Ubuntu Mate: mak Raspberry Pi camera work without raspi-config on Raspberry Pi2

enable Raspberry Pi camera without raspi-config


I have installed the latest Ubuntu Mate on my Raspberry Pi2. I wanted to use the Raspberry Pi camera in this operating system. Although I installed the 'picamera' driver in it, the system can not create the camera component when I ran " raspistill -o test.jpg".
Because there is no "raspi-config" in this OS, I have no idea to further set the camera. For the same camera and Pi, when I use a Raspbian Wheezy OS SD card, everything is OK for the RasPi camera.
Could somebody give me some suggestions?


Ubuntu is the most excellent linux system for raspberry pi2. The software update is very quickly.
Currently, there is no raspi-config command for raspberry configuration at version15.04, but it will come out in the near future version.
Without raspi-config, we can manually config it easily. Just modify the file /boot/firmware/config.txt is enough.
Just add a line "start_x=1" at the bottom of the file config.txt, save it, and reboot the system.
At the terminal, input command "sudo raspistill -o test.jpg", it will work.


Thanks a lot!
It works normally now! This is really cool!

How to do:

edit your /boot/config.txt file and make sure the following lines look like this:

start_x=1             # essential
gpu_mem=128           # at least, or maybe more if you wish
disable_camera_led=1  # optional, if you don't want the led to glow

