side by side

19. Professor Thomas, this is Miss Rita Smith.— ().
A My pleasure
B That’s OK
C Very nice
D Nice to meet you

20. () it is true remains a question.
A If
B Whether
C Where
D How

21. Of course, the best way to learn English varies () person to person.
A of
B about
C through
D from

22. — Why don’t we go to see a film now?— ().
A What are you talking about?
B I am tied up.
C What a delightful idea
D I don’t want to go with you.

23. () we see you again next year?
A Are
B Do
C Will
D Did

24. It’s high time the children () to school.
A go
B will go
C are going
D went

25. He () to school by bike everyday.
A go
B went
C goes
D will go

26. Without your support, we () .
A would not succeed
B would not have succeeded
C would not succeeded
D would have succeeded

27. — Good morning, Bob. How are you doing? — ().
A Hello.
B Good evening.
C Not too bad. And you?
D How do you do?

28. I’m very pleased to know you.— ().
A Thanks
B The pleasure is mine
C Not at all
D welcome

29. Antarctic () we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.
A which
B about which
C that
D where

30. I () waste time when I was studying.
A was used to
B used to
C will use to
D use to

31. May I introduce myself? I’m Steward.— ().
A Pleased to meet you
B What a pleasure
C I don’t know
D Thanks a lot

32. — Congratulations on passing the college entrance examination. — ().
A Good job
B Thank you
C Very well
D Not too bad

33. He is a man of great experience, () much can be learned.
A who
B that
C from which
D from whom

34. Worldwide, approximately 100 million sharks are killed each year, 98% () for their fins.
A exclusively
B espectively
C properly
D incredibly

35. The boy () a cigarette in the bathroom by his mother.
A caught smoking
B was caught smoking
C caught to smoke
D was caught to smoke

36. Rather than (), the wounded preferred to die.
A surrendering
B to surrendering
C surrender
D to surrender

37. — I’m wondering if you could give me some advice about my project.— ().
A I’d rather sit here if you don’t mind.
B I think it might be a good idea to do some research first.
C Certainly, why not?
D Yes, I like these two places.

38. — Have a sweet dream, Honey!— ().
A Thank you all the same.
B Yes, I will.
C The same to you.
D My pleasure.

39. — How’s your family? — ().
A How do you do?
B Fine, thanks.
C Thank you all the same.
D Nice to meet you.

40. — Pardon me. I wonder if you could tell me how to get to Mott Street? — Keep going straight for two blocks, then () Elm Street and you'll run right into it.
A stop at
B turn right o
C go to
D ask at

41. —Hello, Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. May I help you?—()
A I would like to reserve a table for four people at 6 tomorrow evening.
B I would rather speak to your manager.
C I want to leave a message.
D May I have your name please?

42. How do you do?— ().
A How do you do?
B Fine, thank you.
C Very well
D Not too bad.

43. Nic () a job in a bank, but to our surprise he didn’t take it.
A is offered
B offered
C was offered
D has offered

44. I have made up my mind to go back to () I lived when I was young to work.
A which
B where
C who
D what

45. Bill put his hands behind his back, () nobody could see his   hands.
A so
B and
C or
D but

46. If I () the job, I would do it in a different way.
A would do
B shall do
C were to do
D do

47. — Hello, I’m David Potter.— Hello, I’m Kelly Smith. Just ().
A call my Kelly
B call me at Kelly
C call me Kelly
D call Kelly me

48. They bought Grandma a gift () she liked it very much.
A or
B so
C but
D and

49. — Hi, Tom. How are you? — ().
A Never mind.
B My pleasure.
C Can’t complain.
D Not at all.

50. The earth () round the sun.
A will move
B moved
C is moving
D moves
