Evaluate multipath olia congestion control algorithm on ns3

The dumbbell topology in [1] is used for to evaluate olia [2] performance on ns3.


 flow1 and flow4 are two subflows of a multipath session. flow2 and flow3 take Reno for rate control. flow1 and flow2 take route(n0->n4). flow3 and flow4 take route(n1->n5).
 The bandiwidth of L1 is 5Mbps.
 The sending rate of each flow:
Evaluate multipath olia congestion control algorithm on ns3_第1张图片
 Packets received rate, here mp denotes the total throughput of the multipath session:
Evaluate multipath olia congestion control algorithm on ns3_第2张图片
  The bottleneck fairness can be maintained byOLIA algorithm.
[1] Evaluation multipath weswood congestion control on ns3
[2] MPTCP Is Not Pareto-Optimal: Performance Issues and a Possible Solution
