class PSO(object):
def __init__(self, population_size, max_steps, dim=2, x_bound=[-10,10]):
self.w = 0.6 # 惯性权重
self.c1 = self.c2 = 2
self.population_size = population_size # 粒子群数量
self.dim = dim # 搜索空间的维度
self.max_steps = max_steps # 迭代次数
self.x_bound = x_bound # 解空间范围
self.x = np.random.uniform(self.x_bound[0], self.x_bound[1], # 也可以这样写:np.random.uniform([-1,10,20],[1,15,25],(3,3))
(self.population_size, self.dim)) # 初始化粒子群位置
self.v = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim) # 初始化粒子群速度
fitness = self.calculate_fitness(self.x)
self.p = self.x # 个体的最佳位置
self.pg = self.x[np.argmin(fitness)] # 全局最佳位置
self.individual_best_fitness = fitness # 个体的最优适应度
self.global_best_fitness = np.min(fitness) # 全局最佳适应度
def calculate_fitness(self, x, value_net=None, device=None):
return np.sum(pow((x-1),2), axis=1)
# return value_net(torch.tensor(x).to(device))
def evolve(self):
# fig = plt.figure() # 费时
for step in range(self.max_steps):
r1 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
r2 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
# 更新速度和权重
self.v = self.w*self.v+self.c1*r1*(self.p-self.x)+self.c2*r2*(self.pg-self.x)
self.x = self.v + self.x
# plt.clf()
# plt.scatter(self.x[:, 0], self.x[:, 1], s=30, color='k')
# plt.xlim(self.x_bound[0], self.x_bound[1])
# plt.ylim(self.x_bound[0], self.x_bound[1])
# plt.pause(0.0001)
fitness = self.calculate_fitness(self.x)
# 需要更新的个体
update_id = np.greater(self.individual_best_fitness, fitness)
self.p[update_id] = self.x[update_id]
self.individual_best_fitness[update_id] = fitness[update_id]
# 新一代出现了更小的fitness,所以更新全局最优fitness和位置
if np.min(fitness) < self.global_best_fitness:
self.pg = self.x[np.argmin(fitness)]
self.global_best_fitness = np.min(fitness)
print('best fitness: %.5f, mean fitness: %.5f' % (self.global_best_fitness, np.mean(fitness)))
def evolve_step(self):
r1 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
r2 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
# 更新速度和权重
self.v = self.w*self.v+self.c1*r1*(self.p-self.x)+self.c2*r2*(self.pg-self.x)
self.x = self.v + self.x
fitness = self.calculate_fitness(self.x)
# 需要更新的个体
update_id = np.greater(self.individual_best_fitness, fitness)
self.p[update_id] = self.x[update_id]
self.individual_best_fitness[update_id] = fitness[update_id]
# 新一代出现了更小的fitness,所以更新全局最优fitness和位置
if np.min(fitness) < self.global_best_fitness:
self.pg = self.x[np.argmin(fitness)]
self.global_best_fitness = np.min(fitness)
class Actor(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,s_dim,hidden_size=32):
# self.fc_s1 = nn.Linear(s_dim,hidden_size)
# self.fc_a1 = nn.Linear(a_dim,hidden_size)
# self.fc_Q1 = nn.Linear(num_atoms,hidden_size)
self.fc = nn.Linear(s_dim, hidden_size)
# self.fc_saq2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size,hidden_size)
self.out = nn.Linear(hidden_size,2)
def forward(self,st):
st = F.relu(self.fc(st))
# s_a_Q = F.relu(self.fc_saq2(s_a_Q))
probs = F.softmax(self.out(st), dim=1) # accept or reject
dist = Categorical(probs=probs)
action = dist.sample()
a_probs = dist.probs.gather(-1,action.view(-1,1))
return action, dist, a_probs
def get_vec_param(model):
keys = list(actor.state_dict().keys())
param = []
for key in keys:
return np.array(param)
def vec_param_reverse(model,params):
keys = list(actor.state_dict().keys())
lens = [0]
tmp = []
for key in keys:
for i in range(len(lens)-1):
return tmp
def param_update(model,params):
i = 0
