
Today is Wednesday. The bad news is that the smog is coming back again and the good news is that I don't need to go working.

When I woke up this morning, I picked up my smartphone and checked whether there were any new messages in WeChat. Suddenly a strange thought came out. I know some of the foreigners do use WeChat, but it seems that they just use it to communicate with Chinese people. Is WeChat used between foreigners? I know Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are widely used in foreign countries. How about WeChat? Although I just used those social media a little, I don't think WeChat is worse than them. I wanted to know the answer.

I got up and started to look up from the internet. At first, I knew the answer is that just few Americans use WeChat. The major  social media used among Americans is an app names whatsapp. But why don't they use WeChat? Finally I found an article and I thought that its opinions sounded reasonable.

Firstly, the time is a key factor. WeChat was known by Americans three years later than whatsapp. Secondly, people's circles decide what they use, so if only few people use it, the result is not hard to know. Thirdly, Americans like the app which has single function but WeChat has many functions like chatting, shopping, publishing moments, etc.People would never see those advertisements of WeChat Business in whatsapp. And lastly, the real-name system is important to Americans, but in WeChat , users are not asked to publish their real names.

WeChat still has a long way to go in America.
