




创建自定义全景图(原理) (Creating Custom Panoramas)

Each Street View panorama is an image or set of images that provides a full 360 degree view from a single location. The StreetViewPanoramaobject uses images that conform to the equirectangular (Plate Carrée) projection. Such a projection contains 360 degrees of horizontal view (a full wrap-around) and 180 degrees of vertical view (from straight up to straight down). These fields of view result in an image with an aspect ratio of 2:1. A full wrap-around panorama is shown below.

每一个谷歌街景(Street View)全景照片其实是一张或一组提供了从一个地点360度全景视角的照片。街景全景照片是用了遵循“等矩形投影”(equirectangular (Plate Carrée) projection)的图片。这样的一个投影包括了一个360度的水平视野(完整地绕一周)和一个180度的垂直视野(从正上方到正下方)。这样的视野(fields of view)形成了一张宽高比为2:1的图片。一张完整的环绕一周的全景照片如下图。


Panorama images are generally obtained by taking multiple photos from one position and stitching them together using panorama software. (See Wikipedia's Comparison of photo stitching applications for more information.) Such images should share a single "camera" locus, from which each of the panorama images are taken. The resulting 360 degree panorama can then define a projection on a sphere with the image wrapped to the two-dimensional surface of the sphere.



Treating the panorama as a projection on a sphere with a rectilinear coordinate system is advantageous when dividing up the image into rectilinear tiles, and serving images based on computed tile coordinates.


创建自定义的全景图瓦片(Creating Custom Panorama Tiles)

Street View also supports different levels of image detail through the use of a zoom control, which allows you to zoom in and out from the default view. Generally, Street View provides five levels of zoom resolution for any given panorama image. If you were to rely on a single panorama image to serve all zoom levels, such an image would either necessarily be quite large and significantly slow down your application, or be of such poor resolution at higher zoom levels that you would serve a poorly pixellated image. Luckily, however, we can use a similar design pattern used to serve Google's map tiles at different zoom levels to provide appropriate resolution imagery for panoramas at each zoom level.


When a StreetViewPanorama first loads, by default it displays an image consisting of 25% (90 degrees of arc) of the horizontal breadth of the panorama at zoom level 1. This view corresponds roughly with a normal human field of view. Zooming "out" from this default view essentially provides a wider arc, while zooming in narrows the field of a view to a smaller arc.


The StreetViewPanorama automatically calculates the appropriate field of view for the selected zoom level, and then selects imagery most appropriate for that resolution by selecting a tile set that roughly matches the dimensions of the horizontal field of view. The following fields of view map to Street View zoom levels:




Street View zoom level


Field of View (degrees)



1 (默认级别)








Note that the size of the image shown within Street View is entirely dependent on the screen size (width) of the Street View container. If you provide a wider container, the service will still provide the same field of view for any given zoom level, though it may select tiles more appropriate for that resolution instead.


Because each panorama consists of an equirectangular projection, creating panorama tiles is relatively easy. As the projection provides an image with an aspect ratio of 2:1, tiles with 2:1 ratios are easier to use, though square tiles may provide better performance on square maps (since the field of view will be square).


For 2:1 tiles, a single image encompassing the entire panorama represents the entire panorama "world" (the base image) at zoom level 0, with each increasing zoom level offering 4zoomLevel tiles. (E.g. at zoom level 2, the entire panorama consists of 16 tiles.) Note: zoom levels in Street View tiling do not match directly to zoom levels as provided using the Street View control; instead the Street View control zoom levels select a Field of View (FoV), from which appropriate tiles are selected.

2:1比例的图像瓦片的情况下,一个单张环绕整个全景的图片就展现全部的全景“世界”(即源图片),这样的缩放级别(zoomLevel)为0级。随着缩放的增大,将需要4zoomLevel 块图像瓦片。(例如,在2级,整张全景图就要由16块图像瓦片组成。)注意:在铺瓦片时用的缩放等级并不直接对应控制街景视野的缩放等级;而是街景通过哪些砖块适合被选择,来控制缩放级别来选择一个视野(Field of View (FoV))。


Generally, you will want to name your image tiles so they can be selected programmatically. Such a naming scheme is discussed below inHandling Custom Panorama Requests.