for param in model.parameters():
i += 1
主要改动是计算粒子适应度的self.calculate_fitness()函数。对连续函数的优化可以通过numpy编写函数来实现,对于强化学习,fitness采用episode total reward作为fitness最为直接。因此calculate_fitness()函数的内部是一个rollout()函数,使Agent与环境完成一轮交互,得到total reward。
class PSO(object):
def __init__(self, population_size, max_steps, dim=226, x_bound=[-10,10]):
self.w = 0.6 # 惯性权重
self.c1 = self.c2 = 1
self.population_size = population_size # 粒子群数量
self.dim = dim # 搜索空间的维度
self.max_steps = max_steps # 迭代次数
self.x_bound = x_bound # 解空间范围
self.x = np.random.uniform(self.x_bound[0], self.x_bound[1], # 也可以这样写:np.random.uniform([-1,10,20],[1,15,25],(3,3))
(self.population_size, self.dim)) # 初始化粒子群位置
self.v = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim) # 初始化粒子群速度
fitness = self.calculate_fitness(self.x,actor)
self.p = self.x # 个体的最佳位置
self.pg = self.x[np.argmin(fitness)] # 全局最佳位置
self.individual_best_fitness = fitness # 个体的最优适应度
self.global_best_fitness = np.min(fitness) # 全局最佳适应度
# self.actor = Actor(self.env.observation_space.shape[0])
def calculate_fitness(self, x ,actor):
fitness = []
for i in range(self.population_size):
params = vec_param_reverse(actor,x[i])
reward = self.rollout(env,actor)
return np.array(fitness)
# return np.sum(pow((x-1),2), axis=1)
# return value_net(torch.tensor(x).to(device))
def rollout(self,env,actor,num_episode=2):
total_r = []
for episode in range(num_episode):
st = env.reset()
done = False
reward = []
while not done and len(reward)<=2000:
at,dist,a_probs = actor(torch.FloatTensor(st).view(1,-1))
st_,rt,done,_ = env.step(at.item())
st = st_
return np.mean(total_r)
def evolve(self):
# fig = plt.figure() # 费时
for step in range(self.max_steps):
r1 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
r2 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
# 更新速度和权重
self.v = self.w*self.v+self.c1*r1*(self.p-self.x)+self.c2*r2*(self.pg-self.x)
self.x = self.v + self.x
# plt.clf()
# plt.scatter(self.x[:, 0], self.x[:, 1], s=30, color='k')
# plt.xlim(self.x_bound[0], self.x_bound[1])
# plt.ylim(self.x_bound[0], self.x_bound[1])
# plt.pause(0.0001)
fitness = self.calculate_fitness(self.x,actor)
# 需要更新的个体
update_id = np.greater(self.individual_best_fitness, fitness)
self.p[update_id] = self.x[update_id]
self.individual_best_fitness[update_id] = fitness[update_id]
# 新一代出现了更小的fitness,所以更新全局最优fitness和位置
if np.min(fitness) < self.global_best_fitness:
self.pg = self.x[np.argmin(fitness)]
self.global_best_fitness = np.min(fitness)
print('best fitness: %.5f, mean fitness: %.5f' % (self.global_best_fitness, np.mean(fitness)))
def evolve_step(self):
r1 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
r2 = np.random.rand(self.population_size, self.dim)
# 更新速度和权重
self.v = self.w*self.v+self.c1*r1*(self.p-self.x)+self.c2*r2*(self.pg-self.x)
self.x = self.v + self.x
fitness = self.calculate_fitness(self.x,actor)
# 需要更新的个体
update_id = np.greater(self.individual_best_fitness, fitness)
self.p[update_id] = self.x[update_id]
self.individual_best_fitness[update_id] = fitness[update_id]
# 新一代出现了更小的fitness,所以更新全局最优fitness和位置
if np.min(fitness) < self.global_best_fitness:
self.pg = self.x[np.argmin(fitness)]
self.global_best_fitness = np.min(fitness)
print('best fitness: %.5f, mean fitness: %.5f' % (self.global_best_fitness, np.mean(fitness)))
def test_PSO():
pso = PSO(100, 50)
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(pso.max_steps):
t2 = time.time()
print('best fitness: %.5f' % (pso.global_best_fitness))
