Unitimes 精选 | 美国政府关闭结束,但已对加密行业造成影响

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2019年1月25日,以太币交易总额为 1,965,658 ETH ,比前日下降 17.38%;日活跃用户量 145,732,比前日下降 0.05%;新增合约 22,080 个,比前日上升 74.24%;平均交易费用为 13.83 GWEI,比前日下降 3.74%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 316,317 个,比前日下降 0.09%。数据来源:amberdata.io


以太坊 2.0 研究团队在一场持续12小时的AMA活动中解答关于扩展性和网络搭建问题

以太坊近期在 Reddit 上举办了一场AMA(Ask-Me-Anything)活动,该活动持续了 12 个小时之久。 活动上讨论的众多话题之一是扩展性问题,太坊研究员 Justin Drake 认为扩展性会在两个阶段中逐步实现,第一个阶段可能会在 2020 年。第二个阶段预期会在 2021 年。该活动还讨论了在以太坊上搭建应用的问题,以及如果以太坊 2.0 很快就到来,那么现在在以太坊上搭建应用是否有意义的问题。以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 表示,一旦 Serenity 相关问题明确下来,他们将与开发者们一起,开始“搭建可以按照现状重新部署到以太坊 2.0 链上的应用”。Drake 也在这个话题上发表了自己的看法,他鼓励开发者去创造,并表示以太坊的理念与其它竞争链的理念不同。

ETH 2.0 Research Team Addresses Scalability and Building in 12-Hour AMA

Ethereum researchers recently held an ask-me-anything (AMA) event on Reddit that unfolded over a 12-hour period. Among the many topics discussed was scalability, which according to Ethereum researcher Justin Drake will materialize over a two-phase process, the first of which will likely be in 2020. Phase 2 of scalability is expected in 2021. They also discussed building on Ethereum and whether it makes sense to do so now if Ethereum 2.0 is in the near future. Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin said that once there’s more clarity surrounding Serenity, they will begin working with developers on steps to “build applications in such a way that they could be redeployed as-is on the 2.0 chain.” Drake weighed in on this topic too, encouraging devs to build and suggesting that the Ethereum philosophy might be different than that of competing chains. 



ETHDenver 黑客松 将在二月中举行,主要参与者为市场领导者

ETHDenver 是以太坊为开发者们举办的旗舰版黑客松,其举办日期渐近。该活动将在2月15日至2月17日举行,地点是科罗拉多州丹佛市的体育城堡。黑客松将在主赛事开场前几天举办圆桌讨论会以及研讨会。届时,参会人数将达到1500人,其中有来自17个项目的黑客 750 名。今年的评委及演讲者包括 ConsenSys 的创始人兼以太坊联合创始人 Joseph Lubin、ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees、《精通以太坊》的作者Andreas Antonopoulos、Messari 创始人Ryan Selkis,以及其他许多人。该会议的主题是“buidlathon”,反映了以太坊社区专注于构建去中心化未来的事业,同时与比特币社区流行的口头禅“hodl”相呼应。

ETHDenver Hackathon to Unfold in Mid-February Featuring Market Leaders

ETH Denver, which is Ethereum’s flagship hackathon for developers, is getting close. The event will be held Feb. 15-17 at The Sports Castle in Denver, Colo. The hackathon will include panels and workshops in the days leading up to the main event. Some 1,500 attendees are expected including 750 hackers across 170 projects. Among this year’s judges and speakers include ConsenSys Founder and Ethereum Co-Founder Joseph Lubin, ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees, “Mastering Ethereum” Author Andreas Antonopoulos, Messari Founder Ryan Selkis, and many others. The “buidlathon” theme reflects the Ethereum community's focus on building a decentralized future and is in response to the Bitcoin community's popular mantra, “hodl”. 




