Four Vermont State Agencies Establish Blockchain Working Group
Vermont has formed a working group consisting of 4 state agencies with a view toward studying blockchain technology. The working group would commence work next year in January and the four state agencies are: the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, the Secretary of State, the Department of Financial Regulation, and the Office of the Attorney General.
CFTC Seeks Feedback from the Public to Understand More about Ethereum
In a “Request for Input” (RFI) published Tuesday, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) explains that it is looking for public feedback on different questions about ethereum, ranging from its technology to how it’s used. Respondents have 60 days from the RFI’s publication in the Federal Register to submit answers. The RFI seeks to understand similarities and distinctions between certain virtual currencies, including here ether and bitcoin, as well as ether-specific opportunities, challenges, and risks.
在12月10日马德里ISDE区块链和法律研究中心的开幕式上,西班牙执政党人民党(PP)议员 Teodoro Garcia Egea 透露,关于加密货币和区块链的监管草案将在几天内公布。据报道,该议员称制定监管法案的关键原因是向投资者传达政府某种程度的明确态度,使得那些想要发行代币的人可以顺利发行。
Spanish Ruling Party to Introduce Regulation on Blockchain
During the opening ceremony of ISDE Blockchain and Law research center in Madrid on Dec. 10, Spanish ruling party Partido Popular (PP)’s secretary Teodoro Garcia Egea disclosed that that a draft bill on cryptocurrencies and blockchain regulation will be announced in a few days. The key reason behind elaborating the regulation is reportedly to provide some grade of certainty to investors and to allow “everyone who wants it” to introduce their own coin, the party’s secretary said.
日本立法者 Takeshi Fujimaki 提议对日本税法进行四项修改,使加密用户和交易商收益,同时扩大加密货币在该国的流通范围。他提议目前55%的税率降至20%,同时币币交易和小额付款免税。Takeshi Fujimaki解释道,提出这些修改的目的是“促进虚拟货币为更大范围所采用”,同时,“鼓励区块链技术的发展”。
Japanese Lawmaker Proposes 4 Tax Cuts for Crypto Users and Traders
A Japanese lawmaker Takeshi Fujimaki has proposed four changes to Japan’s tax law to benefit crypto users and traders as well as widen the adoption of cryptocurrency in the country. The current tax rate of 55 percent could be lowered to 20 percent while crypto-to-crypto trading and small payments could be exempt from taxation. The proposed changes are designed to “promote the wider adoption of virtual currency” as well as “encourage the development of blockchain technology,”he clarified.
伦敦出租车司机 Dave Jenkins 在工作时带着一个可以让乘客购买比特币的设备。这个设备是由一个名为 Fastbitcoins 的公司制造的,Jenkins 可以使用这个设备向乘客售卖比特币获取现金收入。Jenkins 称客户向他买比特币比在交易所注册购买或是使用需要进行客户身份登记的加密ATM来购买简便得多。这位加密车夫认为自己是第一位提供加密货币购买服务的出租车司机。
A London Taxi Driver Sells Cryptocurrency to Passengers
Dave Jenkins, a taxi driver in London, travels with a device that enables people to purchase bitcoins. The hardware is manufactured by a company called Fastbitcoins, and allows the Jenkins to sell BTC for cash. Jenkins says dealing with him is much easier for customers than signing up for an exchange or using a crypto ATM in London that might require KYC identification. The Crypto Cabbie reckons he’s the first taxi driver to offer cryptocurrency purchases.
Joseph Young
除了XRP之外,Coinbase 已经上架了加密领域里的所有币种。 该交易所称他们会像一个股票市场一样将每种资产都添加到某个水平以上,但不会有XRP。真野蛮。
Coinbase has been listing everything in crypto apart from XRP. It says it may add every asset above a certain level like the stock market but still no XRP. Savage.
On a serious note, it's likely the pending federal court case against Ripple is holding them back for now.
Eric Conner
Delete your price apps for a few months and start contributing in some way to the ecosystem.
If you can code, contribute to projects on github
If you can write, contribute to wikis in need of content or write explanatory articles to help newcomers
If you can talk, arrange or attend meetups
If you know finance, help with economic discussions
So many options!
William Mougayar
JM3 Capital 管理合伙人
The best and most impactful innovations come from breaking the mould.
Some see that as a bad thing. Others see opportunities for creating new moulds. #blockchain is breaking old paradigms while creating new ones.
Craig S Wright
Do NOT ask me for investment advice.
The response you will expect is to be blocked. I am not your adviser and nor will I be. If you want to get rich, then learn to work. Study, start a business and in 20 years you will be there if you work hard, smart and long.
Péter Szilágyi
Geth 1.8.20版本发布!
该版本支持君士坦丁堡硬分叉,解决了Puppeth 出现的问题,是1.8版本系列的最后一个更新版本。详情地址:
Geth v1.8.20 (Constant) released!
Constantinople enabled, Puppeth issues fixed, last planned version of the 1.8 family.
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