# plt.show()
训练曲线,50episode,最大帧数2000。全局最优解似乎依赖参数初始化,与参数训练关系不大;全体平均水平依赖进化过程, c 1 c_1 c1和 c 2 c_2 c2参数是影响平均水平的关键超参数之一。
param = [ -6.87896184 , 5.31828134 , 7.82629271 , 11.49515893 , 1.0271663,
7.80245951 , 0.86431302 , 6.65732013 , -7.05834392 , -2.77873133,
0.2737117 ,-11.41249693 ,-4.17671666 , 20.82454274 , 10.21621312,
6.25155418 , 6.84601883 ,-4.87639211 , 5.48519695, -1.1041995,
-1.27808745 , 4.50248951 , 0.90334966 , -0.57488323 , -7.23400948,
1.6727567 , -4.32737899 , 8.7040376 , 1.26843809 , -3.85637248,
5.37430959 , 3.09935354 ,-2.00124693 , 0.48069837 , 6.6492788,
4.11648383 , -1.59672105 ,-9.26551789 , 5.63647067 , -4.79751455,
-1.28522267 , 0.2746853 , 7.12620095 , 9.91123101 , 3.31125785,
-0.98761396 , 2.68209021 , 6.72879901 , 2.17928962 , 0.43484967,
-0.17051361 , 7.18574405 ,-9.16824552 , 6.85580742 , 0.39356039,
-1.91960579 , -5.28012928 ,-6.64585406 , -2.88104786 , -0.93664817,
4.62139195 , 5.74788331 ,19.06988875 , 10.51456934 , 7.28021944,
-5.25869966 , 13.50789934 ,3.16167996 , 2.1250155 , 2.96896245,
-5.15416997 , 5.75334791 ,3.66229713 , 10.12652344 , -2.57011141,
-20.84619964 , 4.10380666 , 0.95247508 , -1.42566661, -0.47485613,
3.96775504 , 4.72049171 , 6.18003048 , 9.31993689 , -2.15950689,
3.97015033 , -7.20319404 , -2.86942767 , -1.21129762 , -9.40233665,
-8.28052152 , -3.82436772 ,-11.51163202 , -6.73873155 ,-14.00143546,
2.42079231 , 10.47531365 ,-9.64212868 , 5.96629151, -10.68158861,
0.46462626 , 3.36130207 ,-9.50256154 , 7.01769215, -3.01207241,
-7.82379394 , 11.10809385 , 5.47243914 , 7.6781193 , -1.87116829,
5.90623753 , 5.61624662 ,-5.93666653 , -0.37315959 , 10.06546935,
-8.92483729 , 4.01005289 , 6.27772565 , -6.33809662 , -3.60532543,
17.33469986 , 1.76190327 ,-2.94241235 , 1.61809649, -5.57822847,
-14.38582429 , 2.03545268 ,-8.58136404 , 5.07029378, 1.00060675,
14.48148578 , 7.69070164 , 2.18766084 , 5.80161216 , -6.95092303,
-2.524429 , 6.21825582 , 8.88038541 , -1.4686213 , 3.60089002,
8.17486288 , -0.89304728 ,-0.70482453 , 8.03158443 , 8.69518794,
-0.97965991 , 3.51722298 , 6.46690211 , 8.70787085 , -1.83222077,
8.08140153 , -2.80639208 ,-0.72808167 , -3.83116559 , 6.31652989,
-5.77773393 , 2.96048317 ,16.02955236 , -3.59239226, -11.55725956,
-5.55743526 , 3.73823912 ,-1.62886117 , 1.80684061 , -4.94731609,
6.39458554 , 10.81374966 , 6.53170828 ,-9.02887258 , 4.61511603,
4.45396772 , 6.5356133 ,-9.79741849 , 1.92043783 , 0.94549931,
-6.93996886 , -2.96215584 , 5.77684539 , 2.5490333 , 6.21542846,
-1.23416605 , -4.91964363 , 0.80911777 , -6.10358595 , 0.35812193,
-5.35343233 , -0.96369554 ,-7.37074233 , 0.6976975 , 4.99837632,
6.31696881 , 3.4126433 ,-2.76266351 , 10.23040262 , -1.80379426,
4.65767489 ,-4.49810261 , 0.95758551 , 5.79889708 , 1.49071184,
-7.61360839 , 2.28477062, -8.06971786 , -8.10108671 , 5.73477901,
2.52718578 , -0.33666324 , 17.12996485, -11.49077889 , -0.21451774,
-5.13595118 , -6.2628335 , 3.28553963 , -5.05751852 , -5.91102513,
3.36703182 , -4.35517555 , 4.82459182 , -7.18761084 , 4.47127266,
17.14806542 , 4.49706897 , 7.66597588 , 15.41274939 , 18.78789285,
actor = Actor(4)
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
env = env.unwrapped
params = vec_param_reverse(actor,np.array(param))
for episode in range(10):
st = env.reset()
done = False
reward = []
while not done and len(reward)<=2000:
at,dist,a_probs = actor(torch.FloatTensor(st).view(1,-1))
st_,rt,done,_ = env.step(at.item())
st = st_