随着昨晚上特里普签署了一项为联邦政府运行提供3星期资金的法案,结束了美国历史上最长的联邦政府关闭。美国政府关闭天数长达35天,成为该国时间最长的一次政府关闭。超过80万名工人收到影响,他们目前依靠食品券过日子。虽然对政府的不信任可能会增加人们对加密货币的兴趣,但它也会产生该行业的不确定性。加密领域缺乏监管规章使加密货币公司更加寸步难行。就在本周,由于 SEC 没能正常运作,VanEck 撤回了他们的比特币 ETF申请,他们已经在此项目上努力了数个月。另外,加密货币公司在这个时期获取外国人才方面也是阻力重重,因为他们无法享受到重要的移民服务。据摩根大通 CEO 预测,美国经济增长率可能会跌至0,而且政府关闭仍未结束。

US Government Shutdown Is Already Impacting The Crypto Industry

The US government shutdown has entered its 35th day, making it the longest shutdown in the country. Over 800,000 workers have been affected and are living on food stamps. While distrust towards the government could fuel interest towards cryptocurrencies, it also creates uncertainties. Lack of regulation is making things harder for cryptocurrency companies. Just this week, VanEck withdrew the Bitcoin ETF application that they've been working on for months because the SEC is not functioning at full capacity. Also, cryptocurrency firms are having a tough time with foreign talent acquisition because they are unable to access important immigration services. JPMorgan CEO has predicted that the US economic growth could go to zero, and there is no end ti the shut down yet.



欧洲加密交易所 Bitstamp 与瑞士网上银行达成合作

英国加密交易所 Bitstamp 与瑞士网上银行 Dukascopy Bank 已达成合作。通过这次合作,Dukascopy Bank 的客户可以通过BTC将资金存入账户。Bitstamp 提供支持比特币交易的服务,包括将比特币兑换成法币,或法币兑换成比特币的服务。据所发布的声明称:“此次合作标志着,在拉进加密金融和传统金融之间的鸿沟这个目标的实现上,我们又向前迈了一步。”

European Crypto Exchange Bitstamp Unveils Partnership with Swiss Online Bank

UK-based crypto exchange Bitstamp is teaming up with Swiss online bank Dukascopy Bank. As a result of the partnership, the bank's customers can now fund their accounts with BTC. Bitstamp will provide support for Bitcoin transactions, converting Bitcoin into fiat and back again. According to the announcement: “This partnership represents another step towards our goal of bridging the gap between crypto and traditional finance.”



Jimmy Song 

Bitcoin Educator,

Developer & Entrepreneur


In a world that constantly is seeking to get your attention, your ability to ignore is a super power.



Eric conner

Founder @ethhub_io. 


  • Eth 1.X:状态租金(state rent)、精简存储;

  • Eth 2.0:分片(sharding)、权益证明(PoS);

  • Layer 2:状态通道、plasma、snarks/starks。

Summary of current Ethereum performance efforts:

  • Eth 1.x: state rent, storage pruning

  • Eth 2.0: sharding, proof of stake

  • Layer 2: state channels, plasma, snarks/starks



Ryan Sean Adams

Founder at Mythos Capital

以太坊 2.0 是一条新链。

Vitalik 和他的团队完全可以通过一个完全独立的代币来推出这条链,并从中赚取数十亿美元,他们只要高举自由市场资本主义旗帜,就能理直气壮地赚这些钱。



Eth 2.0 is a new chain.

VitalikButerin & crew could launch it with an entirely separate token, make billions, & justify this by claiming free-market capitalism.

This is not farfetched--we've seen many crypto founders do the same.

I consider this an interesting datapoint.



Joseph Young

Analyst and investor, focusing on finance, cryptocurrency, fintech.

鄙人之见:如果三星将加密技术整合到 Galaxy S10, 我认为其影响比 ETF 和 Bakkt 加起来的影响还大。

部分原因是,没有人真正知道 ETF/Bakkt 会带来什么,同时,数百万人每天都在用三星手机。

Humble opinion: if Samsung integrates crypto to Galaxy S10, I think it may have a bigger impact than ETF and Bakkt combined.

Partially because no one really knows what kind of exposure ETF / Bakkt will bring meanwhile millions of people use Samsung phones daily.



Ben Edgington

Ethereum protocol engineering @PegasysEng @ConsenSys

快来读一读最新版的 What's New in Eth2 (以太坊2.0 会议大纲),我在里面讲述了我对以太坊 PoW 主网的未来的担忧。里面还有一些好料。(详见“阅读原文”)

Come and read my ramblings about the future of #Ethereum's PoW Mainnet in the latest edition of What's New in Eth2. There's some good stuff in there as well. (Click "Source" for detail info. )



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